Stakeholders’ Perceptions of an English for Occupational Purposes Course
Published 2013“…A total of 177 respondents consisted of undergraduate students, instructors and academic administrators of the EOP course participated in the study. The findings of this study revealed that the students, instructors and academic administrators, in general were satisfied with the EOP course. …”
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Measuring the vocabulary size of Muslim pre-university students
Published 2013“…The last decade has seen an increased interest in the field of second language vocabulary acquisition (SLVA). The findings in SLVA research point to a need to identify learners’ existing vocabulary size to ensure that they achieved the threshold level of vocabulary. …”
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Pattern generation through feature values modification and decision tree ensemble construction
Published 2013“…Experimental investigation of different types of modification techniques finds that feature values modification with pattern values in the same class is better for generalization.…”
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Atmospheric effects on free space earth-to-satellite optical link in tropical climate
Published 2013“…The measured data are scaled up to the effective distance of slant path lengths and then compared with the predicted values. These findings will be very useful for FSO earth-space communication link designers and can be as a benchmark of FSO system design. …”
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Land cover change detection analysis on urban green area loss using GIS and remote sensing techniques
Published 2013“…Thus this research intends to study the changes of green areas in Kuala Lumpur based on land use detection analysis approach where 3 series of remote sensing images namely SPOT2, SPOT4 and IKONOS for year 1990, 2001 and 2010 have been used to acquire the data on the green area changes aided by ERDAS IMAGINE 2011 and ARGIS 9.2. The finding of the study shows that there is a decrease in the size of green area in Kuala Lumpur from year 1990-2010 due to pressure of urban developments. …”
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The methodology of Ibn Hazm in comparative religion with special reference to his master piece Al-Fasl Fi Al-Milal Wa Al-Ahwa’ Wa Al-Nihal
Published 2013“…On the other hand, the analytical method has been employed to analyze the approach of Ibn Hazm towards the study of Christianity and some of its major doctrines. The findings of this research will enrich the perspective of modern comparative religion with the insights of one of the most original Muslim treaties in theology and improve our understanding of contemporary Muslim approaches to the study and undertaking of comparative religious studies.…”
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Bioaccumulation of selected metals in fresh water haruan fish (channa striatus) collected from Pahang River Basin, Malaysia
Published 2013“…There was a significant variation in the concentration of zinc was observed between tissues of the studied fish (P< 0.05) while copper and lead showed no significant difference in accumulation between selected tissues. Nevertheless, the findings from this study revealed that all the heavy metals concentrations in the tissues were lower than the maximum permissible limit as recommended by The Malaysian Food Regulation and hence safe for human consumption. …”
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Competition law and the Malaysian financial services market: an analysis of the structure and level of competition in the market
Published 2016“…For the insurance sector, general insurance can be considered as ‘unconcentrated’ whereas life insurance is ‘highly concentrated.’ Even though the findings from the market concentration study are not by itself an evidence of anti-competitive behavior, they assist the competition regulator to understand the structure and the nature of the Malaysian financial services market which may facilitate anti-competitive conduct or provide strong incentive for market players to engage in anti-competitive conduct such as collusion and abuse of market power. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigating the antecedents of service quality in low cost carriers and budget airlines
Published 2015“…The data was analysed using Partial Least Square Method. The findings showed that service quality for LCC were determined by tangibles, price, inflight crew, inflight services, on ground crew and flight schedule. …”
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IIUM Pre-sessional students’ Perceptions of Academic Listening Competence and their English Listening Problems
Published 2014“…To this end, questionnaires were administered to 307 pre-university students taking the IELP at CELPAD. The findings of the study indicate that these learners feel that listening competence is important for academic success but they do not regard it as the most difficult skill to master. …”
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An appraisal of online audio Qur'an as a new media tool for civilization
Published 2016“…This study uses quantitative survey research methodology and investigates how online audio Qur'an could be use as a new media tool for civilization. The research findings indicate that “Educational level” and “Using audio Qur’an” exerted a huge impact on positive perception of incorporation of civilization to understanding of Qur'an. …”
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Development of a proposed framework for Tahkim in the Malaysian construction industry
Published 2015“…Experts in the area of construction contract, law, Sharī’ah law, Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh are the key references for the study. The findings of this study suggest that there is an opportunity to employ Tahkīm in resolving the construction disputes in Malaysia, and the framework that contains the key processes and procedures aforementioned has been proposed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in the detection of blunt traumatic intra abdominal injury: our experience in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang...
Published 2012“…Out of these 45 laparotomies, 10 patients had surgically significant injuries that were missed on CT scan findings. The injuries were bowel perforation (n = 4), serosal tear of bowel (n = 1), mesenteric injuries with active haemorrhage (n=3), spleen injury (n = 1) and liver injury (n = 1).…”
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Cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities of Garcinia xanthochymus extracts on cell lines
Published 2016“…Meanwhile, for anti-inflammatory study, all root extracts together with stem bark dichloromethane and n-hexane extracts reduce NO production in LPS-stimulated cells in dose dependent manner. Conclusion: This finding indicated that G. xanthochymus extracts might become interesting candidate for treatment of cancer and inflammation.…”
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Meanings of old age to the elderly in pondok living arrangement in Malaysia
Published 2015“…The use of in-depth interviews yielded social actors' meaning and interpretation of old age in their everyday experience. The findings revealed 7 important themes in relation to understanding old age; old age as a natural life cycle, old age is normal, feeling about old age, old age and physical changes, old age and religion, old age and health and old age and pondok. …”
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The effect of menopause on chronic periodontitis
Published 2016“…On the other hand, significant differences were found between both groups in their percentages of sites with clinical attachment loss of 4-6 mm (p=0.13) and number of missing teeth (p=0.20). The findings of the present study suggest that postmenopausal women have more severe periodontal destruction compared to premenopausal females…”
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The employment of documentary film in enhancing Arabic writing skills among non-native speakers from the experts’ perspective
Published 2016“…Their responses were collected and analysed based on closed-ended and open-ended surveys. The findings and discussion indicated that strong recommendations are given to the credit of the research question. …”
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Contract agreement model for murabahah financing in Indonesia Islamic banking
Published 2016“…This is done by incorporating the dynamics of culture, market demand and Sharia literacy in different banks. Finding of this research will serve as the formula to map the latent degree of Islamic bank’s commitment to their strategic vision and identity as an Islamic-based financial institution. …”
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Occurrence of helminths and coccidia from calves in a commercial farm in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2016“…From this result, Eimeria species were more dominant in calves than helminths. The present findings indicate that Eimeria species infection could be a problem of calves kept in crowding and under intensive management system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Computed Tomography (CT) and pathologic correlation of ovarian tumours in children and adolescents: a review of eight cases
Published 2011“…CT features, correlation with surgical findings and histopathologic (HPE) analysis of the lesions are presented in this review. …”
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Proceeding Paper