The Kulliyyah of Pharmacy : providing shari'ah compliant pharmacy education
Published 2019“…It contains chapters, contributed by the first five rectors themselves, on the contributions they made during the duration they occupied the office. …”
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Book Chapter -
"Loved and not judged": how African/Caribbeans with a diagnosis of schizophrenia experience the therapeutic relationship in psychological therapy: an interpretative phenomenologica...
Published 2020“…African/Caribbean’s are more likely than white and other ethnic groups to be diagnosed with Schizophrenia and tend to have poorer therapeutic outcomes. …”
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Thesis -
An evidence-based cloud incident handling framework
Published 2016“…The first case study simulated uploads, share, read and download files. The artefacts were then analysed based on the activities. …”
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Thesis -
Palm tocotrienol-rich fraction reduced plasma homocysteine and heart oxidative stress in rats fed with a high-methionine diet
Published 2013“…From week 6 onward, folate (8 mg/kg diet) or palm TRF (30, 60 and 150 mg/kg diet) was added into the diet of groups 3, 4, 5 and 6. The rats were then killed. Palm TRF at 150 mg/kg and folate supplementation prevented the increase in plasma total homocysteine (4.14 ± 0.33 and 4.30 ± 0.26 vs 5.49 ± 0.25 mmol/L, p < 0.05) induced by a high-methionine diet. …”
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Consumer protection in Muslim friendly travel agencies services
Published 2016“…With the increasing number of Muslim travelers over the years, Malaysia has been listed as the world top Muslim friendly destination with 5.9 million Muslim tourists visited Malaysia in 2014. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Beam-scanning leaky-wave antenna based on CRLH-metamaterial for millimeter-wave applications
Published 2019“…This paper presents empirical results of an innovative beam scanning leaky-wave antenna (LWA) which enables scanning over a wide angle from -35 to +34.5 degrees between 57 GHz and 62 GHz, with broadside radiation centered at 60 GHz. …”
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Article -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…This was achieved using stepped impedance lines (SIL). No isolators were necessary using the proposed technique. …”
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Thesis -
Accounting treatment for corporate zakat: a critical review
Published 2009“…These inaccuracies, in one way or another, have not been in line with the true spirit of zakat in Islam. More worryingly, some unfavorable consequences may and in fact have already been implicated on the larger Muslim community as a result. …”
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Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi’s views on ijtihad and their relevance to the contemporary Muslim society
Published 2010“…For Mawdudi, ijtihad is the concept, the process, as well as the mechanism by which the Shariah, as elaborated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah is to be interpreted, developed and kept alive in line with the intellectual, political, economic, legal, technological and moral development of society. …”
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Are perceptions of organizational justice universal? an exploration of measurement invariance across thirteen cultures
Published 2011“…Perceptions of justice are more highly intercorrelated in power distant and collectivistic samples, in line with extensions of the relational model of authority. …”
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Article -
Catholic and Islamic perspectives on pain medication in meeting challenges of mercy argument for active euthanasia
Published 2012“…The researcher particularly deliberates on the contemporary Islamic discourse on the issue in line with the relevant legal maxims and general guidance from the primary sources of Islamic law and ethics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Durability and tribological properties of thermally sprayed wc cermet coating under lubricated rolling-sliding contact
Published 2007“…In the experiments, the WC cermet coated steel roller was mated with the carburized hardened steel roller without coating in line contact condition. The coated roller was mated with the smooth non-coated roller under a contact pressure of 1.0 or 1.2 GPa. …”
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Article -
Qur'anic guidance on the legal status of human embryos
Published 2012“…Thus treatment of the human embryo must be in line with this special position given to human beings based on Qur’anic injunctions.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Application of choice of law and choice of forum clauses to Islamic banking and Financial Cross Border Transactions
Published 2012“…In order to address this issue it is suggested that there should be a comprehensive and efficient international standardize set of rules which govern Islamic banking and financial products; and ample of forums to adjudicate disputes resulting from Islamic banking and financial cross border transactions in line with the Shari'ah. If these were facilitated, it is advisable to the parties to choose that international Shari'ah standard as the governing law of the contract and select one of the Islamic banking arbitration centers as the venue to resolve disputes in the spirit of Shari'ah. …”
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Article -
Integration of Islamic input in medical curriculum - Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) experience
Published 2014“…Muslim doctors are those qualified doctors who practise their professional knowledge and skills in line with Islam and upholds the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour. …”
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Article -
Sustainable wellbeing indicators for Malaysia an alternative to current Malaysia wellbeing indicators
Published 2016“…Some of the indicators though in line with the commitment of the government to improve the well-being of Malaysia, but they hardly measure the outcome of the commitments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Future direction of language education in Malaysia
Published 2010“…The study was an investigation of how tertiary level language education evolved in Malaysian universities since 1966. In line with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (2007), the study seeks to profile the range of languages, linguistics, and literature courses and their strengths and unique features across all language departments of different universities in Malaysia. …”
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Monograph -
The practice of female circumcision or female genital mutilation in Islam
Published 2015“…This paper intends to expose the position of Islamic law on female circumcision in line with the fact that such practice has a far reaching negative effect on the physical and psychological wellbeing of the female child. …”
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Article -
Morphogenesis of free neuromasts in the larvae of brown-marbled grouper epinephelus fuscoguttatus
Published 2016“…On the head, the orientation of free neuromasts formed a tangential line to concentric circles around the eyes and nostrils. …”
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Article -
Core crush criterion to determine the strength of sandwich composite structures subjected to compression after impact
Published 2008“…The mechanism of failure of this kind of structure under post-impact compressive loading is due to interaction between three mechanical behaviors: geometrical nonlinearity due to the skin’s neutral line off-set in the dent area, nonlinear response of the core and damages to the skins. …”
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