Development of remote operability CNC milling
Published 2010“…Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise index…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The system architecture of E-braille by using the microcontroller and external controller unit
Published 2016“…This refreshable braille cell can refresh the character. The pin for each braille cell is controlled by using piezoelectric bimorph. …”
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Evaluation of classifiers in a pressure and latency-based typing biometric system
Published 2011“…System authentication in present time relies on validation by some sort of a password or Personal Identification Number (PIN). However, if an intruder discovers this password or PIN, the user’s account can be easily compromised. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An investigation of defect formation and growth in epoxy resin using light scattering methods
Published 1989“…The later has been attributed to failure occurring at the pin tip epoxy interface causing relaxation in the scattering volume. …”
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Thesis -
Multi-Mode Yagi Uda Patch Array Antenna With Non-Linear Inter-Parasitic Element Spacing
Published 2023“…Applying the inter-parasitic element spacing’s optimization and minimizing the switching circuitry using four RF PIN diodes on the parasitic elements have contributed to the gain achievement of more than 7 dBi.…”
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Histopathological effects of Eurycoma Longifolia jack extract (tongkat ali) on the prostate of rats
Published 2013“…However, although very widely used, it’s possible adverse effects are poorly studied .The objective of this study is to find out if there are any pathological changes that occur in the prostate of rats due to consumption of E.L. root extract. …”
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The tribological behaviour of Fe-C-Al cast iron – effect of temperature
Published 2013“…The wear and friction tests were conducted using universal pin-on-disk machine at 25 0C, 100 0C, 200 0C and 300 0C temperature. …”
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Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…In the present study, wear behavior of the Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons were investigated using a pin-on-disk type apparatus at room temperature. …”
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Biomechanical evaluation and new improvement on ankle external fixator
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Low-loss paper-substrate triple-band-frequency reconfigurable microstrip antenna for sub-7 GHz applications
Published 2023“…In this paper, a low-cost resin-coated commercial-photo-paper substrate is used to design a printed reconfigurable multiband antenna. The two PIN diodes are used mainly to redistribute the surface current that provides reconfigurable properties to the proposed antenna. …”
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Risk of Escherichia coli O157:H7 transmission linked to the consumption of raw milk
Published 2013Get full text
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Concurrent infections in tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) cultured in deep sea cages in Langkawi
Published 2015“…Fish infected with vibriosis showed signs of body ulcerations and haemorrhages of the fins and body with changes in the internal organs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Structural identification of anthocyanins and analysis of concentrations during growth and flowering in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) petals
Published 2007“…In every variety/breeding line tested, cyanidin 3-Orutinoside was detected as the major anthocyanin and the next is cyanidin 3-O-glucoside whereas cyanidin 3-O-rhamnoside and cyanidin 3-O-galactosyl-rhamnoside were trace or not detectable in white and pink flowered buckwheat. Of all the varieties/breeding lines tested, Gan-Chao, a Chinese variety, contained the highest amount of anthocyanins. …”
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Isolation of pigment-producing strain of Staphylococcus kloosii from the respiratory tree of Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota (Brandt, 1835) from Malaysian waters
Published 2013“…The methanolic extracts of the intracellular pigments comprised at least three pigment compounds: an orange pigment compound (major compound), a yellow pigment compound (the least polar) and a pink pigment compound (the most polar). These findings are the first documentation of the pigment composition of S. kloosii as no such record could be found to date.…”
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Students’ colour perception and preference: an empirical analysis of its relationship
Published 2013“…The preference survey includes 11 colours (red, blue, green, pink, purple, brown, orange, yellow, white, black and gray) together with colour description in value and saturation level with five point Likert scales. …”
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Colour effect on physiology in stimulating environment
Published 2016“…Four determined colours, namely strong red, bluish-green, pink and white, were painted in their rooms and divided according to exposures. …”
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