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Translating oral histories: a podcast
Published 2023“…In particular, the last approach of editorial insertions renders the translator visible, a deliberate decision made to both respect the original speaker and to remind readers that someone else has shaped the stories being presented.…”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Personality predicts words in favorite songs
Published 2020“…Our study is the first to show how one's personality is related to linguistic cues in someone else's writings. It points to the possibility that people may like certain songs because the linguistic cues in the lyrics are congruent with their personality and hence can satisfy personal needs. …”
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Journal Article -
Manipulating fungal growth in engineered living materials through precise deposition of nutrients
Published 2024“…One main challenge of emerging fungal-based engineered living materials (ELMs) lies in achieving localized multi-material properties in these structures. …”
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Journal Article -
Chiral mirrors
Published 2015“…Mirrors are used in telescopes, microscopes, photo cameras, lasers, satellite dishes, and everywhere else, where redirection of electromagnetic radiation is required making them arguably the most important optical component. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2018“…Inspiration to do this project came fortunately with the advent of “YouTube” which had opened up my world to so much life changing content and as I was watching “The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross” something clicked in my head when he, in one episode said “I spent half my life doing someone else’s thing, painting should make you happy and if it doesn’t make you happy, you’re doing the wrong thing.” …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
L’urgenza del suono come espressione propria: conversazione con Anna Oxa
Published 2024“…In questa conversazione la cantante italiana Anna Oxa riflette sulla sua carriera, sulla sua relazione con i fan, e sugli elementi chiave della sua pratica artistica, come ad esempio l’importanza di creare la propria musica al di là delle pressioni del mondo della celebrità, i dettami dell’industria musicale, o le aspettative tradizionali di genere che esistono nei confronti delle artiste donne nel mondo della musica. …”
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Article -
Public goods in the short and long term
Published 2024“…</p> <p>All three are theory papers, but little else unites them methodologically. Their common thread is a motivation: to improve how classical utilitarians spend their resources, given the complex relationships spending in one time and place can have to other markets or other times. …”
Thesis -
Humans first: why people value animals less than humans
Published 2022“…The key driver behind moral anthropocentrism was thus mere species-membership (<em>speciesism</em>). However, all else equal, participants still gave more moral weight to individuals with higher mental capacities (<em>individual mental capacity principle</em>), suggesting that the belief that humans have higher mental capacities than animals is part of the reason that they give humans moral priority. …”
Journal article -
Exploring demographic disparities in the mastery of higher-order thinking skills among primary school pupils
Published 2024“…Today's pupils should cultivate higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) more than anything else. This study aims to assess the HOTS level among primary school pupils based on demographics and their differences. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Inferno XVI: from the circling sodomites to Geryon’s cord
Published 2024“…Questa lectura analizza le principali sezioni del canto XVI dell’Inferno con particolare attenzione al dialogo fra Dante personaggio e i tre dannati fiorentini, al trattamento della sodomia nella cultura medievale e ai suoi contesti teologici, e al ruolo della profezia in tale canto. …”
Journal article -
Use of artificial intelligence in critical care: opportunities and obstacles
Published 2024“…Background Perhaps nowhere else in the healthcare system than in the intensive care unit environment are the challenges to create useful models with direct time-critical clinical applications more relevant and the obstacles to achieving those goals more massive. …”
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Article -
Three essays on corporate finance
Published 2016“…Further analysis shows that less environmentally responsible firms have a lower fraction of bank debt in total debt, all else equal, consistent with the notion that banks are more environmentally sensitive than other lenders. …”
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Thesis -
The impact of social isolation on delayed hospital discharges of older hip fracture patients and associated costs
Published 2015“…These two variables also increased the number of days of delayed discharges (2.6 and 4.9 extra days, respectively, holding all else constant). Patients who were admitted from an institution were less likely to have delayed discharges (OR 0.2) with 5.5 fewer days of delay. …”
Journal article -
India's comprehensive economic engagement with east and southeast Asia.
Published 2011Get full text
Thesis -
Estimation of diaphragm wall deflections for deep braced excavation in anisotropic clays using ensemble learning
Published 2021“…Surrogate models were developed via ensemble learning methods (ELMs), including the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Random Forest Regression (RFR) to predict the maximum lateral wall deformation (δhmax). …”
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Journal Article -
Microfinance and poverty alleviation : experience in Bangladesh and Cambodia
Published 2010Get full text
Thesis -
Electromagnetic (EM) propagation through iron (III) oxide-based building materials embedded with electrically small antennas at microwave frequencies (part 1)
Published 2023“…Moreover, it was also found that embedding ESA inside concrete will result in the increase of resonant frequency over time as the concrete cures.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Intraperitoneal administration of mRNA encoding interleukin-12 for immunotherapy in peritoneal carcinomatosis
Published 2025Journal article -
Investigation of flow over textured surfaces
Published 2018“…The chemicals used were Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Ethanol with Stearic Acid (ESA). HCL and NaOH were used to alter the surface of AA 6061 while ESA was used to lower the surface energy of the samples. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)