Avrupa ve ABD'de Sağcı Popülizm ve Din (Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA)
Published 2022“…The claim is that Muslims should be excluded or subjected to extensive control for the benefit of indigenous (nativist) communities, as they are unable to adopt European or American-like norms, values and behaviours. Right-wing populists in the US and Europe follow this strategy because they see it as compatible with public opinion, which coincides with a tremendous period of uncertainty, instability and insecurity.…”
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Enhancement of precise underwater object localization
Published 2023“…We have considered the factors like sensor nodes not being in time sync with each other and the fact that the speed of sound varies in water. …”
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Breast cancer detection based on simplified deep learning technique with histopathological image using BreaKHis database
Published 2023“…This is followed by applying transfer learning techniques in the deep convolutional networks like ResNet, ResNeXt, SENet, Dual Path Net, DenseNet, NASNet, and Wide ResNet. …”
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New data processing strategy for intelligent CNC machine tool controller using function block technology
Published 2022“…The emerging standards like ISO 14649 and ISO 10303 (AP238), also known as STEP-NC, present an opportunity to revolutionize the way CNC machines are traditionally programmed and give promising alternatives to G-codes. …”
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Thesis -
The potential of porcelain waste as sand replacement to produce high strength concrete
Published 2021“…An alternative in promotion to green environment is an effective and efficient recycling system by reusing solid waste materials like porcelain waste (PW). Recently, due to high demand in the construction industries, consumption of sand has increased which lead to series of problems such as natural sand depletion and its negative impact on the environment. …”
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Industrial revolution 4.0 implementation: current practice and barriers in manufacturing firms of Malaysia
Published 2020“…Malaysia has been rather slow-moving to embrace Industry 4.0 if compared with neighboring countries like Thailand or Vietnam which already have Industry 4.0 policy frameworks earlier than Malaysia. …”
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Thalassemia Screening by Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Platform Twitter
Published 2023“…Today Twitter is one of the most influential social media platforms for sharing opinions and discussing different topics like people’s health conditions and major public health affairs. …”
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Effect of α-aluminium oxide nano additives with Sal biodiesel blend as a potential alternative fuel for existing DI diesel engine
Published 2022“…The present paper employs a systematic methodology to examine the performance of a 20% volumetric blend of Sal biodiesel (S20) blended with diesel using αaluminium oxide (α-Al2O3) nanoparticles (NP) as additives and is compared with a diesel under like circumstances. The central composite design, Box-Behnken design (BBD) based response surface methodology, and desirability tests are used in the organized experiments on a diesel engine configuration to facilitate calibration. …”
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A study on issues of photovoltaic modules in solar energy system on safety, health and environmental aspect
Published 2024“…Solar energy benefits include reduced carbon emissions, no need for fossil fuels, long-term solar resources and shorter payback period. Solar energy, like other forms of energy, has various safety, health and environmental (SHE) issues. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Future temperature for drought prediction in Bukit Merah, Perak by using SDSM modelling
Published 2024“…Global climate research is increasingly focused on severe temperature changes due to severe climatic phenomena like droughts and heat waves globally. This research aims to forecast maximum and minimum temperatures in Bukit Merah, Perak, for the years 2020-2050 and 2050-2080. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Aerodynamic Effects of High-Speed Train Positions During Tunnel Exit Under Crosswind Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Published 2024“…Strong crosswinds can cause catastrophic accidents like overturning and derailment in extreme circumstances, therefore the train's capacity to tolerate their impacts is crucial. …”
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Enhanced binding interaction and antibacterial inhibition for nanometal oxide particles activated with Aloe Vulgarize through one-pot ultrasonication techniques
Published 2024“…It was found that the formed flower-like structure with sharp edge and fine size of particulates in ZnO NPs/AV could enhance the bacterial inhibition. …”
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Study the electrical stress withstand properties of heated refined bleached and deodorized palm oil dielectrics
Published 2015“…Mineral oil application in power system equipment can be potentially hazardous to the environment especially when there are any incidents during operational time like transformer explosion which may cause a spill of oil to the soil or water stream. …”
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Synthesis and characterization of polyaniline/magnetite nanocomposites for fabrication of nanofiber textile
Published 2019“…Polymers nanocomposites containing inorganic fillers like metal particles dispersed in the polymer matrix are of great interest for the optical and dielectric application. …”
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Combustion of pelletized empty fruit bunch and oil palm shell in a swirling fluidized bed combustor
Published 2018“…Alternative fuels are therefore sought to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emission which was believed to be the main reason for global warming. In countries like Malaysia, biomass is available in abundance thus making it the preferred alternative fuel in comparison to other sources. …”
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Computationally-efficient path planning algorithms in obstacle-rich environments based on visibility graph method
Published 2018“…On the other hand, to overcome the kinematic constraint of a car-like robot, Proportional controller, Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller and Bezier curves have been implemented to ensure that the resulting paths are feasible. …”
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Analysis of a high pressure diesel spray at high pressure and temperature environment conditions
Published 2013“…Tests under non-evaporative conditions have been carried out in an optically accessible high pressure vessel filled with inert gas (N2) at diesel-like density conditions. The instantaneous fuel injection rate, obtained with a time resolution of 10 microseconds, has been also evaluated by an AVL Fuel Meter working on the Bosch Tube principle. …”
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Design and economic analysis of solar home system for urban areas of Mogadishu using homer software
Published 2019“…The electrification and economics information on combination of photovoltaic systems, in the form of SHS and other renewable energy like stand-alone systems, to provide a reliable and economic system.…”
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Thesis -
The evaluation of information security of hospital information system (his) using cobit 5 framework: case study at Soreang Hospital, Indonesia
Published 2019“…Even though HIS has a lot of benefits, but on the other hand, it also has several issues of the system such as misuses of data and data loss, due to this flaw HIS has been integrated into several systems in the hospital like administrating the management of patients’ and clinic’s record. …”
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Thesis -
Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology
Published 2019“…All the blocks are then send to the central processing unit, like a microcontroller. The block of data is then processed, identified and encrypted before send over the internet network. …”
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