The effect of external factors on the students' acceptance of virtual learning.
Published 2011“…This model is an extension of TAM. The primary findings of the study show that perceived of peer encouragement (PPE) has direct influence on the students' attitude to use virtual learning. …”
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Book Chapter -
Kursus asas keibubapaan Muslim dalam memenuhi keperluan ibubapa masa kini : satu kajian kes
Published 2007“…The study concluded that the findings of this case study need to be properly incorporated in future BIP programmes to ensure the needs of both Muslim parents and children are adequately met.…”
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Article -
Facilitating the construction of shared Malaysian identity the teaching of literature
Published 2012“…The inquiry was designed using primarily qualitative research instruments with 7 English Language teachers, and group interviews with 6 groups of students from 4 different schools in Kuala Lumpur. The findings from the analyses of the results show various attitudes, beliefs and teaching and practices in the English language classroom in response to the notion of constructing a shared identity in the Third Space.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The influence of temperature on adsorption capacity of Malaysian coal
Published 2006“…The adsorption capacity of the coal sample shows an inverse relationship with temperature. These findings open a platform for CO2 sequestration to be implemented in Malaysia…”
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Article -
Shared identity construction: the third space exploration
Published 2012“…The inquiry was designed using primarily qualitative research instruments with 7 English Language teachers, and group interviews with 6 groups of students from 4 different schools in Kuala Lumpur. The findings from the analyses of the results show various attitudes, beliefs and teaching and practices in the English language classroom in response to the notion of constructing a shared identity in the Third Space…”
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Spiritual well-being of INSTED, IIUM Students’ and Its relationship with college adjustment
Published 2012“…The researcher used descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and ANOVA to analyzed the data.The findings of this study will benefit parents, counselors, teachers and policy maker…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparing better performing companies from lesser performing companies in successful new product development
Published 2012“…Data collected from 185 Malaysian manufacturing companies by way of a large scale mail survey revealed that there are significant differences exist between the better performing and lesser performing companies with regards to their strategic orientation, marketing knowledge, production skills and resources, ability to develop unique, superior and technologically innovative products that were market driven. The findings suggested that factors that have strong influence on new product development success are all within the control of management and could provide guidance for companies seeking for ways to improve their new product performance record. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Family management from Islamic perspective: an application of quality function deployment and analytic hierarchy process
Published 2009“…The QFD exercise provides the prioritized ‘technical’ requirements (‘hows’). The findings are expected to provide guidelines for having a strong family institution that can contribute towards developing a healthy society. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Women development and environment: Perspective from Malaysia
Published 2012“…At present, research literature on women's issues in Malaysia, especially those on the relationship between women and environment, has been limited in scope. It is hoped that findings on this paper will help increase awareness about the important role women play in societal development, environmental protection and help to promote the integration of environmental agenda within policy and strategies pertaining to women in Malaysia.…”
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Article -
Science teaching styles and student intrinsic motivation: validating a structural model
Published 2014“…400 samples from selected secondary schools students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia have been collected to provide the responses for self constructed questionnaires in the structural equation modeling analysis. The findings provide the implications toward empirical evidence of theory, teaching practice and appropriate interventions that can be addressed and analysis procedure for future research.…”
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Article -
A snapshot of information-seeking behavior literature in health sciences: a bibliometric approach
Published 2010“…Bibliometric analysis was conducted to explore growth of the literature, authorship patterns, and Bradford distribution of the literature and language of dispersion of the literature. The findings indicate that there is a rapid growth of information-seeking behavior in health sciences from 2004 onward. …”
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Towards a sustainable environment: an analysis on courtyards microclimate in the tropical region
Published 2002“…The field experiments have indicated the conditions at shaded and non-shaded conditions of the outdoors. The findings from the analysis of the climatic parameters suggested that shaded conditions are most favorable. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Employee motivational factors: a comparison between Malaysia and Sultanate of Oman
Published 2012“…A detailed comparison has been made on the findings of the motivating factors with regard to the two countries. …”
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Article -
Quality Benchmarking for Online Writing Course: A Malaysian Case Study
Published 2013“…This paper discusses an evaluation conducted on an online English for Academic Writing course offered by a public university in Malaysia and the reaction of the institution to the findings. The adapted version of the Institute of Higher Education Policy (IHEP 2000) benchmarks was used to determine if the course met the quality benchmarks for online learning. …”
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Exploring factors influencing financial planning after retirement: structural equation modeling approach
Published 2013“…The study provides implications of the findings in the concluding section.…”
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Problem-based learning in the English language classroom
Published 2013“…The syllabus, textbook, and instructor were controlled for both groups. The findings of the study showed that in terms of course content, both groups improved but in terms of language the PBL group showed more improvements. …”
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A low-cost PC-based range finder system
Published 2013“…Sound navigation and ranging (SONAR) is a modern ultrasonic range finding technique used for collecting the information about a distant object without any physical contact. …”
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The challenges of implementing gold dinar in Kelantan: An empirical analysis
Published 2013“…All our measurement items were also found to be practical. Though the findings of the study indicate the challenges are not statistically significant, they nevertheless must be addressed if gold dinar is to be adopted in the future. …”
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Incorporating Arabic words in English language teaching: teachers’ perspective
Published 2009“…Based on al-Faruqi’s framework on Islamic English for Islamic vocabulary to be retained in their Arabic form in an effort to maintain the original meanings, a set of questionnaires was distributed to teachers who were teaching English in an Islamic institution to gather their perspectives as to whether there was a need for Islamic English to be incorporated in the teaching of English to Muslim learners. The findings indicated that although half of the teachers did not know what was meant by Islamic English, they have been using Arabic words in their classes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Measuring the optimal government size that contribute to economic growth of the Muslim countries
Published 2015“…It also attempts to identify optimal size of government (role of state) that maximise the economic growth of the countries by applying static and dynamic panel estimations on a widely used ‘growth model’ for assessing the impact of government size on economic growth. The findings indicate that small size of government contributes more on the economic growth of the countries. …”
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Proceeding Paper