Shariah and legal issues in house buying in Malaysia: the legality of Bay’Bithaman-al-Ajil (‘BBA’) with special reference to abandoned housing projects
Published 2011“…Despite having been in existence for more than 25 years, in the authors’ view, it is still questionable whether or not the Islamic banks and financial institutions in Malaysia have been satisfactorily carrying out these duties. …”
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Article -
Land for food cultivation: is price a barrier to expansion?
Published 2011“…With increasing development speculation involving farmland, total area devoted to food cultivation continues to fall, or is expected to be sold at a higher price per hectare than before. This paper compares price of land cultivated with paddy relative to other crops and proceeds to examine some unique market and institutional features of the paddy land market. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Validation of the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (CISS)
Published 2008“…It also had good factor loading for most of its items where 44 items out of 48 had Confirmatory Factor Analysis values of more than 4.0. Conclusions: BM CISS had been adequately and correctly translated into Bahasa Malaysia with high psychometric properties. …”
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Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes
Published 2010“…In the first step, acid catalyzed esterification reduced the high FFA content of SPO to less than 2% with the different dosages of PTSA. The optimum conditions for pretreatment process by esterification were 0.75% (w/w) dosage of PTSA to SPO, 10:1 M ratio, 60 �C temperature, 60 min reaction time and 400 rpm stirrer speed. …”
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Increase of oxygen permeability on metal/oxide interface during high temperature oxidation of Fe-Cr alloys in water vapor at 1073 K
Published 2010“…Many studies1-3 have shown that oxidation rates in humid environment are higher than in dry environment. The formation of Cr2O3 scale during high temperature oxidation is beneficial in protecting metals from severe oxidizing environment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Endo sensor bacterial endotoxin detector in liquid biological samples
Published 2011“…The LAL tests in general, 3 to 300 times more sensitive than the United States Pharmacopeial (USP) rabbit pyrogen test method. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A review on non-stereospecific haloalkanoic acid dehalogenases
Published 2011“…The kinetics of DehE has been partially characterized and brominated compounds have greater specificity constant values than do the corresponding chlorinated compounds. …”
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Postpartum diet and its relation with anemia
Published 2011“…Imbalance nutrient, less than the body requirement may lead to anemia which can then take a toll to the mother, her family and her relationship; which is the opposite of the objective of the diet restriction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mechanism of grain refinement in ferritic stainless steel welds: between dendrite fragmentation, grain detachment and heterogeneous nucleation
Published 2011“…The evaluation suggested that other than in certain cases of compositional/ constitutional undercooling, dendrite fragmentation and grain detachment appear to be the controlling mechanisms except when specific steps are taken to introduce nuclei to promote heterogeneous nucleation.…”
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Determination of trace metals in airborne particulate matter of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2009“…It can also be concluded that the mean levels of Pb (1 ng/m3), Cd (0.02 ng/m3) and Zn (2 ng/m3) in the study area are generallylower than other urban areas in Malaysia (Pb\181 ng/m3; Cd\6 ng/m3; Zn\192 ng/m3).…”
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Removal of reduction of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyzed reaction for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…The results showed that the FFA of SPO reduced from 23% to less than 2% FFA using 0.25% wt/wt of sulphuric acid, the molar ratio of methanol to oil was 8:1 at 60 minutes reaction time and 60 oC.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparison of supervised and unsupervised learning classifiers for human posture recognition
Published 2010“…Results indicate that MLP performs (96% accuracy) much better than SOMs, FCM and K Means which give accuracies of 86%, 33% and 31% respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Levels of heavy metals in green-lipped mussel Perna veridis (Linnaeus) from Muar Estuary, Johore, Malaysia
Published 2008“…In all cases, metal levels found were lower than the guideline of international standards of reference and the examined bivalve were not associated with enhanced metal content in their tissues and were safe within the limits for human consumption…”
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Improved watershed runoff estimation using radar-derived rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2009“…Malaysia is a humid tropical country with more than 60% of land area covered with forest. Hence, using rain gauges to determine the spatial distribution of watershed rainfall may not be the best technique. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface modification of activated carbon for enhancement of heavy metals adsorption.
Published 2010“…Langmuir model having higher R2 value of 0.926, 0.889 and 0.986 for copper, nickel and lead adsorption was better than Freundlich in predicting the adsorption process of the three metals from the mixed metals solution…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Financing micro and medium sized enterprises through decreasing partnership (musharakah mutanaqisah): refining shari'ah and banking aspects for enhanced applicability
Published 2008“…The paper argues that the reality of the underlying contracts should be effectively highlighted through pricing the units and ijarah rentals realistically, rather than as an apportionment of the profit element calculated on the capital outlay. …”
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Book Chapter -
Intelligent electromagnetic actuated CVT system for passenger car
Published 2011“…The EMA-CVT performance with controller has found 28% more than the performance of the EMA-CVT without controller. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Capabilities of cermets tools for high speed machining of austenitic stainless steel
Published 2006“…However, when used for roughing cuts, they tended to fracture unpredictably rather than having gradual flank wear. Thus, the cermet tools were found to perform satisfactorily only for finishing operations with feed rates ranging between 0.1 and 0.2 mm rev-1 and at the maximum depth of cut of 0.3 mm. …”
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An asymmetric key-based security architecture for wireless sensor networks
Published 2008“…Considering this sensor feature, in this paper we propose an efficient PKC-based security architecture with relatively lower resource requirements than those of previously proposed PKC schemes for WSN. …”
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Process analysis of the effective utilization of molten slag heat by direct blast furnace cement production system
Published 2010“…In contrast, the emission of CO2–488.2 kg/ton–in BFC production was ower than 797.5 kg/ton emission in portland cement production; this was because portland cement consumes more carbonaceous fuels such as coal. …”
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