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DALANG DI SEBALIK KONSPIRASI PENAJA PEPERANGAN DUNIA : Kuasa Besar Kaut Untung, Umat Islam Jadi Korban? & Benarkah Kuasa Besar Dunia Bakal Hancur ?/
Published 2021“…Untuk mengetahui siapakah "DALANG DI SEBALIK KONSPIRASI PENAJA PEPERANGAN DUNIA " yang mengaut keuntungan daripada hasil Penjualan Senjata? Anda perlu baca buku ini.…”
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MENGAPA YAHUDI INGIN KUASAI BAITULMUQADDIS? : Benarkah matlamat yahudi menawan Baitulmuqaddis untuk bina istana dajjal? /
Published 2018“…Buku ini adalah suatu pendedahan berfakta betapa usaha pihak Yahudi untuk menyesatkan umat manusia seperti mana yang dinyatakan dalam al-Quran, surah al-Baqarah ayat 120, maksudnya; "Selama-lamanya orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan merasa senang (tidak berpuas hati) kepada kamu (umat Islam) sehingga kamu mengikuti agama (cara hidup) mereka." …”
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Published 2010“…FYP report that records the role I played as a modeler. Being the modeler I had to follow the designs closely and devise methodologies that was the best approach to each model. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The musician chair
Published 2018“…To set up for an instrumental performance, handling on stage equipment is a significant part during preparation. Be it a solo guitar performance, a Chinese Orchestra concert or School Bands playing for competitions, items such as the music stand, the foot rest and the chair are often necessities. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Contraceptive experience and factors associated with desire for postpartum family planning among pregnant women of the nkongsamba health district, Littoral Region, Cameroon
Published 2025“…Among pregnant women who had used modern contraception in the past, 11.50% [95%CI: 9.02–14.55] reported to have had their modern contraceptive experience with long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). …”
Journal article -
Evaluation of growth patterns and maternal traits of Brakmas and Bali cows
Published 2015“…Four non-linear growth models namely Gompertz, von Bertalanffy, Brody and Logistic were used to determine the asymptotic size (A) and rate of maturing (k) for body weight, body length and hip height of Brakmas and Bali cows, while calving rate, pre-weaning viability and calf-crop weaned percentage were measured to evaluate the maternal traits. …”
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Thesis -
Timber-framed building damage from tephra fall and lahar : 2015 Calbuco eruption, Chile
Published 2020“…The 419 buildings for which we did not assign a damage state either had too little information or fell outside of tephra and/or lahar hazard zones. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2015“…More than just a critique intended to address the issues of animal rights, Wooferland strives to explore a possible utopian futuristic city where all urban dogs would have the freedom to bask in pleasure and entertainment, even during the seemingly mundane hours of their daily lives that is a result of their owners’ hectic schedules. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Personality traits bias the perceived quality of sonic environments
Published 2018“…Recordings of urban and restaurant soundscapes that had been selected based on their type were rated for Pleasantness and Eventfulness using the Swedish Soundscape Quality Protocol. …”
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Journal Article -
Pelajar UMPSA memartabatkan seni tari tradisional Melayu di Islamabad, Pakistan
Published 2024“…ISLAMABAD, 12 September 2024 – Seramai empat orang pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) diundang ke Islamabad, Pakistan sempena sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-67 dan Festival Makanan Malaysia anjuran Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia (STM) dengan kerjasama Hotel Serena, Islamabad pada 3 hingga 12 September 2024 baru-baru ini.…”
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Newspaper -
Senjata Mukmin /
Published 2010“…Di dalam selawat tersimpan seribu satu keselamatan dan kesejahteraan yang akan membantu seseorang terhindari dari kekalutan padang mahsyar sekaligus memperoleh syafaat Nabi di akhirat kelak, Begitu juga amalan zikir dan wirid akan menghiasi diri dan nurani sehingga menjadi bersih bercahaya. Buku di tangan anda ini mengandungi hizib dan doa keperluan orang Islam serta khasiat ayat-ayat al Quran, rahsia Asmaul Husna, amalan-amalan murah rezeki yang menbawa berkat di dunia dan akhirat.…”
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Effectiveness of clinician client-centered counseling on knowledge, attitudes and sexual bahaviors of antiretroviral therapy patients in Yola, Nigeria
Published 2015“…Methodology: This study was a three arm randomized single blind clinical trial involving 386 randomly selected and allocated adult HIV patients who were enrolled into Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) at all four comprehensive ART sites in Yola. …”
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Thesis -
Functional integrity of visual coding following advanced photoreceptor degeneration
Published 2023“…The success of these approaches is dependent on the capacity of surviving circuits of the visual system to generate and propagate an appropriate visual code in the face of neuroanatomical remodeling. To determine whether retinally degenerate animals possess this capacity, we generated a transgenic mouse model expressing the optogenetic actuator ReaChR in ON bipolar cells (second-order neurons in the visual projection). …”
Journal article -
How economic crises affect alcohol consumption and alcohol-related health problems: A realist systematic review
Published 2015“…For the other three mechanisms (i.e., deterioration in the social situation, fear of losing one's job, and increased non-working time), empirical evidence was scarce or absent, or had small to moderate coverage. …”
Journal article -
Published 2019“…Tidak ada jaminan bahawa kita boleh terlepas daripada dihumban ke dalam neraka. …”
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Penggunaan, cabaran, dan hala tuju Sistem Penuaian Hujan (Spah): satu penelitian awal
Published 2024“…Secara umumnya, SPAH ini adalah model yang dibangunkan sebagai altenatif bagi menggantikan kebergantungan terhadap sumber bekalan air bersih apabila krisis bekalan air berlaku. Walaupun SPAH ini boleh diaplikasikan namun, dapat dilihat sistem ini hanya terhad kepada binaan pada skala yang kecil sahaja. …”
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Article -
Amil Dan Pentafsirannya Sebagai Asnaf Zakat Dalam Konteks Syariah Dan Realiti Semasa Di Malaysia
Published 2022“…Namun begitu, masih ada ruang-ruang penambahbaikkan bagi pentafsiran asnaf amil dari masa ke semasa sesuai mengikut peredaran zaman. …”
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Qana'ah : Obat Anti Stress /
Published 2003“…Dia melebihkan sebagian yang lain dalam hal rezeki. Ada yang dijadikan kaya dan ada pula yang dijadikan miskin. …”