2014 International Design Exchange Project, the 5th Hidden Space Project, Re-energising space
Published 2014“…This is now the 5th Book in the Hidden Space series. It has historically been a project between the Interior design students of London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design and now called the CASS and the students of Dong Yang University, Seoul, South Korea and at points we have also collaborated with Kyung Won University also in Seoul. …”
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Book -
Interaction suppression technique for high-density antenna arrays for mm-wave 5G MIMO systems
Published 2021“…The technique can be applied to mm-Wave 5G MIMO systems.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Minkowski based microwave resonator for material detection over sub-6 GHz 5G spectrum
Published 2023“…This paper describes the performance of a low-cost, high-sensitive microwave resonator for 5G modern wireless communication systems operating through sub-6GHz spectrum. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Putting digital technologies at the forefront of Industry 5.0 for the implementation of a circular economy in manufacturing industries
Published 2023“…Together with a human-centered approach to designing and operating production and logistics in an industrial context, digital technologies can lead to a sustainable, resilient, and human-centric Industry 5.0 (I5.0). This article is one of the first interdisciplinary studies integrating digital technologies and circular economy (CE) concepts in I5.0. …”
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Performance evaluation of different types of graphite electrodes on titanium (Ti - 6A1 - 4V)
Published 2009“…This thesis presents the EDMing of Titanium (Ti-6A1-4V) using POCO EDM 3 and POCO EDM C3 graphites electrodes with diameter of 10 mm. …”
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Thesis -
Ensiklopedia kemukjizatan sains dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah (translation of Mawsu'at al-i'jaz al-'ilmi fi al-Qur'an al-karim wa-al-sunnah al-mutahharah)
Published 2009“…Buku ini memaparkan aspek keajaiban sains di dalam al-Quran dengan harapan agar umat Islam berusaha lebih giat lagi membekali diri mereka dengan ilmu sains seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh saintis muslim silam.…”
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Book -
Parameter optimization of debinding injection moulded Ti-6Al-4V mix with palm stearin and polyethylene
Published 2014“…Debinding process of injection moulded Ti-6Al-4V feedstock was divided into two parts: solvent debinding process to eliminate palm stearin (PS) and thermal pyrolysis to eliminate polyethylene (PE). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Pro-social attitudes towards ethno-religious out-groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey experiment in five countries
Published 2024“…The online survey experiment follows a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design varying the ethno-religious origin of neighbours signalled by the name (Alexander vs Mohammed), the length of their residence (<1 year, 10 years, entire life), and if groceries, or groceries and beer need to be collected. We find that those of minority origin and those who have spent less than a year in a country are disadvantaged. …”
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Influence of chip serration frequency on chatter formation during end milling of Ti6Al4V
Published 2011“…This paper includes the findings of an experimental study on instabilities of the chip formation process during end milling of Ti6Al4V alloy and the influence of these instabilities on chatter formation. …”
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Resilient skies: advancing climate-resilient UAVs for energy-efficient B5G communication in challenging environments
Published 2024“…Additionally, we discuss the challenges environments and propose solutions to improve climateresilient and energy-efficient B5G communication. Emphasizing the adverse effects of climate change on communication networks, The paper’s findings highlight the significant impact of weather conditions on UAV coverage, B5G communication networks, and energy efficiency. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Effect of V-shaped Side Groove on Shear Lips Formation of Aluminium Alloy 6061 by Charpy Impact Test
Published 2024“…This study investigates the effect of V-shaped side grooves on shear lip formation in aluminium alloy 6061 through Charpy impact testing. …”
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Improved tool life in end milling Ti-6A1-4V through workpiece preheating
Published 2009“…This paper presents the investigation of tool life improvement in end-milling of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V through workpiece preheating. End milling tests were conducted on Vertical Machining Centre with full immersion cutting. …”
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Improvement of surface roughness in end milling of Ti6Al4V by coupling RSM with genetic algorithm
Published 2011“…This paper describes mathematically the effect of cutting parameters on Surface roughness in end milling of Ti6Al4V. The mathematical model for the surface roughness has been developed in terms of cutting speed, feed rate, and axial depth of cut using design of experiments and the response surface methodology (RSM). …”
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Statistical approach for the development of tangential cutting force model in end milling of Ti6Al4V
Published 2009“…The present paper discusses the development of a mathematical model for predicting the tangential cutting force produced in end-milling operation of Ti6Al4V. The mathematical model for cutting force prediction has been developed in terms of the input cutting parameters cutting speed, feed rate, and axial depth of cut using response surface methodology (RSM). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of surface roughness of Ti-6Al-4V in electrical discharge machining: A regression model
Published 2011“…Experiments have been conducted on titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V with copper electrode retaining negative polarity as per Design of experiments (DOE). …”
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