Granting employee stock options (ESOs), market reaction and financial performance
Published 2009“…Malaysian companies are more likely to initiate ESOs when the market valuation of their stocks is low. …”
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Investigation of dual-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier using highly nonlinear dispersion shifted fiber
Published 2020“…Saturation power over a span wavelength from 1480 nm to 1645 nm was simulated. …”
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Thesis -
Classifications of multicast routing In mobile ad hoc networks
Published 2011“…Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages. Multicast is a relatively unexplored research area, when it is compared with Unicast [I]. …”
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Book Chapter -
A modified weight optimisation for higher-order neural network in time series prediction
Published 2020“…The MCS-MCMC results is further benchmarked with the standard Multilayer Perceptron, standard Pi-Sigma Neural Network (PSNN), Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search, Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo, standard Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN), Functional Link Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search and Functional Link Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo which emphasis in optimising the accuracy rate. …”
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Thesis -
Heteroscalar serendipity and the importance of accidents
Published 2021“…Luck is problematic when it comes to moral or epistemic virtues such as creativity. …”
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Book Section -
An improved timestamp-based password authentication scheme with two-party verification using smart cards
Published 2007“…We present a detailed cryptanalysis of previously proposed Shen et. al’s scheme and an analysis of the improved scheme to show its improvements and efficiency.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Some applications of generalised linear models
Published 1990“…This technique is applied to standard link functions as well as to the family of composite link functions. …”
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Thesis -
Security in an Unstable World
Published 2008“…The intention of this paper is to place the current security issues in the Middle East in a global context and to do so in terms of the next three decades. Over that time span there are likely to be four main determinants of global peace and conflict.…”
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Effect of angle of attack on damping derivatives of delta wing with full sine wave curved leading edge
Published 2015“…A Strip theory is used in which strips at different span wise location are independent of each other. …”
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Effect of angle of attack on stiffness derivative of an oscillating supersonic delta wing with curved leading edges
Published 2014“…A Strip theory is used in which strips at different span wise location are independent of each other. …”
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Faster and more accurate identification of male faces in female care home residents
Published 2020“…Faces of white older women were identified more accurately than those of black older women by the care home residents, especially in the women-only sample when men were excluded from statistical analysis. …”
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Determination of space charge characteristics on contaminated XLPE insulator
Published 2019“…Al2O3 has shown the least space charge density presence when it contaminates the cable. Decrement of space charge gives a view that these minerals can be used as nanofillers at optimum sizes.…”
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Thesis -
Enhanced on-demand routing protocols in high mobility mobile Ad hoc network
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Solvability of cubic equations in p-adic integers (p > 3)
Published 2013“…Moreover, in the case when the equation x3 + ax = b is solvable, we give necessary and sufficient recurrent conditions on a p-adic number x ∈ Z ∗ p under which x is a solution to the equation.…”
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A comparative signaling cost analysis of macro mobility scheme in NEMO (MM-NEMO) with mobility management protocol
Published 2013“…This effect is particularly significant for wireless environment where a wireless link is not as steady as a wired link since bandwidth is relatively limited in wireless link. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Structural identification of anthocyanins and analysis of concentrations during growth and flowering in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) petals
Published 2007“…In every variety/breeding line tested, cyanidin 3-Orutinoside was detected as the major anthocyanin and the next is cyanidin 3-O-glucoside whereas cyanidin 3-O-rhamnoside and cyanidin 3-O-galactosyl-rhamnoside were trace or not detectable in white and pink flowered buckwheat. Of all the varieties/breeding lines tested, Gan-Chao, a Chinese variety, contained the highest amount of anthocyanins. …”
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Opportunistic contention-based feedback protocol for downlink OFDMA systems with mixed traffic
Published 2009“…For NRT users, the achievable sum rate of the proposed protocol when the number of users is moderate (20-50 users) approaches the ideal case when the channel quality of all users is known at the base station. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Isolation of pigment-producing strain of Staphylococcus kloosii from the respiratory tree of Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota (Brandt, 1835) from Malaysian waters
Published 2013“…The methanolic extracts of the intracellular pigments comprised at least three pigment compounds: an orange pigment compound (major compound), a yellow pigment compound (the least polar) and a pink pigment compound (the most polar). These findings are the first documentation of the pigment composition of S. kloosii as no such record could be found to date.…”
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Colour effect on physiology in stimulating environment
Published 2016“…Four determined colours, namely strong red, bluish-green, pink and white, were painted in their rooms and divided according to exposures. …”
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A New Design and Simulation of Smart Sensing for Emergency Vehicle
Published 2024“…The sensor can detect the sound of emergency vehicles and respond immediately to them by signalling smaller parallel visitors to change the screen from pink to green or vice versa. Therefore, this flow reduces the travel time required for emergencies.…”
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