Personal control related to childbirth satisfaction among postpartum mothers in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA)
Published 2013“…Correlation test and t-test were used to test the relationship of socio demographic data with personal control and chidlbirth satisfaction. Findings: The mean score for personal control among postnatal mother was 52.56 [SD = 10.693, min max (29, 70)] with the mean childbirth satisfaction score of 140.06 [SD = 17.109, min max (89, 170)]. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lessons from live project: a case study on a landscape project of an institution
Published 2013“…Review presents several findings, which are leading towardsthat; lack of skilled workers, ineffective coordination and lack of responsibility and commitment and etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling petroleum future volatility: Analyzing asymmetry and persistency of shocks
Published 2012“…The study reveals the following: over the full sample period of 1995–2010, all future price returns show persistent and asymmetric effects of shocks to the volatility but the level of persistency and degree of asymmetry differ product to product; over the subsample 1995–2001, persistency and asymmetry are evident for all series with the exception of gasoline future price returns; the recent subsample of 2002–2010 shows mixed evidence and all series show persistent effects of shocks to the volatility while asymmetry is supported in crude oil and propane only; the study also concludes that based on forecasting performance,no single model can be recommended but different models should be used based on the time periods involved and the nature of petroleum products. These findings also imply that in the presence of asymmetric and persistent volatility, policy measures should be taken to accommodate long lasting effects of shocks to the volatility. …”
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Modeling food price volatility and testing heat wave and/or meteor shower effects: Evidence for Asia and Pacific countries
Published 2012“…Volatility characteristics and spillover effects of food prices are examined across a full (1995-2010) and two subsamples (1995-2001 and 2002-2010) with daily food price indices. Main findings of the study are as follows: (1) like other asset prices, food price volatility can be modelled by CGARCH variant of GARCH-family models for world as well as country specific levels, (2) increased risk does not necessarily lead to increased returns for world and specified countries except few instances, (3) mixed evidence of cross country mean and volatility spillover effects are reported. …”
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Competence, performance and trainability of older workers of higher educational institutions in Malaysia
Published 2014“…The sample of 325 respondents consisted older workers in the higher education sector aged between 55 and 60 years old. Findings – Based on the assessments made by the older workers themselves and their superiors, it is found that the older workers are competent, performing well, and are trainable. …”
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Aspects of trees and their influence in reducing solar radiation penetration to the ground
Published 2013“…The initial results show significant reduction of the quantity of solar radiation penetrating the canopies from the different tree aspects. These findings are hoped to guide designers in choosing appropriate trees in achieving their design intentions especially when addressing the thermal comfort of users and in mitigating the urban heat island effect. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study on potential application and people awareness on green infrastructure for boulevard: a case study of Putrajaya boulevard
Published 2013“…The interviews with landscape architects, planners, and engineers are conducted to identify the guidelines and principle of green infrastructure applied at the Putrajaya Boulevard. Based on the findings, eleven types of green infrastructure in managing the energy use and climate control can be applied for the boulevard. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Potential application of rain garden towards sustainable urban ecosystem and environment for streetscapes
Published 2013“…Information was collected through the previous findings by some former researchers and it was supported by some local guidelines. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
ICT implementation barriers and organizational issues in Islamic-based higher education institution: the case of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta
Published 2010“…This paper presents the analysis of ICT implementation barriers and organizational issues at DIN Jakarta, as a case study of an Islamic-based higher education institution in Indonesia. The findings revealed that the barriers include aspects related to organizational constraints, technological constraints, IT management problems, individual and cultural factors. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Teaching and learning in the third space to engender shared Malaysian identity
Published 2012“…Data analysis was guided by the main research question: To what extent can the notion of the Third Space be helpful in the construction of shared Malaysian identity? The findings from the analyses of the results show various attitudes, beliefs and teaching and practices in the English language classroom in response to the notion of constructing a shared identity in the Third Space.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of financial shocks on Islamic banks: Malaysian evidence during 1997 and 2007 financial crises
Published 2010“…Approach - Focusing on the Malaysian data covering three sub-periods, namely, the 1997 Asian financial crisis period (July 1997 - September 1999), the non-crisis period (October 1999 - June 2007) and the 2007 US sub-prime crisis period (July 2007 - September 2009), the study employs the impulse response functions and variance decomposition analysis based on the Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) method. Findings - The results indicate that both the Islamic and conventional banking systems are vulnerable to financial shocks. …”
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Jihad in the life of Prophet Muhammad: a mercy or terror
Published 2011“…This study would critically deal with some controversial issues in Jihad and analyze them based on the authentic historical references from the life of the Prophet. The ultimate findings of this study would be expected to clarify the reality against some biased misinterpretation of the events from the life of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who was the ambassador of peace and mercy to all humanity in all circumstances, ages and places. …”
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Book Chapter -
Religious worldviews and dialogue: bridging people of different civilizations in shaping a better future
Published 2009“…Discussion includes implications of the current findings, and directions for future research. The study generates pragmatic recommendations on devising versatile strategies for prolific dialogue among religions in order to make the world a better place to live in.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Students’ colour perception and preference: an empirical analysis of its relationship
Published 2013“…It aims to verify the previous findings concerning preference differences among gender in a population and extends the method using visible colour survey. 798 students who are also the hostel residents aged between 19 to 27 years old took part in this random survey. …”
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The legal and beneficial ownership conundrum in sovereign sukuk structuring
Published 2015“…Through a systematic content analysis, this study uses the qualitative legal research method to analyse a number of sovereign ṣukūk structures gathered from available ṣukūk prospectuses. The study finds that the nature of legal and beneficial ownership in ṣukūk transplanted from the conventional bonds structuring is different from the type of ownership envisaged in Islamic commercial law. …”
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The phenomenon of Islamic nasyid groups in Malaysia: establishment, impacts & challenges: Rabbani, Raihan and Hijjaz as a case study
Published 2015“…This research is expected to provide important findings that will enhance Islamic awareness among the society members. …”
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Monograph -
Conservation and utilization of crop genetic resources in Malaysia : Mardi's effort
Published 2015“…Therefore in the last few years, the focus of the genebank was on the utilisation of those conserved genes and some significant findings of commercial potentials are discussed. The paper also discusses on the MARDI future strategies in crop genebanking. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sustainable hospital for urban residents
Published 2015“…The approaches used are literature review and data collections. The findings identified the motor vehicles as the main sources of Particulates Matter in Kuala Lumpur urban area. …”
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Implementation of intensive care outreach: nurses and junior doctors’ knowledge, attitude and practice in risk assessment and responses to deteriorating patients
Published 2015“…Data was analyzed using SPSS 22.0 for descriptive and inferential analysis. Findings: Respond rate for this study is 79.5%. It was shown that nurses and junior doctors have good attitude and practice in assessing deteriorating patient and emergency pharmacotherapy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A critical analysis of development indices
Published 2015“…A systematic review of related literature, works, and papers in books, journals, reports, and conferences, were undertaken using meta-analysis and content analysis methods. The findings of this study reveal that in general, most of the existing development indices have been criticized with regard to poor data, incorrect choice of indicators, involvement of only a few dimensions of the broader concept of development, lack of consideration on non-material aspects and poor specification of the development framework. …”
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