Characterization of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. isolates from commercial fermented milks
Published 2015“…However, the growth limitation, such as nutrient shortage in diluted media and also using inulin rather than glucose in synthetic medium, did not induce biofilm formation. …”
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Thesis -
Workers' playtime: an enquiry into the relationship between Paris May '68 and the development of British political theatre 1968-1978
Published 2004“…Finally, because post-May‘68 the form of a political expression came to be thought more political than content, the thesis concentrates upon how a Situationist logic is present in the radical forms and images the plays I have selected evidence, rather than their overt revolutionary utterances.…”
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Thesis -
Quinol-containing ligands enable high superoxide dismutase activity by modulating coordination number, charge, oxidation states and stability of manganese complexes throughout redo...
Published 2021“…The manganese complex with H2qp1 is markedly more stable in water than other highly active non-porphyrin-based and even some Mn(II) porphyrin-based SOD mimics.…”
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Article -
Delamination damage of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite laminates under cyclic shear-induced loading conditions
Published 2018“…Result shows that the peak load differences between the experiment and simulation is less than 6%. From the study, the capability of CCZM model for cyclic case has been demonstrated by linking interlaminar properties degradation with damage mechanics approach. …”
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Thesis -
Ontology of manufacturing enginneering
Published 2009“…Actually number of Manufacturing Engineering Programs is higher than Industrial Engineering Programs throughout the country. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Studio culture in architecture schools of Malaysia
Published 2011“…Some scholars claim that the established myths in studio culture have more bad effects to architectural students than good. The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of studio culture on architecture students particularly in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Financial management accountability index in the Malaysian public sector : a way forward
Published 2010“…It was found that majority of the agencies have a ‘good’ financial management system, with Federal agencies performing better than their counterparts at the State level. It was also found that the overall rating system and FMAI suffer from lack of proper disclosure, consequently reducing their worthiness. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A field observation on the philosophy of teaching Islamic and Arabic studies
Published 2009“…Popular and authorizations beliefs regarding educational contain have resulted in de facto Islamic and Arabic studies which largely reflect politically, rather than academically, realistically and effectively. …”
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Article -
Between Homestay and Wetland Mangroves: A Partnership Lesson in Eco-tourism
Published 2009“…Efforts by the locals and the government to support local economy by proposing homestay programs initially look promising during the early establishment of the wetland mangroves However, factors such as lack of coordination, poor partnership arrangement and lack of marketing strategies have resulted in a less than successful return for eco-tourism. This paper will assess the existing partnership between these villages and the protected natural area by proposing a partnership strategy that will help to rejuvenate the eco-tourism potentials.…”
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Monograph -
A note on noncommutative unique ergodicity and weighted means
Published 2009“…In this paper we study unique ergodicity of C∗-dynamical system (A, T), consisting of a unital C∗-algebra A and a Markov operator T : A �→ A, relative to its fixed point subspace, in terms of Riesz summation which is weaker than Cesaro one. Namely, it is proven that (A, T) is uniquely ergodic relative to its fixed point subspace if and only if its Riesz means 1 p1 +· · ·+pn �n k=1 pkTkx converge to ET (x) in A for any x ∈ A, as n→∞, here ET is an projection of A to the fixed point subspace of T. …”
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Article -
Melioidotic prostatic abscess in Pahang
Published 2009“…Four of five patients had diabetes mellitus and had more than one organ involvement. The diagnosis of prostatic abscess in our patients was only made with computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis. …”
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Article -
A decade of the World Trade Organization and trade performance of Muslim countries
Published 2010“…In fact this has been particularly difficult for developing countries, since they are expected to be on a level playing field with the developed countries. After more than a decade of existence, it is worth looking at the WTO's impact on developing countries, particularly Muslim countries. …”
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Article -
Energy and thermodynamic performance of refrigerator using pure hydrocarbon and mixture of hydrocarbons as refrigerants
Published 2007“…The result shows a better performance of butane than HFC-134a. The results support the possibility of using butane as an alternative to HFC134a in domestic refrigerators without any modification of the domestic refrigerator.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Change creation or harnessing nature: the reception of biotechnology in Islamic world
Published 2009“…The paper arrives at the conclusion that recourse to the maqāsid scheme is liable to be instrumental in promoting utilitarian ends rather than the ideals of the shari'ah.…”
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Article -
Quadratic stochastic operators and processes: results and open problems
Published 2011“…The history of the quadratic stochastic operators can be traced back to the work of Bernshtein (1924). For more than 80 years, this theory has been developed and many papers were published. …”
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Article -
Characteristics of drift eliminators of an evaporative condenser
Published 1993“…The use of forced draft resulted in better performance of the refrigeration system than with induced draft.…”
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Article -
Reverse leakage current mechanisms in quantum dot laser structures
Published 2011“…Since the dark current is a relatively parameter to determine in a device, optimising this is a quicker means of optimising the growth parameters than undertaking full laser testing. I. INTRODUCTION…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Psychological profiles of effeminate, male and female students
Published 2003“…However, they were more androgynous than normal female students. Although effeminates reported the lowest level of self-esteem, contrary to prediction, they showed low psychological distress. …”
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Article -
Process analytical technology based monitoring and control of crystal properties in pharmaceutical crystallisation processes.
Published 2011“…It is estimated that more than 80% ofpharmaceutical products involve at least one crystallization step in their manufacturing process (Reutzel-Edens, 2006). …”
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Book Chapter