The difference in the skills employment, job training satisfaction and job engagement by training duration among NDTS Apprentices in Southern region of Malaysia
Published 2023“…This enhances the ability of employees to find employment opportunities and earn income with the help of their skills. …”
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Article -
An assessment of the local residents’ perceptions on the socioeconomic impact of Iskandar Malaysia
Published 2016“…Results from the study revealed that the majority of the respondents lacked the necessary awareness and avenue to participate in the Iskandar Malaysia’s decision making process. The findings of the study showed that the new regional development area is under Malaysian government’s directive and used complete top-down approach in its implementation approach.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Does economic freedom fosters banks’ performance? Panel evidence from Malaysia
Published 2010“…The empirical findings seem to suggest that corruption has a corrosive impact on Malaysian banks’ profitability. …”
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Article -
Promoting the Individual Learning Styles of Masters Students Studying Marketing-related Modules through the Use of YouTube Video-Clips
Published 2007“…It is often hard for academics to find resource material, particularly visual material for new and emerging disciplines; particularly when Universities are developing courses faster than teaching materials are made generally available. …”
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Batu pahat car workshops finder
Published 2017“…Batu Pahat Car Workshops Finder is an application for driver to find the nearest car workshops with the current location and can get GPS navigation to the selected car workshop. …”
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A case report of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour in a 9-year-old girl
Published 2011Get full text
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Endoscopic-assisted enucleation of radicular cysts - a case report
Published 2010Get full text
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Transformasi fikah semasa: evolusi hukum Islam
Published 2010“…Di bawah pengaruh dunia baru dengan segala kemajuannya, baik dari segi ekonomi, sosial mahupun sains dan teknologi, hampir semua perkara dalam kehidupan moden sekarang ini telah berubah. …”
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Book -
Wear behavior of as-cast and heat treated triple particle size SiC reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites
Published 2009“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Article -
Hijab wearing among Malay women in Malaysia: media or social influence?
Published 2013“…This study was conducted to find out the perception of Muslim women on the extent to which media and people surrounding them influence their hijab (head cover) wearing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Banks total factor productivity change in a developing economy: does ownership and origins matter?
Published 2011“…On the other hand, the empirical findings seem to reject the ‘liability of unfamiliarness’ hypothesis.…”
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Article -
Financial disruptions and bank productivity growth: evidence from the Malaysian experience
Published 2009“…The non-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) is used to compute individual banks’ productivity levels. We find that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress due to the decline in efficiency. …”
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Article -
Cystic meningioma masquerading as a metastatic tumor: A case report
Published 2016“…The diagnosis of cystic meningioma is clinically challenging as the finding of multiple intra-axial tumors, including metastatic tumors, is relatively common. …”
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Article -
Computed tomography of blunt spleen injury: a pictorial review
Published 2011“…The CT features of spleen injury include Iaceration, subcapsular or parenchymal haematomas, active haemorrhage, and vascular injuries.We present a pictorial review of the spectrum of CT findings for blunt splenic injuries. This article will be a useful reference for radiologists and surgeons as CT scan is widely used for the accessment of splenic injuries and contributes to the current trend towards nonsurgical management of this injury…”
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Article -
Potensi pelajar dalam kegiatan kokurikulum di Kolej Vokasional, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan dan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Negeri Johor
Published 2019“…Seramai 189 guru dan 419 pelajar dari KV Kluang dan KV Batu Pahat, 280 guru dan 632 pelajar dari SMK Senggarang, SMK Dato’ Bentara Luar dan SMK Tun Ismail serta 95 guru dan 298 pelajar dari SM Sains Batu Pahat dan SM Sains Muar telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. …”
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Thesis -
Perineal myxoid liposarcomas: a case report and literature review
Published 2010Get full text