Army of the poor: William Booth, Karl Marx and the impact of the London residuum upon their thought
Published 2001“…The two crucial dates were 1865, when the size of the residuum led him to leave an itinerant evangelical ministry and remain in the East End of London, and 1890, when the intractability of the poverty of the submerged tenth caused Booth to publicise the problem and institutionalise his organisation's response. …”
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Thesis -
The ‘expat factor’: the influence of working time on women's decisions to undertake international assignments in the oil and gas industry
Published 2015“…This article contributes to theory development by linking two discrete frameworks that explain women’s career choices when they strive to balance their career goals with their families and by identifying a career compromise threshold when expatriation is rejected in favour of family considerations. …”
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Phenomenological exploration of separation in couples amidst Covid-19 pandemic
Published 2023“…These are the original interview transcripts of couples who experienced being separated from their spouse and family during the Covid-19 pandemic when national borders were closed, and strict restriction of movement control order was implemented.…”
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Dataset -
The spectra of manganese and zirconium in the wavelength region 0.8 μm [microns] - 2.6 μm [microns or micrometres]
Published 1980“…These have been compared with the predicted spectral lines from neutral zirconium energy levels and transitions assigned to 79 lines. 22 lines were studied for Zeeman effect; the analysis of the results confirmed the level 15932.10 cm-1[to the power -1] listed in Mnl energy level list to be 3P1 and not b3P2. …”
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Thesis -
Stimulation of Interleukin-2 [IL-2] Release by Rhizophora mangle Bark Aqueous Extracts and Its Fractions
Published 2016“…Aims: The objective of the present study was to prepare fractions of polyphenols based on their ability to stimulate release of interleukin-2 (IL-2) from a human T-cell line, Jurkat, in the presence or absence of phorbol myristic acetate (PMA), and to identify the candidate components responsible for this activity. …”
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Formation of mutual relations between enterprises and business partners in the process of preparation and production of new products
Published 2021“…The proposed effective models of relationships for preparing and producing new products are put in line with them. The study results could improve the quality and validity of the formation and maintenance of relationships between enterprises and business partners in preparing and producing new products.…”
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Organizational resilience and employee performance in COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating effect of emotional intelligence
Published 2021“…Employee performance can be improved by enhancing the levels of organizational resilience and individuals’ emotional intelligence, which is in line with the findings of the current study. Originality/value The current study examines the mediating effect of emotional intelligence on organizational resilience and employee performance relationship for the first time in the HEIs in India.…”
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European security and defence policy reform: a theoretical challenge
Published 2008“…These hypotheses may then, in line with the D-N Model, be tested against the empirical evidence of the activities connected to ESDPR since the start of the 1990s. …”
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Thesis -
High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
Published 2022“…The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance bandwidth is enhanced by a factor of two and its gain on average by about 4 dB. …”
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Dealing, music and youth violence: neighbourhood relational change, isolation and youth criminality
Published 2023“…The study considers the emergence of drill music, county lines and the lowering of the threshold of when weapons are used to explore the isolated social environments so many young people find themselves in. …”
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Monograph -
Synthesis and performance of novel azo initiators with special reference to emulsion polymerisation
Published 1984“…These forms yielded two different forms of esters when reacted with straight-chain aliphatic alcohols. …”
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Thesis -
Ultrasound propagation in colloidal dispersions
Published 1989“…Measurements of a[alpha] and c for model dispersions of glass spheres in Newtonian Iiquids are shown to be in good agreement with the relevant theory when particle polydispersity is taken into account. …”
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Thesis -
The elevator illusion results from the combination of body orientation and egocentric perception.
Published 2009“…Perception of body orientation and apparent location of objects are altered when humans are using assisted means of locomotion and the resultant of the imposed acceleration and gravity is no longer aligned with the gravitational vertical. …”
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