Modelling manufacturing process using a modified IDEF0 framework a case study of a car door manufacturing plant
Published 2010“…The results obtained after the simulation of the modified model was found to be remarkable when it was verified with factory personnel. …”
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Access to justice: the human dignity of Muslim and women divorce in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Divorce should not be a weapon llsed against spouses, but a humane practice which is resorted to in exceptional circumstances; i.e. when it is feared that the limit set by Allah SWT will be transgressed. …”
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Book Chapter -
Understanding contemporary models for organizational sustainability: critical review
Published 2015“…As revealed through the analysis it is found that organizations are focusing on diversified aspects rather than identical or uniform strategies when dealing with sustainability issues. The main contributions of this paper are twofold; (1) it depicted thirteen different models for SD and (2) it introduced the different dimensions for SD compared with those from different scholars.…”
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Sale of goods and sale of debts: a comparative analysis
Published 2015“…In order to achieve the ultimate in Islam, we should exercise caution when practicing Islamic finance. In Islamic banking and finance, most of the contracts deal with exchange contracts (al-muawadat) that are essentially trading-based activities. …”
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Engineering education in OIC countries: direction to move
Published 2015“…Engineering education in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries is not new in its starting as it almost as same as most other parts of the world when starting with conventional engineering programme as civil, chemical electrical and mechanical engineering programmes, which focused mainly at that time on engineering design, manufacturing, testing and production. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analytical approximate solutions for the Helmholtz-Duffing oscillator
Published 2015“…Generally, a set of difficult nonlinear algebraic equations is found when MHBM is applied. Investigating analytically for such kinds of nonlinear algebraic equations is a tremendously difficult task and cumbersome especially for large amplitude. …”
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Analytical approximate solutions of the duffing-relativistic oscillator
Published 2015“…Usually, a set of complex nonlinear algebraic equations is appeared when HBM is applied. Investigating analytically for such kind of complex nonlinear algebraic equations is tremendously difficult and cumbersome. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Faiths and children from Islamic perspective
Published 2015“…Therefore faith in Islam is only complete when one has faith in Allah as the god, Prophet as messenger, Quran (the book from God that contains the teaching of Islam),the day of judgement. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Debt financing behaviour: panel data evidence on medium enterprise
Published 2016“…The dynamic model employed and estimated using the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) revealed the existence of target debt ratio and firms readjust when deviated. Results also showed inclination to Shariah compliant characteristics of these MEs. …”
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Man and nature: an Islamic perspective
Published 2014“…Apart from that, this paper would like to find out as to why the Muslim community is not paying due attention to conservation and preservation of nature at a time when there is a serious call made by others to stop the ongoing environmental degradation that is happening all over the world. …”
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Remedies for specific performance for land contract: legal development
Published 2015“…It is found out that the right to sue for SP in equity is quite distict from the cause of action at common law. SP is granted when there are circumstances justifying it. The grant of SP is always subject to conditions.SP is said to be the best remedy for breach of immovable contract.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Identification of some alkaloids in datura stramonium (Saikaran, Jimson weed)
Published 2016“…The best separation was found to be when the solvent system was acetone: water: ammonia (90:07:03). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Implementation of CMOS oscillator for CMOS SAW resonator
Published 2016“…The open loop gain of the fabricated oscillator circuit is 17.5dB and consumes 3mW power. When integrated with SAW resonators, the phase noise performance is -84.6dBc/Hz 100 kHz offset frequency. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An empirical comparison of meta analysis models for continuous data with missing standard deviations
Published 2011“…Abstract: The choice between the Fixed and Random Effects models for providing an overall meta analysis estimates may affect the accuracy of those estimates. When the study-level standard deviations (SDs) are not completely reported or are “missing” selection of a meta analysis model should be done with more caution. …”
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A case study on the effect of imputing the missing variability measures in meta analysis
Published 2007“…One of the common problems with meta analysis data is when the variability measures, specifically, the standard deviations are not reported in the individual studies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The invitation to treat and Mu'atah in online contracts
Published 2009“…When dealing with an offer, it is crucial to determine whether a “statement” amounts to an “offer” or a mere “invitation to treat.” …”
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Design and implementation of fuzzy-based PID controller
Published 2002“…One such method is based on fuzzy logic technique which is considered much more appropri.ate when precise mathematical formulation is infeasible or difficult to achieve. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On selection of models for continuos meta analysis data with incomplete variability measures
Published 2011“…The choice between the fixed and random effects models for providing an overall meta analysis estimates may affect the accuracy of those estimates. When the study-level standard deviations (SDs) are not completely reported or are “missing” selection of a meta analysis model should be done with more caution. …”
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Qualitative research approach for the conceptual understanding of spirituality for healthcare service users: a methodological guide
Published 2020“…The implication of applying qualitative approach and constructivist grounded theory is that the empirical work may portray the contextual nature of spirituality for the population of interest, especially when it is arguable non-applicable to global context.…”
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Article -
NoMadCar: the interactive design using human computer interaction techniques
Published 2012“…Therefore, this paper presents the design that is used to �nd the ways how a user interface in the car can improve the driver's safety when using mobile devices such as phones and mp3 players while driving. …”
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Proceeding Paper