An investigation into parental attachment, child protection strategies and other risk factors associated with delinquency and criminal behaviour among young offenders in the UAE
Published 2014“…An examination of the link and legacy impacts of early physical and sexual abuse on behaviour, attitudes and feelings of young offenders (n=45) found that 44.44% had experienced sexual abuse in childhood in the majority of cases by familiar adults. …”
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Thesis -
A fuzzy logic based approach to quality of service in 802.11b wireless networks
Published 2004“…Fuzzy feedback control regulates admissions to the network (CAC) preventing a link from becoming saturated. Once an admission is made, a fuzzy controller smoothes individual flows (UPC). …”
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Thesis -
Master of the house: de-mythologizing the father in Turkish-German film
Published 2003“…This proposition entails a consideration of the approaches to myth in film and cultural studies and of an epistemological link between genre and mythopoesis.…”
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Thesis -
Lombok, Indonesia Earthquake: What Happened and Why?
Published 2020“…Earthquake can occur when any sudden shaking of the ground that can cause by the passage of seismic waves through Earth’s rocks. …”
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Book Section -
Aspects of song interaction between the closely related bush cricket genera Platycleis and Metrioptera
Published 1978“…This study Is concerned with the behavioural and ecological aspects of the acoustic interaction that occurs when two bush cricket species, Platycleis albopunctata and Metrioptera roeselii. sing together. …”
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Thesis -
Mathematical analysis of population growth subject to environmental change
Published 2014“…Many ecosystems are pressured when the environment is perturbed, such as when resources are scarce, or even when they are over-abundant. …”
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Thesis -
High voltage gain DC-DC converter using interleaved switching technique with PWM for current stress
Published 2019“…By using interleaved switching technique, the current stress on the components reduces about 35% when using 640 μH and 64% when using 800 μH of output inductance compared to synchronous switching technique When synchronous switching pattern is considered, the output voltage obtain is 375 V and the transient response is 0.02 s. …”
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Thesis -
The fit of safety helmet among female
Published 2020“…The method used in this reseach was collecting data from questionnaires, scanning the participants head when wearing and not wearing a safety helmet, post-scanning data processing and data of gap analysis, proportion of head under helmet protection and HFI calculation. 5 out of ten participants were feeling discomfort when wearing safety helmets. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Quantitative investigation of physical and mechanical properties of different artificial aggregate
Published 2020“…Concrete is an important construction element because it is plastic and soft when newly mixed, yet strong and tough when hardened. …”
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Book Section -
A study of island network performance for streaming protocols
Published 2019“…Based on the results gained, it was found that HTTP over TCP has less packets when compared to RTSP. As a conclusion, Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a little superior and authoritative protocol to stream a video when compared to the RTSP protocol.…”
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Thesis -
Associated factor of mortality rate amongst patients with AIDS and HIV-TB co-infections using zero inflated negative binomial method
Published 2014“…Therefore, valid procedures are needed to detect departures from the simple models. Hence, when a lot of extra zero exists, zero inflated Negative Binomial has been suggested when overdispersion is present. …”
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Thesis -
Direct rapid prototyping evaluation on multijet and fused deposition modeling patterns for investment casting
Published 2016“…Direct expendable pattern fabrication with intricate features using rapid prototyping techniques significantly reduces the fabrication cost when associated with single- or low-volume production. …”
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Article -
The evaluation of the variables of overheating under TM52 and its impact on Life Cycle calculations of buildings: a strategy tool for designer
Published 2016“…Overheating and its influencing factors in buildings are not understood by designers with both overheating and construction has a direct influence when air condition is adopted under future UK climate. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The biosemiotic imagination in the Victorian frames of mind : Newman, Eliot and Welby
Published 2016“…For George Eliot, it lay at the basis of any creative process, natural and cultural, between which it forged a link. Similarly to Eliot, Lady Victoria Welby saw abduction as a signifying process that subtends creativity both in nature and culture.…”
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