Late-quaternary environmental change at Eastbourne, East Sussex
Published 1985“…The pattern of sedimentation and the vegetation successions are placed within a regional context, and then combined to produce a model of landscape evolution for the late-Quaternary at Eastbourne.…”
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Thesis -
In-situ discrimination of gemstones using semi quantitative analysis based on libs-pca method
Published 2023“…LIBS is performed using 300mJ of Nd:YAG laser and a USB2000+ spectrometer with a spectral range of 600-900nm, which then analyze using the Origin software. The lenses were placed 2cm - 6cm - 11cm respectively from the laser source. …”
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Thesis -
Noise Emissions Mapping from Ampang Line LRT
Published 2023“…The measurement of noise level for train passing-by was measured using B&K Type 2250 which was placed at 1.2 meter above the ground level. Noise measurement was carried out using 25 m x 25 m grid lines with short-term sampling method of 20 minutes of measurement for each point. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Centralized RSU deployment strategy for effective communication in multi-hop vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs
Published 2023“…In VANETs communication is ineffective without presence of Road Side Units (RSUs). In some places due to lack of RSUs data transmission is improve as well as end to end delay and routing overhead is increased during the time of communication so effective RSU deployment is very essential to provide effective communication in multi-hop VANETs. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Investigation of vehicle body radiation pattern as an antenna transmission system
Published 2015“…From the simulation, the electromagnetic field distribution show that the field strength is highly concentrated from within the vehicle due to the antenna source is placed there. Besides that, the H-field strength shows different parts of the car exhibits different types of characteristics when it comes to field intensity distribution. …”
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Thesis -
IoT based black box for vehicles
Published 2020“…The research covers the design of a black box for vehicles with the same concept as a black box placed on an aircraft. The black box in this project will be able to detect if an accident has happened by using the relevant sensors to collect the information from the vehicle. …”
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Book Section -
Monetary and banking implications of the shari‘ah emphasis on existence of capital at the outset of joint ventures
Published 2012“…This is crucial for determining the form in which the existence and presence of capital could be ensured. The emphasis placed in shari‘ah on existence and presence of capital could indicate a measure for thwarting unwelcome monetary expansion, thus controlling inflation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An investigation on the audit committee’s effectiveness: the case for GLCs in Malaysia
Published 2012“…As at 31 December 2010, there were 33 public-listed companies categorized as Government-Linked Companies (GLC Transformation Policy, 2010) and there were 20 firms that have complete data which resulted in the total number of firm-year observations to 120 for six years (year 2003-2009). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Protective effect of treatment with black cumin oil on spatial cognitive functions of rats that suffered global cerebrovascular hypoperfusion
Published 2012“…Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD)and its subsequent cognitive impairment in which oxidative stress and neuroinflammation are the principal culprits. …”
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Article -
Audit committee's effectiveness and financial reporting quality: the case of GLCs in Malaysia
Published 2012“…As at 31 December 2010, there were 33 public-listed companies categorized as Government-Linked Companies (GLC Transformation Policy, 2010) and there were 20 firms that have complete data which resulted in the total number of firm-year observations to become 120 for six years (year 2003-2009). …”
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Book -
Assessment of ibuprofen as a neuroprotective agent in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced neurodegeneration in rats.
Published 2012“…Aging related reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been linked with neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's diseases and dementia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An Enhancement of AODV routing protocol for more robust wireless sensor network
Published 2010“…When a node gets failure to deliver the data packet through the main route, it immediately employs its backup route to become its new main path instead of the previously broken one to reduce a number of data packets dropped because of route break and to maintain the continuity of data packet delivery in presence of some faults (nodes failure and links error). Moreover, this proposed routing protocol also satisfies the low transmission delay and gets better throughput results. …”
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Modified hierarchical 3D-torus network
Published 2005“…However, the restricted use of physical links between basic modules in the higher level networks reduces the dynamic communication performance of this network. …”
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Article -
Study of oxidized low density lipoprotein and augmentation index among population
Published 2013“…The subjects (n=85) of age (>18 years) were randomly selected as participants in the study. A sandwich enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure ox-LDL. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of spices and herbal extract on Preadipocyte Cell Differentiation:preliminary results
Published 2011“…Lastly, the adipocytes will be assessed for adiponectin and leptin protein concentration using competitive colorimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit known as the B-bridge adiponectin ELISA kit method. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance of reactivated carbon nanotubes in adsorbing cadmium from aqueous solution
Published 2011“…Such reduction can also be linked to the destruction of the active sites of the CNT adsorbents.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Urban runoff quantity and quality control – Malaysian perspective.
Published 2011“…Such deteriorating trend was linked to increased land conversion activities, rapid disposal concept of drainage systems, main target on the control of point pollution sources (municipal and industrial wastewater) only, illicit connections and discharge of untreated sullage (grey-water) to the drainage systems. …”
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Proceeding Paper -