Finding the costs of freedom : how women and children rebuild their lives after domestic violence
Published 2014“…• How can community resources best be developed and integrated for long term support of survivor resettlement and independence? …”
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Monograph -
A comprehensive review on theoretical framework-based electric vehicle consumer adoption research
Published 2017“…As a part of long-term benefits, the adoption of EVs gives environmentally friendly innovation to society. …”
Article -
Great expectations? Female expatriates’ perceptions of organisational performance and development reviews in supporting access to international assignments
Published 2019“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of organisational performance and development review policy and practice on women’s access to international careers via long-term expatriate assignments in the oil and gas industry, with a specific focus on women’s perceptions of procedural justice. …”
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Exploratory validation study of the individual AUDIT-C items among older people
Published 2021“…The findings were similar for men and women, and for participants prescribed medications for long term conditions. Conclusions: AUDIT-C items 1 and 2 performed as well as item 3 in identifying unhealthy drinking among older people in this study. …”
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Modelling and comparing OECD countries' consumer behaviour
Published 1999“…We build REPIHIRELCH and ECM formulations using long time-series based solely upon private sector measures of income for twenty OECD countries. …”
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Thesis -
Socially constructing healthy eating: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of healthy eating information and advice
Published 2020“…Background: It is well recognised that eating a poor quality diet can lead to a number of long term health conditions and premature mortality. …”
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Thesis -
Predicting stock investments based on sentiment and historical price data
Published 2023“…In an extension to this core analysis, the study simulates two distinct investment strategies using aggregated data from ten different stocks: a passive long-term investment and an active, sentiment-based bot trading strategy. …”
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Localizatation estimation usign the technique of multi-sequence positioning
Published 2015“…The result showed that MSP showed more efficiently in short and long range as compared to TOA. However, RSS proven to perform better than MSP in long range estimation. …”
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Thesis -
Stochastic models of heredity rhesus factor
Published 2010“…We consider linear and nonlinear stochastic models of transmission Rhesus factor from parents to their offspring and show that in long run behavior the frequency of Rhesus factor be the same. …”
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Article -
The right to be tried within a reasonable time - developments in Russia
Published 2008“…This article discusses proposed changes to Russian domestic law in response to the endemic problem of excessively long legal proceedings.…”
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Professional doctorate in health psychology : thesis portfolio (Whippey : 2018)
Published 2017“…When starting this course, it took me a long time to decide on an original topic of research for the thesis, (Section C3, page 109) and I feel that at the beginning, when writing my ethics proposal, my thought process was much more basic. …”
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Thesis -
Sejarah tradisi sastera Arab dan Islam: fokus kepada sastera sebagai sumber ilmu
Published 2010“…Untuk itu, beberapa huraian dan pendapat oleh tokoh umum kesusasteraan Arab berkaitan takrif “ilmu” dan kedudukannya dalam tradisi sastera Arab akan diketengahkan. Selain itu, penggunaan seni sastera sebagai wasilah penyampaian pelbagai jenis ilmu pengetahuan juga dibincangkan.…”
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Book Chapter -
Kesan manual pengintegrasian strategi pembelajaran dan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi terhadap penjanaan idea dalam kalangan pelajar teknikal
Published 2014“…Secara keseluruhan, terdapat keberkesanan yang signifikan pendekatan pengintegrasian gaya pembelajaran Kolb dan KBAT Marzano menerusi penggunaan manual pembelajaran kendiri bagi penjanaan idea…”
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Thesis -
Pengurusan risiko bencana banjir untuk fasa pencegahan di hospital kerajaan negeri Kelantan
Published 2018“…Selain itu, latihan komunikasi dan penggunaan nama panggilan call sign perlu dipertingkatkan lagi dalam kalangan kakitangan dalaman hospital untuk persiapan banjir pada masa akan datang. …”
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Thesis -
Kit pengesan kerosakan pendawaian satu fasa sebagai alat bahan bantu mengajar (ABBM)
Published 2020“…Apabila suis kerosakan dihidupkan keluaran boleh dilihat atau diuji pada lampu atau pada soket alur keluar.Setiap amali boleh dilakukan berpandukan kepada manual penggunaan dan lembaran kerja yang dibina oleh pengkaji. …”
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Book Section -
Pengaruh kualiti CD mata pelajaran lukisan terbantu komputer dengan menggunakan perakam skrin camtasia studio terhadap motivasi, kefahaman dan pencapaian pelajar
Published 2007“…Kajian eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penggunaan dan kualiti CD matapelajaran LukisanTerbantu Komputer yang dihasilkan menggunakan perakam skrin Camtasia Studio, terhadap motivasi, kefahaman dan pencapaian pelajar di Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah (POLIMAS). …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan dan penilaian modul web CD 'baikpulih komputer' : aplikasi dalam makmal baikpulih komputer di Politeknik Malaysia
Published 2003“…Walau bagaimanapun, Web CD BK dapat membantu pensyarah dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di mana pencapaian pelajar meningkat dengan penggunaan Web CD BK ini. Web CD BK yang dibangunkan ini boleh dipertingkatkan dengan membuat beberapa penambahan seperti yang dicadangkan oleh responden seperti isi kandungan yang lebih terperinci, contoh-contoh yang lebih banyak dan animasi. …”
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Thesis -
Ujaran berimplikatur dalam teks Sulalatus Salatin
Published 2017“…Di samping itu, kajian ini juga mendapati penggunaan ujaran berimplikatur mempunyai dua tujuan iaitu tujuan positif dan negatif. 75 peratus mempunyai tujuan positif dan 25 peratus negatif. …”
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Thesis -
Penghantaran imej mampat dan selamat secara tanpa wayar untuk sistem pengawasan hidupan liar
Published 2018“…Kualiti imej yang dihasilkan pula merekodkan nilai PSNR yang baik antara 27dB hingga 40dB. Penggunaan AES menjamin keselamatan data dan imej hanya boleh dilihat jika menggunakan kata laluan yang betul. …”
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