Optimization of process parameters on EDM milling of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2011“…The result shows that the machining parameter setting of voltage 120 V, rotational speed of electrode 1200 rpm and feed rate 4μm/s, gives optimized responses MRR 5.0259 x 10-3 mm3/min, EWR 53% and Ra 0.79 μm.…”
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Special oil from date palm kernel
Published 2011“…The moisture content for DN and MO were determined to be 4.176 % and 5.335% respectively. The extracted oil was then analyzed for acid value (AV), unsaponifiable oil and total phenolic content. …”
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Book Chapter -
Synthesis of Ti02 N anosized Powder Photocatalyst Via Solgel Method for Bacteria Inactivation Application
Published 2011“…Anatase structured Ti02 is a wide bandgap (3.2 eV) semiconductor which, under UV light, is able to degrade chemicals and cell components of microorganisms. …”
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The effect of diosgenin and condensed tannin in Musa x paradisiaca flower on rats milk composition and growth rate of suckling pups
Published 2012“…Pups growth rate was significantly improved for the groups treated with the aqueous and diosgenin extract in which the equation are y = 1.871x – 0.271 and y = 1.712x + 2.059, compared to negative control, metochlopramide and tannin which are y = 1.434x + 2.221, y = 1.349x + 3.602 and y = 1.221x + 5.397, respectively. The proximate value in dry weight basis of milk showed that it contains of moisture, fat, protein, ash and carbohydrate of 4.179 – 5.739 %, 36.248 – 45.563 %, 30.323 – 34.293 %, 6.52 - 8.451 % and 10.475 – 16.751 %, respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Minimum chip thickness in machining MEMS structure using Tool Based Micromilling
Published 2011“…However,the issue in tool based micromilling is the minimum chip thickness which is often between5-30% of the tool edge radius. No chip will form if the depth of cut cannot achieve the minimum chip thickness value.The lack of control on minimum chip thickness often leads to the coarse machined surface, poor machining accuracy and difficult in chip removal from the machining zone which leads to burrformation.Hence, the chip formation mechanism should be studied deeply to avoid these problems.In this research WC was elected for tool material and Aluminium Alloy 1100 for work material for the investigation of minimum chip thickness.The experiment is being conducted on a miniature machine known as Microtools Integrated Multi-purpose machine modelled DT-110.The value of chip thickness produced by tool 4.8μmwith3mm/min feedrate,3000rpm cutting speed and 5μm depth of cut.The minimum chip thickness is useful for machining Micro electromechanical System(MEMS) and Bio-MEMSstructures.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pediatric melioidosis in Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2005“…The mean age of these patients was 9.5 +/- 5.4 years. None of the patients had a previous history of confirmed melioidosis or predisposing factors for infection. …”
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Nonlinear modeling and simulation of waste energy harvesting system for hybrid engine: fuzzy logic approach
Published 2013“…The waste energy recovery from the coolant by using weHS is simulated for the coolant flow rate of 2.0 kg/s, 2.5 kg/s, and 3.0 kg/s. The simulations result shows that the waste energies that could be recovered by using weHS are 30.9% for 2.0 kg/s, 32.57% for 2.5 kg/s, and 35% for 3.0 kg/s of the energy that engine lost to the coolant. …”
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Study on toxic chemicals in Kuantan river during pre and pst monsoon season
Published 2013“…The results of this study showed that the metalloid such as arsenic ranged from 5.05 to 32.09 ug/L during pre-monsoon and from 5.71 to 22.81 ug/L during post-monsoon. …”
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Alcohol consumption and its effect on testicular structure and on sperm count and motility in parent mice and their offspring
Published 2013“…Methods: Animals were divided into two groups, Group 1 (alcohol group) of twelve male and twelve female mice, were given a daily dose of (3 g/kg body weight as 25%, v/v) ethanol by gastric gavage for four and eight weeks. …”
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Investigation of effects of different media on CHO cell growth and production of IGFI
Published 2012“…Using univariate analysis, RPMI gave higher saturation density (9.13 x 10^5 cells/ml) and IGF-1 (31.56 pg/ml) concentration when compared to Ham's 12 (saturation density: 8.65 x 10^5 cells/ml; IGF-1: 29.87 pg/ml). …”
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Monograph -
Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contamidated Soils
Published 2012“…The biodegradability test showed 95.8% removal of TPH within 7 days of incubation while the kinetics parameters were µmax = 0.02 hr1 and ks = 2.2% v/v oil. From the bioremediation results, the optimum degradation obtained was 99.3% within 13 days. …”
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Monograph -
Risk factors and predictors of levodopa-induced dyskinesia among multiethnic Malaysians with Parkinson's disease
Published 2014“…Results: The mean age was 65.6 ± 8.5 years. The mean onset age was 58.5 ± 9.8 years. …”
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Pollution load management to improve water quality of Sg. Pusu
Published 2013“…To achieve Class II, at least 122 kg/hr of BOD5 and 42 kg/hr of NH3-N have to be reduced.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Trade openness, real exchange rate, gross domestic investment and growth in Indonesia
Published 2014“…All the estimated coefficients of the long-run equation have the correct positive signs and significant at least at the 5 per cent level. Specifically, in the long run, a 1 per cent increase in trade openness leads to about 26.5 per cent increase in Indonesian real GDP, a 1 per cent increase in domestic investment will spur real GDP by 1.8 per cent, and a 1 per cent depreciation of the rupiah raises real GDP by about 6.4 per cent. …”
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Simulation of models and BER performances of DWT-OFDM versus FFT-OFDM
Published 2011“…It is found that the DWT-OFDM platform is superior as compared to others as it has less error rate, especially using bior5.5 or rbior3.3 wavelet family. …”
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Book Chapter -
Extraction of fish oil from longtail tuna head waste using various method of supercritical carbon dioxide
Published 2013“…The highest C02 consumption was found in continuous technique (943.5 gN a ed by pressure swing (393.1 g), and co-solvent technique (258.6 g) respectively at 65 °C and 40 MPa. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of water vapor on high temperature oxidation of Fe-Cr alloys at 1073K
Published 2009“…To prepare the humid condition, Ar-5% H2 gas mixture of 3 � 104 Pa was filled in the apparatus, which provided the water vapor pressure of 3:3 � 102 Pa. …”
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Laparoscopic cystectomy in pregnancy: an 8 year series
Published 2009“…The gestational age ranges from 5 weeks to 20 weeks. The mean gestation in which the surgery was performed was 14 weeks. …”
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Speciation of mercury in environmental water samples with seasonal change.
Published 2011“…The absolute detection limits were found to be 0.204 μg L-1 and 0.273 μg L-1 for total mercury and methyl mercury respectively, with thevariability being lower than 5% relative standard deviation (RSD) at the 5 μg L-1 level. …”
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GAMMA shaped monopole patch antenna for tablet PC
Published 2015“…The typical frequencies at 789.5 MHz, 988.1 MHz, 2.088 GHz and 2.376 GHz are having peak gain of 2.94 dBi, 2.11 dBi, 5.81 dBi, 4.84 dBi and radiation efficiencies of 95.57 %, 87.32 %, 96.67 % and 95.36 %, respectively. …”
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