Financing trade asset procurement and disposal on joint equity basis for MMES: an analysis of some vital Shariah and operational aspects
Published 2010“…Debt financing arrangements utilised in financing trade goods and produce ready for disposal, usually based on structures adapted from factoring mechanisms, involve shortcomings from a shariah as well as a commercial perspective. …”
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Debt financing and firm performance: an analysis of securities commission of Malaysia 2013 revised shariah approved firms screening method
Published 2020“…Nevertheless, since the observations are only until 2014, it is possible that the observations have not capture the true impact of the change. Keywords: Debt financing, Firm performance, Shariah-approved firms, Shariah screening method, Optimum debt level.…”
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Pengurusan Islami: aplikasi Ihsan dan Insan
Published 2011Subjects: “…HG4001 Financial management. Business finance. Corporation finance.…”
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Determining the effects of different posted speed limits on highway
Published 2004Subjects: “…HE5601-5725 Automotive transportation Including trucking, bus lines, and taxicab service…”
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Legal issues in Sharī‘ah-compliant home financing in Malaysia: A case study of a Bai Bithaman Ājil contract
Published 2016Subjects: “…HG Finance…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bandwidth and gain enhancement of composite right left handed metamaterial transmission line planar antenna employing a non foster impedance matching circuit board
Published 2021“…The paper demonstrates an effective technique to significantly enhance the bandwidth and radiation gain of an otherwise narrowband composite right/left-handed transmission-line (CRLH-TL) antenna using a non-Foster impedance matching circuit (NF-IMC) without affecting the antenna’s stability. …”
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Simulation of haddad surge arrester model on a 132kV overhead transmission line for back flashover analysis using Alternative Transient Program (ATP)
Published 2015“…Lightning is a major problem in a transmission line system. Lightning which occurs around the world will give a huge effect on electrical transmission system and also on distribution system division. …”
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Measures affecting the agreed profit sharing ratio in joint ventures financed by Islamic banks: a Shari’ah based evaluation
Published 2009“…While these measures could realise some temporary benefit to Islamic banks, they may become deep-rooted in the concept of equity financing itself, thus making it operate subservient to debt financing norms.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of the causes and reasons for the failure of a decade of international efforts and measures against terrorist financing since the 9/11 attacks
Published 2010“…The three perspectives are, the inherent legal difficulties of promulgating anti terrorist and anti terrorist finance measures; the strategic oversight in identifying and realising the full significance of certain modus operandi of terrorist financing; and the strategic mindset of government policy makers and law enforcement intelligence in the area of certain types of financial crime and in the implementation of counter measures against terrorist financing. …”
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Can green finance facilitate Industry 5.0 transition to achieve sustainability? A systematic review with future research directions
Published 2023“…To achieve decarbonization, the climate change discussion is merged with Industry 5.0 (I5.0) where green finance (GF) plays a crucial role. This technological metamorphosis of transition from Industry 4.0 (I4.0) to I5.0 will affect humans and their society. …”
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The significance of adopting the Islamic calendar in Islamic housing finance. Case study : Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad Parit Raja Branch
Published 2016“…In this context, Islamic Housing Finance has grown rapidly and becomes popular as a common solution for Muslims who desire to own home base on shariah principles. …”
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Diminishing partnership home financing concept as an alternative to Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA): empirical evidences from the perceptions of Shariah scholars and bankers
Published 2009“…Meera and Abdul Razak (2005) suggested that the Diminishing Partnership (DP) Home Financing concept can be a viable alternative to Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) Home Financing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigating firm and country specifics in pursuing optimality. Shariah compliant securities in Malaysia
Published 2013Subjects: “…HG4001 Financial management. Business finance. Corporation finance.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Target capital structure and speed of adjustment: Panel data evidence on Malaysia Shariah compliant securities
Published 2012Subjects: “…HG4001 Financial management. Business finance. Corporation finance.…”
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'Cash waqf' and Islamic microfinance: untapped economic opportunities
Published 2009Subjects: “…HG4001 Financial management. Business finance. Corporation finance.…”
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Factors Affecting Speed of Adjustment to Target Leverage: Malaysia Evidence
Published 2013Subjects: “…HG4001 Financial management. Business finance. Corporation finance.…”
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