Sains untuk manusia
Published 2020“…‘Sains untuk Manusia’ menumpukan kepada kesan terhadap penyelidikan dan pendidikan sains andainya kita tidak berhemah dalam menghadapi cetusan Revolusi Industri ke-Empat (RI4.0) di Malaysia. …”
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Book -
The origins of the concepts of Shi'ism and Sunnism
Published 2016“…This book examines the origins of the concepts of Shi’ism and Sunnism (ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah). …”
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Eurocentric fables of international debt and China. China report
Published 2024Get full text
Article -
Global China
Published 2022“…China’s influence in global capitalism has increasingly become prevalent, exceeding the limit of studies about China. …”
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Memahami asal usul bidang sains sosial dan perbezaannya dengan sains tabi'i
Published 2012“…Pada zaman moden ini, penekanan manusia kepada usaha pencarian dan penambahan ilmu pengetahuan telah menyebabkan pengetahuan manusia dibahagikan kepada dua bidang yang utama, iaitu bidang ilmu Sains Sosial dan ilmu Sains Tabi’i. Secara amnya, bidang Sains Sosial adalah bidang pengetahuan manusia yang menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan kelompok-kelompok manusia di atas muka bumi ini (the field of human knowledge that deals with all aspects of the group life of human beings). …”
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Article -
The study on the influence of the Master Chin Kung Model towards the spread and the growth of the Amitabha Buddhist Society Malaysia = Kajian pengaruh model Master Chin Kung terhadap penyebaran dan perkembangan Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Amitabha Malaysia
Published 2015“…This thesis is a study on the influence of the Master Chin Kung Model towards the spread and the growth of Amitabha Buddhist Society Malaysia (PPABAM) which has been located in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Shi'a movement in Malaysia: a general study
Published 2012“…Following some raids on several adherents of Shi’ism by the Religious Department of Selangor (JAIS) in 2011, the issue of Malaysian Shi’ites has risen again; they are demanding for religious freedom to exercise their beliefs without exercising any fear in the country. …”
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Monograph -
Globalizations and bank performance in China
Published 2012“…The empirical findings from this study suggest that the well capitalized banks tend to be more profitable, while expense preference behavior exerts negative impact on bank profitability in China. By examining different components of economic globalization, we find that greater economic integration via higher trade flows, cultural proximity, and greater political globalization have significant and positive influence on bank profitability levels. …”
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An extended NATREX model for China
Published 2008“…This paper extends, for the first time, Stein’s (1995a) NATREX model to China and other similar emerging market economies. …”
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Rural transformation and productivity in China
Published 2008“…This paper carries out for the first time an econometric investigation of the contribution of rural transformation to total factor productivity in China. We find that the efficiency gains resulting from rural transformation make a significant and nontrivial contribution to factor productivity in China. …”
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Microcredit in China: Recommendations for Policy Makers
Published 2010“…Our main belief is that while the various initiatives of several NGOs operating on a non-profit basis in China are laudable and successful, even within the limited scope in which they operate, a true development of microcredit in China that can make a real impact on the vast number of mid-low income residents can only occur if a double-bottom-line approach is implemented. …”
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China collection 2.1: Aerosol Optical Depth dataset for mainland China at 1km resolution
Published 2015“…We compared the China Collection 2.1 AOD datasets for 2010 with AERONET data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Motivation and Arabic learning achievement: a comparative study between two types of Islamic schools in Gansu, China
Published 2013“…To achieve these purposes, 348 students were randomly selected from two types of Gansu Islamic schools in China to complete a 36-item questionnaire.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Penciptaan hawa menurut kitab tafsir dan fakta sains
Published 2016“…Adalah diharapkan menerusi kertas kerja yang berasaskan kepada kajian perpustakaan di dalam dua bidang iaitu ilmu wahyu dan sains ini dapat menyumbang ilmu yang bermanfaat kepada masyarakat secara umumnya dan dunia Islam secara khususnya.…”
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Proceeding Paper