Possible legal framework to pioneer Islamic banking in the Maldives: lessons to learn from Malaysia
Published 2011“…If a single bank monopolises the whole industry, the growth of Islamic banking in the Maldives might be jeopardised. Like Malaysia, the Maldives may amend its conventional banking legislations and allow foreign banks like the HSBC Bank to open Islammic banking windows in the country. …”
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A case study on design and manufacture of tilting pad thrust bearing for steam turbine of fertilizer factories
Published 1996“…Tilting pad thrust bearing is a critical and very expensive spare part of fertilizer factories. Like many other spares this spare has to be imported because it is not locally manufactured. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of the influence of the properties of the work and tool materials on performance level of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process
Published 1997“…From the experimental results it was observed that the curves of MRR versus machining time show convex behavior, specially after long duration of machining. It was also observed that the MRR and WR are inversely proportional to the melting points of the work and tool materials respectively. …”
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Book Chapter -
In vitro surface efficacy of CaP-based anodised titanium for bone implants
Published 2023“…However, the coating at 450 V was observed to suffer from delamination, indicating the needle-like structure is mechanically unstable. After 7 days of SBF immersion, the 450 V sample was highly bioactive relative to the 350 V sample. …”
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In vitro surface efficacy of CaP-based anodised titanium for bone implants
Published 2023“…However, the coating at 450 V was observed to suffer from delamination, indicating the needle-like structure is mechanically unstable. After 7 days of SBF immersion, the 450 V sample was highly bioactive relative to the 350 V sample. …”
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Gold dinar: the next component in Islamic economics, banking and finance
Published 2009“…This paper reasons that the use of real monies like the gold dinar, like that which existed during the Prophet's time, as necessary for realizing a stable and just Islamic economic and monetary system. …”
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Book Chapter -
Macroeconomic effects of world oil and food price shocks in Asia and Pacific economies: application of SVAR models
Published 2013“…The study reveals that the economic activities of resource-poor countries that specialise in heavy manufacturing industries, like Korea and Taiwan, are highly affected by world oil price shocks. …”
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Relief Shelter Design (Malaysia Flood- December 2013)
Published 2015“…The late December 2013 flood is a land tsunami that has largely affected Kelantan, Malaysia especially in place like Manek Urai. This is the first time in Malaysia history, where the flood level reached more than 100 feet in many places. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cryptocurrency: To regulate or not to regulate?
Published 2016“…Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cooperative robot and user friendly robot - new challenge in robotics
Published 2011“…Some researcher is trying to make human like robot. Robots that will be imitate human characteristics in movement, learning etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A high-gain quasi-fractal antenna with wide range operation for 5G applications over V-band spectrum
Published 2022“…In this paper, a vertical cascade of T-shaped fractal-like antenna is presented for operating at V-band. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multivariate modelling for prediction of time-series blood glucose level using vector autoregression (VAR)
Published 2024“…Predicting glucose levels remains a significant challenge in diabetes management, with various factors influencing regulation. Modern technologies like AI and ML offer potential solutions by implementing prediction systems. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…This paper will evaluate Malay mythology and the science of symbols from the perennialists point of view by taking into of consideration the various explanations made by scholars like Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr regarding myths, symbols and imageries in traditional thought and literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
After progress: digital exhibition
Published 2022“…What would counter-progressive stories sound like? What possibilities and potentialities might they make perceptible?…”
Show/Exhibition -
صكوك المضاربة والمشاركة في ضوء البيان الصادر عن هيئة المحاسبة والمراجعة للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية لعام 2008 : التحديات والفرض Sukuk al-Mudharibah w al-Musharikah fi Dhu'i al-Bay...
Published 2009“…In short, they expect sukuk to behave like conventional bonds in terms of capital preservation, periodic distribution frequency and rate of return. …”
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Article -
Phytochemical and in vitro antidiabetic investigations of stems of Tetracera Indica Merr., a Malaysian traditional medicinal plant
Published 2015“…Results showed that MHQ-1, MHQ-2 and MHQ-4 induced adipogenesis like insulin and enhanced adipogenesis like rosiglitazone significantly. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Growth medium with low serum and transforming growth factor beta 3 promotes better chondrogenesis of bone marrow-derived stem cells in vitro and in vivo
Published 2011“…Adult mesenchymal stem cells are candidate cells for cartilage tissue engineering due to their ability to undergo chondrogenic differentiation after extensive expansion, and induced with growth factors.1 Sustained delivery of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß)3 induces differentiation of human bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) into chondrocytes.2 Bone marrowderived stem cells undergo chondrogenesis in a variety of culture conditions, and the addition of TGF-ßs has generally enhanced chondrogenesis regardless of culture method.3 "echondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs induced by growth factors, such as TGF-ß3, and insulin like growth factor (IGF)-1 can inhibit the instability of the chondrocyte phenotype, promote extracellular matrix secretion, and maintain cartilage matrix macromolecules during chondrogenesis.4 "e shift from TGF-ß3 to IGF-I at week 3 resulted in a significant increase of cartilage-like extracellular matrix.5 "is study aimed to examine the effect of TGF-ß3 and TGF-ß2 on BMSCs chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo.…”
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Article -
Development of free neuromasts in larvae of mouse grouper, Cromileptes altivelis
Published 2006“…The apical surface of the free neuromasts changed in outline from a circular shape to a lozenge shape, suggesting that the shape of the cupula changes from a stick-like shape to a vane-like shape. The number of sensory cells of the free neuromasts increased with larval growth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Iterative spatial sectoring algorithm: a computer based approach to determining area of irregular closed space and tumor volume
Published 2011“…Measuring the properties of regular shapes like triangles, parallelogram, and geometric figures like circle, and spheres have well established methods and formulae. …”
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