新加坡华族移民家庭学前儿童汉语语言习得个案分析 = A case study on a Chinese immigrant pre-school child’s language acquisition in Singapore
Published 2014“…All these questions aimed to find out the factors that may influence the child's language acquisition.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
历史与文学的交错 :论李靖多重形象的演变 = The entwinement of history and literature : a study on the multiple images of Li Jing
Published 2015“…Today, Li Jing is still widely well-received as he continues to find life in various medium. Even with the evolution of time, the charm of Li Jing has yet to diminish. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Essays on social responsibility in the marketplace : an experimental economic analysis
Published 2018“…The responses of sellers and the behavioral change of buyers are subsequently examined. We find that sanctions exert a positive impact on socially responsible production but conversely, diminish the impulses towards socially responsible behavior in buyers. …”
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Thesis -
Offset-16QAM-based coherent WDM with multi-carrier group detection
Published 2018“…Moreover, 0.5 dB required OSNR penalty at BER=10-3 is obtained given 18 GHz ADC bandwidth. Besides, we find that side carriers suffer from severer performance degradation than the central carrier with limited ADC resolution and only 0.08 dB and 0.2 dB required OSNR penalty at BER=10-3 are secured with 6 bits ADC resolution for central carrier and side carriers, respectively.…”
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Conference Paper -
Upper mantle rheology from GRACE and GPS postseismic deformation after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
Published 2012“…This suggests that the localization of relatively low viscosity in the asthenosphere is chiefly in the transient viscosity rather than the steady state viscosity. We find a 8.10^18 Pa s mantle viscosity in the 220–660 km depth range. …”
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Journal Article -
Message from ICME'12 technical program chairs
Published 2013“…We have designed the program in such a way that ICME audience will not miss the keynotes, overview talks and the plenary session, and can always find a high quality talk of interest at the parallel oral sessions. …”
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Conference Paper -
A sociological analysis of Iranian popular music in the 21st century
Published 2015“…Based on reference to the history of Iranian popular music, this research aims at analyzing the nature of Iranian popular music and to find out what are the constituent elements of such social phenomenon in order to present an analytical definition of it. …”
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Thesis -
Effective and efficient topic mining and exploration from geo-textual data
Published 2018“…For example, a social scientist may want to find out breaking events by submitting regions and time spans in an exploratory manner. …”
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Thesis -
Analysing social presence in Whatsapp application using LIWC analysis
Published 2023“…While many studies have explored social presence in various online contexts, there is a gap in understanding the linguistic elements that indicate social presence using computerised text analysis programs like Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC). Therefore, this study aims to analyze social presence, specifically in WhatsApp, using the LIWC program. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Quantifying thermophysical properties, characterization, and thermal cycle testing of nano-enhanced organic eutectic phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications
Published 2022“…It could be potentially deployed in the thermal management of medium-temperature systems like PVT and LCPVT systems.…”
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Article -
An ensemble deep learning model for vehicular engine health prediction
Published 2024“…We assessed the performance of the developed vehicular engine health monitoring systems using a deep learning model based on essential measures like root mean square error, root mean square deviation, mean absolute error, accuracy, confusion matrix, and area under the curve. …”
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Article -
Electrospun nanofibers of collagen and chitosan for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications: A review
Published 2025“…This review also investigates into the fabrication techniques of nanofibers, highlighting the use of biopolymers like collagen and chitosan, chiefly, focuses on understanding the mechanisms of drug-releasing features of these nanofibers. …”
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Article -
Dual Origin of Viscoelasticity in Polymer-Carbon Black Hydrogels: A Rheometry and Electrical Spectroscopy Study
Published 2024“…For �<��, i.e., for low CMC concentration, the gel is electrically conductive and shows a glassy-like viscoelastic spectrum, pointing to a microstructure composed of a percolated network of CB nanoparticles decorated by CMC. …”
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Article -
Carbon–cement supercapacitors as a scalable bulk energy storage solution
Published 2024“…Texture analysis reveals that the hydration reactions of cement in the presence of carbon generate a fractal-like electron-conducting carbon network that permeates the load-bearing cement-based matrix. …”
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Article -
Percutaneous Intratumoral Immunoadjuvant Gel Increases the Abscopal Effect of Cryoablation for Checkpoint Inhibitor Resistant Cancer
Published 2024“…To address these shortcomings, an injectable thermoresponsive gel‐based controlled release formulation is developed for the FDA‐approved Toll‐like‐receptor 7 (TLR7) agonist imiquimod (“Imigel”) that forms a tumor‐resident depot upon injection and contains a contrast agent for visualization under computed tomography (CT). …”
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Article -
Search for long-lived heavy neutrinos in the decays of B mesons produced in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV
Published 2024“…Limits at 95% confidence level on the sum of the squares of the mixing amplitudes between heavy and light neutrinos, |VN|2, and on cτN are obtained in different mixing scenarios for both Majorana and Dirac-like N particles. The most stringent upper limit |VN|2 < 2.0 × 10−5 is obtained at mN = 1.95 GeV for the Majorana case where N mixes exclusively with muon neutrinos. …”
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Article -
An Optimal Tradeoff between Entanglement and Copy Complexity for State Tomography
Published 2024Get full text
Article -
MetRoBERTa: Leveraging Traditional Customer Relationship Management Data to Develop a Transit-Topic-Aware Language Model
Published 2024“…Finally, we provide a value proposition of this work demonstrating how the language model, alongside additional text processing tools, can be applied to add structure to open-ended text sources of feedback like Twitter. The framework and results we present provide a pathway for an automated, generalizable approach for ingesting, visualizing, and reporting transit riders' feedback at scale, enabling agencies to better understand and improve customer experience.…”
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Article -
Multifunctional Wireless Gut-Brain Neurotechnology
Published 2024“…Cutting edge neurobiological tools like optogenetics, chemogenetics, and activity-based sensors have revolutionized studies of the brain. …”
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Thesis -
Envisioning Water: Sustainability and Future-Making in Dubai and Los Angeles
Published 2024“…Second, I consider how these interests, forces, and effects emerge from and get mediated through entrenched structures like bureaucratic systems, accumulation regimes, and sunken investments, which produce a stickiness to infrastructures and infrastructural visions that renders change challenging, slow, and incremental. …”
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