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Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
Published 2025“…<p><strong> Objectives</strong></p> To examine the safety, tolerability, and effectiveness of using EC to help people who smoke tobacco achieve long‐term smoking abstinence, in comparison to non‐nicotine EC, other smoking cessation treatments, and no treatment. …”
Journal article -
Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
Published 2024“…<h4>Objectives</h4>To examine the safety, tolerability and effectiveness of using electronic cigarettes (ECs) to help people who smoke tobacco achieve long-term smoking abstinence, in comparison to non-nicotine EC, other smoking cessation treatments and no treatment.…”
Journal article -
Interventions for quitting vaping
Published 2025“…<p><strong>Rationale</strong></p> There is limited guidance on the best ways to stop using nicotine‐containing vapes (otherwise known as e‐cigarettes) and ensure long‐term abstinence, whilst minimising the risk of tobacco smoking and other unintended consequences. …”
Journal article -
50 Years of quantum chromodynamics
Published 2024“…Then, with the discovery of charmonium in 1974 and the explanation of its excited states using the Cornell potential, consisting of the sum of a Coulomb-like attraction and a long range linear confining potential, the theory was suddenly widely accepted. …”
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Article -
Modélisation des interactions en Italie du Nord au premier âge du Fer: de la circulation de parures aux réseaux d’influences culturelles
Published 2024“…Si l'influence de Golasecca est attestée le long de toute la période ici considérée, des interactions plus localisées et centrées sur des classes spécifiques d'objets dévoilent un jeu subtil d'influences qui traduit des relations à géométrie variable, jamais univoques et unidirectionnelles, et où productions locales, adaptations, créativité et importations décrivent des réalités sociales en mouvement et d'une complexité croissante. …”
Journal article -
Reversible CO2 activation by an N-phosphinoamidinato digermyne
Published 2022Get full text
Thesis-Master by Research -
Synthesis of porous materials for cooling and gas storage applications
Published 2015Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of dopant solubility and excess doping on the superconducting properties of doped Nb3Sn prepared by field assisted sintering technique
Published 2024“…The Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> particles was also considered as a possible cause of pinning down of grain boundaries in addition to NbO leading to grain refinement through Zener pinning. …”
Journal article -
An autonomous ultrasonic fastener holes inspection system of an aircraft lower wing skin
Published 2008“…These cracks are unique in that it radial from the fastener's hole which made radiography nearly impossible in picking it up.…”
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Thesis -
Acquisition of Thai as a foreign language through watching subtitled drama series
Published 2019“…Thus, this paper discusses the effectiveness of using subtitled drama series as the main teaching method to acquire Thai as a foreign language (TFL) and the register that would be picked up by language learners through this teaching method. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
P4-network : a networking infrastructure for intra-aircraft cabin wireless communication
Published 2009“…In particular, a pinging test over a path of four hops takes less than a hundred millise-conds. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spintronics devices for neuromorphic computing
Published 2020“…To solve this, we discuss the possibility of using a geometrically pinned magnetic domain wall memory device that utilises anti-notches for pinning, as the free layer of an MTJ, for future use in a three-terminal MRAM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Software defined network : user centric network
Published 2013“…A test of the application was done by running two continuous pings, one from each host to the other. Then, the path in use was disconnected. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A bi-functional three-terminal memristor applicable as an artificial synapse and neuron
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
Transverse domain wall profile for spin logic applications
Published 2015“…The topological defects of Transverse DWs (TDW) are of paramount importance as regards to the deterministic pinning and movement of DW within complex networks of conduits. …”
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Journal Article -
Proton-assisted redox-based three-terminal memristor for synaptic device applications
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
Highly rechargeable aqueous Sn-metal-based hybrid-ion batteries
Published 2025Get full text
Journal Article