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Tsewang Norbu NGB
Published 2025“…</p> <p>*Navigating the Chapters and Catalogue</p> <p>Our work was always intended as a Web publication. While it can be read like a conventional book, in a sequence of consecutive chapters, we envisage that most readers will prefer either to browse the catalogue as a reference book, or in reading the other chapters, to focus more closely on one section or another, and not necessarily to follow the order in which we have laid them out. …”
Dataset -
Comparative study of composite scarf and strap joints for equivalent repair signature under uniaxial tension
Published 2022“…Herein, different repair designs based on 8.6° scarf, thin CFRP strap (0.5 mm and 1.1 mm), 0.5 mm thin Ti-6Al-4V straps (with and without pins) are used in bonding CFRP composites, their repair strength is measured through tensile testing. …”
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Journal Article -
Cross-sectional analysis of university students’ health using a digitised health survey
Published 2021“…Areas of concern were highlighted in student’s body weight, visual acuity, and binge drinking. A large proportion of students were underweight (body mass index (BMI) < 18.5)—18.9% of females and 10.6% of males—and 7% of males were obese (BMI > 30). …”
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Journal Article -
Defending, contesting and rejecting formal drinker categories: how UK university students identify as ‘light-drinkers’ or ‘non-drinkers’
Published 2021“…To explore this, we presented self-identified ‘non’ or ‘light’ drinkers with official formal definitions of ‘light’ and ‘binge’ drinking as found in public health and academic research. …”
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Article -
Additive friction stir processing
Published 2014“…The SLM AlSi10Mg, with a density of nearly 99.5%, was found to have comparable mechanical properties to heat treated cast AlSi10Mg. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Transverse domain wall profile for spin logic applications
Published 2015“…The topological defects of Transverse DWs (TDW) are of paramount importance as regards to the deterministic pinning and movement of DW within complex networks of conduits. …”
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Journal Article -
Exploring the stability and dynamics of nanobubbles
Published 2017“…These nanobubbles appear not to be stabilised by the line pinning or oversaturation that sustain surface nanobubbles. …”
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Thesis -
An improve unsupervised discretization using optimization algorithms for classification problems
Published 2024“…Recognizing the critical role of discretization in enhancing classification performance, the study integrates equal width binning (EWB) with two optimization algorithms: the bat algorithm (BA), referred to as EB, and the whale optimization algorithm (WOA), denoted as EW. …”
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Article -
Online object detection and tracking
Published 2013“…By using HOG feature extraction algorithm, a database containing positive (vehicle’s features) and negative (background features) histograms (540 bins) is generated. During the tracking stage, the vehicle’s coordinate is predicted using mean-shift algorithm. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A frequency-domain output-constrained active noise control algorithm based on an intuitive circulant convolutional penalty factor
Published 2023“…Prevailing time-domain adaptive algorithms - proposed to alleviate complexities from transformation - continue to incur increased complexities while constraining the magnitude of frequency bins in the time-domain filters. To address existing complexities in time-domain approaches, this paper proposes a circulant convolutional penalty factor that assists the extended leaky filtered-reference LMS (FxLMS) algorithm in achieving frequency constraint without any frequency-domain transform. …”
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Journal Article -
Unifying statistical texture classification frameworks
Published 2004“…First, we show that there is a correspondence between the two common representations of filter outputs—textons and binned histograms. Second, we show that two classification methodologies, nearest neighbour matching and Bayesian classification, are equivalent for particular choices of the distance measure. …”
Conference item -
Dynamics of three-dimensional helical domain wall in cylindrical NiFe nanowires
Published 2015“…A minimum current density is needed to overcome an intrinsic pinning to drive the helical DW, and the propagation along the nanowire is accompanied by a rotational motion. …”
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Journal Article -
Measurements of the CKM angle γ at the LHCb experiment
Published 2016“…Both measurements are performed using proton-proton collision data collected by the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment in 2011 and 2012, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb<sup>−1</sup> at centre-of-mass energies √s = 7 TeV and 8 TeV. The value γ= (62 <sup>+15</sup><sub style="position: relative; left: -1.7em;">−14</sub>)° is measured using <em>B</em><sup>0</sup> → <em>DK</em><sup>&ast;0</sup> decays and γ = (71 ± 20)° is measured using <em>B</em><sup>0</sup> → <em>DK</em><sup>&ast;0</sup> decays, with a second solution for each value corresponding to γ + 180°. …”
Thesis -
Analysis of Λ b 0 → pK−μ+μ− decays
Published 2025“…The differential branching fraction and angular coefficients of Λ b 0 → pK−μ+μ− decays are measured in bins of the dimuon mass squared and dihadron mass. …”
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Article -
Analysis of Λ b 0 → pK − μ + μ − decays
Published 2024“…The differential branching fraction and angular coefficients of Λb0 → pK−μ+μ− decays are measured in bins of the dimuon mass squared and dihadron mass. …”
Journal article -
Home automation system using Raspberry Pi
Published 2016“…Through out this project, student will gain knowledge in areas such as understand Raspberry Pi’s background; Raspberry Pi’s command lines; how to control GPIO pins; how to use PuTTY to remotely access the Raspberry Pi; understand web server Apache and PHP; understand WinSCP and how to transfer files with it; have the knowledge of web interface design, understand HTML5, CSS, PHP and JavaScript and be able to do electrical wiring and mechanical modification for the equipment required in the project.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sproutly : plantable packaging
Published 2021“…Surveys helped with understanding the recycling behaviour of consumers. Recycling bins and reusing jars are the most common recycling method amongst those already recycling. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Producing microscale Ge textures via titanium nitride- and nickel-assisted chemical etching with CMOS-compatibiliyty
Published 2022“…Both TiN and Ni catalysts exhibit inverse MacEtch behavior, resulting in formation of inverted pyramid and v-groove Ge microscale textures which exhibit outstanding IR antireflection performance. …”
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Journal Article -
Spintronics devices for neuromorphic computing
Published 2020“…To solve this, we discuss the possibility of using a geometrically pinned magnetic domain wall memory device that utilises anti-notches for pinning, as the free layer of an MTJ, for future use in a three-terminal MRAM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Influence of the exchange symmetry beyond the exclusion principle
Published 2016“…In particular, we <em>analytically</em> study the (quasi-)pinning effect which corresponds to a saturation of the GPCs and imposes structural simplifications on the <em>N</em>-fermion state. …”