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Chemical dispersant enhances microbial exopolymer (EPS) production and formation of marine oil/dispersant snow in surface waters of the subarctic northeast Atlantic
Published 2019“…Using barcoded-amplicon Illumina MiSeq sequencing, we analyzed, for the first time, the bacterial communities associated with MDS and report that their diversity is not significantly dissimilar to those associated with MOS aggregates. Our findings emphasize the need to conduct further work on the effects of dispersants when applied to oil spills at sea, particularly at different sites, and to determine how the product of this (i.e. …”
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Chromatin laser imaging reveals abnormal nuclear changes for early cancer detection
Published 2019“…The low lasing threshold is, in fact, very similar to that of adenomas and is caused by abnormal cell proliferation and chromatin deregulation that can potentially lead to cancer. Our findings suggest that conventional detection methods, such as colonoscopy followed by histopathology, by itself, may be insufficient to reveal hidden or early tumors under development. …”
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Vertical distribution of heavy metals in seawater column during IBA construction in land reclamation – re-exploration of a large-scale field trial experiment
Published 2019“…As the current study took account of major field factors during land reclamation, including seawater depth (m), IBA loading (ton), IBA dropping method, particle dispersive area (m2), and settling time (min), these findings are valuable for the risk assessment of IBA utilization in land reclamation.…”
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Tunable ferroelectricity in Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskites
Published 2020“…Current-voltage characteristics in the dark reveal the persistence of hysteresis in these devices, which has profound implications for light-harvesting and light-emitting applications. Importantly, our findings disclose a viable approach for engineering the ferroelectric properties of RP perovskites that may unlock new functionalities for perovskite optoelectronics.…”
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Singles' reasons for being single : empirical evidence from an evolutionary perspective
Published 2020“…Younger people were more likely to indicate that they were single because they had poor flirting skills, because they did not see themselves as desirable mates, and because they did not like commitment; whereas older people were more likely to indicate that they were single in order to be free to do what they have wanted. Findings were examined and discussed using evolutionary theories relating to mate selection and evolutionary mismatch.…”
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Design rationale for stimuli-responsive, semi-interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels–a quantitative approach
Published 2020“…Surprisingly, there is no obvious influence of crosslinking density of PNIPAM network toward PSA retention, while faster swelling and deswelling at higher crosslinking density are observed in terms of swelling rate constant and deswelling activation energy. These findings offer new insights on the factors affecting structural and physicochemical properties of such semi‐IPN hydrogels, which should in turn serve as a general guideline for materials design.…”
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Parental speech to typical and atypical populations: a study on linguistic partial repetition
Published 2021“…Because partial repetitions decrease with chronological age of the child in typical groups, and the atypical children were older than the TD group, our findings suggest compensating modes of communication in parental speech to atypical populations, especially the ASD group. …”
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A secret of high-rate mass transfer in anammox granular sludge : "lung-like breathing"
Published 2021“…The mass transfer flux from “lung-like breathing” was far greater than that from molecular diffusion, which was regarded as a vital mechanism for the AnGS to demonstrate its high activity. These findings provided theoretical basis and technical parameters for the optimization of anammox nitrogen removal process.…”
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Adhesive properties of adsorbed layers of two recombinant mussel foot proteins with different levels of DOPA and tyrosine
Published 2021“…While DOPA produced a stronger adhesion than tyrosine in contact with the nanoscopic Si3N4 probe of the atomic force microscope, the two variants produced comparable adhesion on the curved macroscopic mica surfaces of the surface forces apparatus. These findings show that the presence of DOPA is not a sufficient condition to generate strong underwater adhesion. …”
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Room-temperature continuous-wave vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers based on 2D layered organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites
Published 2021“…We used the exfoliated (PEA)2PbI4 thin flake as the gain medium to construct a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL), showing robust single-mode CW lasing operation with an ultra-low threshold of 5.7 W cm−2 at room temperature, attributed to strong optical confinement in the high-Q cavity. Our findings provide a strategy to design and fabricate solution-based 2D perovskite VCSELs and mark a significant step toward the next-generation of coherent light sources.…”
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Mxene titanium carbide-based biosensor : strong dependence of exfoliation method on performance
Published 2021“…Chronoamperometric studies demonstrate that the proposed biosensing system exhibits high selectivity and excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the detection of glucose, spanning over wide linear ranges of 50-27 750 μM and possess a low limit of detection of 23.0 μM. The findings reported in this study conceptually proves the probable applications of pristine MXenes toward the field of biosensors and pave ways for the future developments of highly selective and sensitive electrochemical biosensors for biomedical and food sampling applications.…”
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HLO : half-kernel laplacian operator for surface smoothing
Published 2021“…Given a vertex v, HLO first finds all pairs of its neighboring vertices and divides each pair into two subsets (called half windows); then computes the uniform Laplacians of all such subsets and subsequently projects the computed Laplacians to the full-window uniform Laplacian to alleviate flipping and degeneration. …”
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Gadolinium and polythiophene functionalized polyurea polymer dots as fluoro-magnetic nanoprobes
Published 2022“…Magnetic levitation experiments indicated that the Gd3+-Pdots could be easily manipulated via an external magnetic field. These findings illustrate that the dua- functional Gd3+-Pdots could be potentially utilized as fluorescent reporters that can be magnetically manipulated for bioimaging applications.…”
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The interaction effect of parental rejection and oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism on depression: a cross-cultural study in non-clinical samples
Published 2022“…Among Italians, OXTR rs2254298 A-carriers showed resilience to negative early parental care, whereas among Japanese, OXTR rs53576 non-A-carriers showed resistance to negative early paternal care. These findings align with expected relations between perceived acceptance-rejection and an individual's psychological adjustment, as proposed by interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory, and indicate the need for future studies adopting a multicultural and multilevel approach to better understand how the effects of parental rejection extend into adulthood.…”
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Exploring the limitations of osmotically assisted reverse osmosis: membrane fouling and the limiting flux
Published 2022“…All in all, the presented findings provided significant implications for OARO operation and fouling control.…”
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Research on electric vehicle charging safety warning model based on back propagation neural network optimized by improved gray wolf algorithm
Published 2022“…Finally, case analysis is performed using daily charging data from both rapid and slow charging. The findings reveal that the proposed early warning model based on the IGWO-BP algorithm can reliably recognize the abnormal state of EV charging voltage and issue timely warnings.…”
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Impact of bioconvection and chemical reaction on MHD nanofluid flow due to exponential stretching sheet
Published 2023“…Thus, thermal transportation enhances with the inclusion of nano entities and the bioconvection of microorganisms. The findings are useful for heat exchangers working in various technological processors. …”
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Asymmetric prefrontal cortex activation associated with mutual gaze of mothers and children during shared play
Published 2023“…Multivariate linear regression analyses revealed that neural asymmetry occurred during mother–child mutual gaze, where mothers showed a deactivation of prefrontal activity whereas children showed an activation instead. Findings suggest that mothers and children may employ divergent prefrontal mechanisms when engaged in symmetrical behaviours such as mutual gaze. …”
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Cell-derived nanovesicles from mesenchymal stem cells as extracellular vesicle-mimetics in wound healing
Published 2023“…Of note, MSC-CDNs enhanced angiogenesis in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells in a 3D PEG-fibrin scaffold and animal model, accelerating wound healing in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that MSC-CDNs could replace both whole cells and EVs in promoting wound healing and tissue regeneration.…”
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Living with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: radiological images of a patient with extensive heterotopic ossification
Published 2023“…Here, we present the radiological findings of an 18-year-old female diagnosed with FOP who had severe spinal and right-upper-limb abnormalities. …”
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