E-government services effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF) : a case study of Indian e-tax service
Published 2017“…Consequently, in terms of the theoretical implications, this study emphasizes the significance of such hypothesized relationships when performing empirical research in e-government context. …”
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Thesis -
First generation Ghanaian migrants in the UK : dietary intake, anthropometric indices and nutrition intervention through the black churches
Published 2013“…The prevalence of overweight and obesity was higher in female migrant Ghanaians using body mass index (67%) compared to the host population (58%) but prevalence was lower when percentage body fat was used (female 40%). There was a cultural shift in acceptability of overweight and obese body sizes and shapes among Ghanaians with 60% of Ghanaian males preferring Ghanaian females with a normal body size. …”
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The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…Findings show that partnership between an INGO and CBO is partially possible when power inequalities are honestly acknowledged and recognized as chronically problematic. …”
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Using social marketing strategy to promote recycling among university students in a Thai university
Published 2020“…At the Research Planning Phase, the participants were 18 student volunteers, 394 student questionnaire respondents, 12 student interviewees, 13 C.M.U. staff interviewees, and 18 C.M.U. stakeholders. The participants, when divided into gender, consisted of 167 males and 286 females. …”
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A gamification approach to enhance “third space mobility”: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse students
Published 2022“…Gamification and playful initiatives (James and Nerantzi, 2019), especially when designed in collaboration with students and with a focus on enhancing motivation and participation, can offer effective opportunities to increase and enhance student engagement and allow for a new form of digital mobility. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The dynamic cognitive processes underlying creativity
Published 2023“…Additionally, significant differences were found between high and low creative output individuals when exploring the percentage of time spent engaging in certain processes compared to the other processes. …”
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Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of zeolite from Malaysia’s natural kaolin for adsorption of sodium ion (NA+) from seawater
Published 2020“…For column adsorption analysis, breakthrough capacity, qB was increased by increasing the bed height of zeolite-A and initial sodium ion concentration but decrease when increasing the flow rate. The column kinetic model shows the Adam Bohart model slightly better fitted with R2 range is 0.86-0.95 for flow rate, R2 = 0.82- 0.93 for bed height and R2 = 0.90-0.95 for initial sodium ion concentration compared to Thomas model, R2 = 0.84-0.94 for flow rate, R2 = 0.72-0.89 for bed height and R2= 0.78-0.88 for initial sodium ion concentration and Yoon and Nelson model, R2 = 0.84- 0.94 for flow rate, R2 = 0.69-0.89 for bed height and R2 = 0.78-0.87 for initial sodium ion concentration. …”
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Thesis -
Development of bent-up triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST) enhancement in cold-formed steel (CFS)-concrete composite beams
Published 2010“…Load capacities for push-out test specimens with BTTST are ii relatively higher as compared to the equivalent control specimen, i.e. by 91% to 135%. When compared to LYLB specimens the increment is 12% to 16%. …”
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Characterization of the measurement uncertainty for the electromagnetic conducted and radiated emission test
Published 2017“…Currently, measurement of an equipment under test (EUT) shall cast a doubt when the result is close to the specification limits. …”
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Thesis -
مسالك التحرير اللغوي: نصوص الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا للنشر أنموذجا = The processes of language editing: the examples of texts of International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2015“…Among the conclusions of the study: that the editor would feel disappointed when the expected cooperation from the writer is not forthcoming due the reasons such as utter indifference, or abandonment or inferiority complex or lack of confidence or an assumed academic position or competence that would make the writer feel that they need no one other than themselves. …”
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Article -
Preparation and characterizations of latex/filler nanocomposites
Published 2020“…Latex compounding which incorporates various types of clays as filler to the rubber can significantly give reinforcement in the rubber matrix when rubber/clay nanocomposites are formed, but the filler agglomerates. …”
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Inhibition of extracellular vesicle release enhances cancer chemotherapy and inhibition of outer membrane vesicle release sensitises bacteria to antibiotic and bacteriophage therap...
Published 2019“…There was a significant increase in 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) activity in the presence of the inhibitors which was more apparent when a combination of inhibitors was applied. The hypothesis was further tested using a second, chemotherapeutic drug, Doxorubicin (Dox) on PC3 cells. …”
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Thesis -
Physical performance and durability evaluation of rubberized concrete
Published 2014“…However, abrasion resistance was found to be slightly decreased when compressive strength exceeds 50N/mm2. In Chapter 6, the role of crumb rubber as air void under freezing and thawing was studied. …”
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Thesis -
أسلوب العتاب والعقاب في السنة النبوية = The modes of admonition and punishment in Prophet’s teachings = Kaedah teguran dan hukuman menerusi ajaran Rasulullah SAW...
Published 2018“…The research ended with findings such as the Prophet used several methods to evaluate the behavior, including the method of admonition and reprimanding and at times he scolded harshly when necessary. It was also a habit of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he used to rebuke pointing on the mistakes without referring directly to the person. ********************************************************* Sesetengah guru tersasar dalam menangani kesilapan dan menilai tingkah laku tidak baik yang dipamerkan oleh para pelajar. …”
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Article -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…Results: At recruitment, no significant difference was found in the DHA level in plasma phospholipids (CPG, 4.9% vs. 4.4%, P > 0.05) and neutral lipids (CE, 0.9% vs. 0.9%, P > 0.05), (TG, 0.9% vs. 0.9%, P > 0.05) between healthy pregnant and GDM women respectively. When categorized on the basis of their BMI, obese and over-weight GDM women had lower omega-3 (ALA, P < 0.05) and higher omega-6 PUFA (AA, P < 0.05) levels as compared to normal-weight GDM women. …”
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A study on ultra-low power and large-scale design of digital circuit for wireless communications
Published 2010“…A small wordlength has a timing margin in a critical path when the timing delay of a large wordlength is adopted. …”
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Thesis -
The double burden of malnutrition in South Africa: risk factors for undernutrition and overnutrition and the development of a novel mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening too...
Published 2022“…Low birth weight was associated with height-for-age, and that this effect was still applicable even when controlling for food security and social welfare (p<0.05). …”
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Thesis -
Development of growth chart for Malaysian children
Published 2015“…Thus health practitioners who are using WHO Child Growth Standards/Reference should be aware of this possibility and exercise caution when assessing the children physical growth. MyGC is representative of the existing growth pattern of Malaysia children; therefore it can be used by nutritionists, dieticians, nurses and paediatricians and public health practitioners as an additional reference for screening and early management of malnutrition and for research purposes.…”
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Monograph -
Islington disability and long-term health conditions employment project: final report
Published 2023“… • Unfair treatment, discrimination and lack of awareness, training and support from employers – perhaps the key barrier to emerge across all focus groups was unfair treatment and discrimination both in trying to get a job and when in the workplace. The issues highlighted time and again were a lack of awareness and support by employers in the workplace and associated issues of stigma, stereotyping and ignorance concerning people with mental health conditions, neuro-diverse people, people with learning disabilities, deaf people and people with visual impairment in particular. …”
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Monograph -
Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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