Ethics in violence and abuse research - a positive empowerment approach
Published 2014“…We conclude with recommendations for ethical decision-making in violence and abuse research: (i) to reconsider participants as active agents and stakeholders; (ii) to prioritise the development of skilled researchers; (iii) to develop situated processes of informed consent and confidentiality; and (iv) to continue to discuss and share practical experiences of feminist research practice that seeks to deliver justice and social change.…”
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E-business framework design using an enhanced Web 2.0 technology
Published 2012“…The opportunity to utilise e-business improves their chances of gaining a larger market share by maximizing product availability, reducing the day-to -day business activity processing time, and providing related services in a convenient and inexpensive way to their customers. …”
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Thesis -
Partnering with AI for instrument development: possibilities and pitfalls
Published 2025“…Partnering with AI for the purpose of developing and refining instruments, however, comes with its share of potential pitfalls. We thereby discuss throughout the paper that instrument development and refinement start and end with human judgment and expertise. …”
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A rule and graph-based approach for targeted identity resolution on policing data
Published 2020“…The dataset contains four ‘known’ identities using a total of five false identities. 23 targets were inputted into the methodology with no knowledge of how many or which had false identities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Developing an IT-based pre-course balancing programme for aviation students
Published 2005“…In line with Government targets to widen access to higher education in the UK (Clark, 2003; DfES, 2003), the Centre for Civil Aviation [CCA] at London Metropolitan University developed a Foundation Degree in Aviation Management & Operations, which was launched in September 2002. …”
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PACE gives boost to European Union accession to ECHR
Published 2009“…This article discusses whether or not the EU’s institutions should be under the supervision of the ECtHR, just like the governments of EU member states.…”
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A qualitative analysis of how therapists experience the therapeutic relationship with adults who were adopted as infants
Published 2014“…Through six semi-structured interviews, adoption counsellors currently working with adult adoptees were asked to share their experiences and understanding of the nature and the role of the therapeutic relationship. …”
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Thesis -
Three Days in the Life of a Full-Time Working, Studying Mum (or How To Avoid Your PhD): Reflections
Published 2012“…Firstly, you are more likely to achieve your goals if you sit down and write for one hour each day, five days consecutively, than if you attempt to sit down and write for five hours the same day. …”
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Investigation and development of a novel metrology standard for the measurement of relative intensity noise and frequency chirp of DFB lasers in optical networks
Published 2007“…This has been modelled via classic FM theory, knowing the line width, and modulation index to obtain a best fit. …”
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Thesis -
Book review: The urban enigma: time, autonomy and postcolonial transformation in Latin America by Simone Vegliò
Published 2023“…The book discusses the projects’ ambitions in line with the vision of modernity at their time while contrasting their aims with the demands of social inclusion, justice, and the continuation of colonial ideas.…”
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Creative strategies that promote student study success
Published 2019“…The purpose of this chapter is to share our experience of developing and teaching an interdisciplinary first-year undergraduate module where we embedded emancipatory and creative study strategies that promote student study success. …”
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Book Section -
Biosemiotics as systems theory: an investigation into biosemiotics as the grounding for a new form of cultural analysis
Published 2012“…By means of the concept of 'isomorphism as structural similarity' (Bertalanffy 1945) the thesis argues that biosemiotics and cybernetics/systems theory share a systems thinking which is grounded in 'transdisciplinarity', 'history' and 'function'. …”
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Thesis -
The suspension of disbelief: the myth of market memories
Published 2009“…The research suggests that candlesticks and candlestick patterns are not correlated with the movements of share prices, and therefore cannot be used to earn abnormal returns. …”
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Thesis -
The establishment and use of cross border criminal intelligence under a European Criminal Intelligence Model in a period of modernism and post modernism societal change in the EU,...
Published 2017“…Policing in Europe has become more complex, due to the nature of organised crime being more and more trans-national and a growing Europeanization in policing as a result of the creation of European agencies like Europol and Eurojust taking over activities which before the Lisbon Treaty remained within the sole responsibility of single Member State. …”
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Thesis -
Image processing and machine learning techniques for Chagas disease detection and identification
Published 2024“…Advanced deep learning architectures like Faster RCNN, RetinaNet, YOLOv8, and FCOS have been adapted, trained, and compared with each other in terms of the detection accuracy of each image. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Unlocking potential : harnessing the pedagogical benefits of e-learning
Published 2008“…This paper outlines the emerging literature that appears to confirm that when e-learning in used in a pedagogically effective way it can have a positive impact across a range of indicators like retention and attainment, and explores the history of innovation in learning and teaching at London Metropolitan University, and the current opportunities offered by e-learning.…”
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