The importance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for fetal immune system maturation and function
Published 2007“…Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) are important structural components in the cell membrane and a deficiency in these fatty acids have been linked to clinical complications. In addition, omega 3 and omega 6 LCPUFAs are biologically active substrates for the synthesis of regulators of inflammatory processes. …”
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Thesis -
The role of prostate cancer microvesicles in epithelial mesenchymal transition
Published 2019“…Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) has been linked to malignancy in many carcinomas of epithelial origin. …”
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An exploration of adult third culture kids’ experience of transitioning to the UK between the ages of 10 and 17: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2023“…Research on TCK’s suggests that their migratory experience(s) can be linked to challenges with identity development, a lack of belonging and others. …”
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Ex vivo analysis of the association of GFP-expressing L. aethiopica and L. mexicana with human peripheral blood-derived (PBD) leukocytes over 24 hours
Published 2024“…In mice models, the disease development or resolution is linked to T cell responses involving inflammatory cytokines and the activation of macrophages with the M1/M2 phenotype. …”
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A multi-targeted approach of garcinol for obesity intervention: Mechanistic insights and possible clinical applications
Published 2024“…While hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has been linked to the anti-obesity effects of certain Garcinia fruits, recent research emphasizes the role of garcinol, either alone or in combination, in mediating these effects. …”
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Effects of titanate coupling agent on engineering properties of asphalt binders and mixtures incorporating LLDPE-CaCO3 Pellet
Published 2018“…The coupling agent was used to enhance the cross-linking between materials by means of winding up covalent bonds or molecule chains, thus improving the performance of composites. …”
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Analysing method for acoustic emission clustering system on reinforced concrete beam
Published 2018“…The need for effective data analysis in the clustering system can be linked to three main objectives in this research; (1) to determine the type of failure on reinforced concrete beams through the AE system; (2) to identify and discriminate the AE data parameters via crack classification (tensile and shear movement); (3) to verify the crack classification of Rise Amplitude (RA) clustering by using the NI LabVIEW clustering algorithm. …”
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Thesis -
Blue ocean strategy on service quality in Islamic Banking Sector in Johor
Published 2019“…With more studies conducted on the quality of service related to customer satisfaction, little or no research exists in linking the values of Islamic services to competitive advantage. …”
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Antibacterial properties of selected mangrove plants against vibrio species and its cytotoxicity against artemia salina
Published 2013“…Minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) and cytotoxicity (LC50) test using Artemia salina as a test animal in sterile ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) microplates showed the significant antimicrobial properties of methanolic extract of S. caesolaris. …”
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Ant 4,4, a polyamine-anthracene conjugate, induces cell death and recovery in human promyelogenous leukemia cells (HL-60)
Published 2013“…Thus, the PTS can be used to transport compounds linked to polyamines selectively to cancer cells. …”
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War crimes and the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17
Published 2015“…It examines whether the conflict in Ukraine amounts to an international armed conflict under international humanitarian law (IHL) which can be linked with the downing of MH 17. The article further examines the probable responsibility and jurisdictional problems to be faced in prosecuting the crime of shooting down MH 17 and the possible claims for compensation to the victims’ family. …”
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The nature and determinants of user-generated content for dissatisfied customers: evidence from second-hand luxury fashion brands
Published 2024“…Purpose This study examined the links between user-generated content (UGC), dissatisfied customers and second-hand luxury fashion brands. …”
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Mylk3 null C57BL/6N mice develop cardiomyopathy, whereas Nnt null C57BL/6J mice do not
Published 2020“…The C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mice have well-documented phenotypic and genotypic differences, including the infamous nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) null mutation in the C57BL/6J substrain, which has been linked to cardiovascular traits in mice and cardiomyopathy in humans. …”
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Walking through night markets: a study on experiencing everyday urban culture
Published 2010“…Temporary markets may look similar at a glance or through photographs, but a conscious experience through them generates a richer and more complex understanding of their similarities and differences, how they operate as part of the city, and how places in the city are interconnected. This paper presents a collection of walking experiences through different temporary markets in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ranging from less formal to more formal ones, while exploring their qualities and senses. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Frequency selective surfaces-based miniaturized wideband high-gain monopole antenna for UWB systems
Published 2023“…In order to improve the antenna’s performance further, an FSS sheet is designed. The sheet of FSS is placed behind the antenna to reflect the antenna’s backward radiation and improve antenna gain. …”
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A filtering algorithm for efficient retrieving of DNA sequence
Published 2009“…A set of random patterns is generated from query sequence are placed in automaton machine before exact matching and scoring process is performed. …”
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Pain intervention for failed conservative chronic pain treatment: The light at the end of the tunnel
Published 2011“…Chronic pain is a major public health problem that places serious stress on afflicted individuals and associated with deficits in quality of life, psychological adjustment, disability, reduced income potential, high levels of health care utilization and great loss to the nation as a whole. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ride comfort assessment in off road vehicles using passive and semi-active suspension
Published 2009“…Results show an improvement in ride comfort and vehicle handling using 4-axle over 3-axle and 2-axle when emphasis is placed on the response of the vehicle body acceleration, suspension and tyre deflection.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pragmatic education for the development of the Muslim ummah
Published 2004“…The US has even used its influence to persuade Saudi Arabia and a few countries in the Middle Fast to revise their Islamic education clllTiculum.2 In addition, it has also lIsed its might and inHucnee to ensure that Ole madrasa W 0 ltld riot breed hatred agai nst the West. "In some places, such as Saudi Arab ia and Kuwait, !he cducation dcbate has focused on how, or whether, the religious cllrrieulum promotes inlolerance and extremism."…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Women's property rights in Bangladesh: what is practically happening in South Asian rural communities
Published 2012“…But women's customary rights of property ownership, often cease to continue, as soon as they leave their parents' house to move out with their husbands after marriage at distant places. In legal context though, the scriptural and normative rules partially recognize their claim to paternal property, but in actuality, the women eventually dispossess them, because of the prevalence of a stereotyped community ideology. …”
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