CA1 hippocampal neuronal responses to curry leaves extract treatment in rats subjected to chronic cerebral hypoperfusion : a behavioral and histopathological study
Published 2013“…Harvested brain samples were processed for histopathological examination of CA1 hippocampal region using cresyl violet stain. Water maze test findings showed that MKL positively improved 2VO induced memory and learning impairments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Medical care costs of newly diagnosed children with structural-metabolic epilepsy: a one year prevalence-based approached
Published 2012“…The total first-year medical care costs for 120 patients with structural-metabolic epilepsy were MYR 202,816 (i.e., MYR 1690.13 per patient per year). The study findings highlight the importance of optimizing seizure control in reducing the cost of managemen…”
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An empirical study on the risk management strategies IT outsourcing in Malaysia public sector
Published 2012“…Content analysis was used to analyse available documents and in-depth semi-structured interview feedbacks. The study finds the agencies have applied ITO guidelines recommended by Malaysia public sector IT modernisation and administrative planning unit. …”
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Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity in serum and various anticoagulated-plasma
Published 2012“…There were significant positive correlations (p<0.001) between PON1 activity in serum with PON1 activity in all anti-coagulated plasma except for plasma in potassium-EDTA container (r=0.27, p=0.06). Conclusion: Our finding suggested that only serum and plasma in lithium-heparin container are suitable for the analysis of PON1 activity. …”
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Assessing the impact of landscape setting on the microclimate of outdoor spaces in hot-humid regions towards mitigating urban heat island - a preliminary investigation
Published 2013“…Four spaces within the IIUM are investigated which represent generally two categories of landscape setting which are: shaded/green area and exposed area. The findings suggested that the landscape settings do influence the microclimate of outdoor spaces where high quantity of trees and big tree size seem to lower the air temperature readings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Abdominal obesity in Malaysian adults: National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS III, 2006)
Published 2008“…Being the largest population-based study on AO among Malaysians, these findings have important public health implications. …”
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Bacterial pollution in Molluscs Arch Clam, Orbicularia orbiculata and Blood Cockle, Anadara granosa of Pahang estuary, Malaysia
Published 2009“…Whilst, Nineteen bacterial species were identified in Anadara granosa such as Aeromonas hydrophila group 1, Aerococcus viridians 1, Aerococcus viridans 2, Chromobacterium violaceum., Enterobacter gergoviae, Erwinia sp., Escherichia coli, Enterococcus avium, Gemella morbillorum, Kluyvera sp., Vibrio fluvialis, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc sp., Staphylococcus capitis, Staphylococcus lentus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus xylosus. The finding indicates that the edible mollusc of Pahang estuary was polluted with pathogenic bacteria which could be harmful for human consumption.…”
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Assessing the antecedents of customer loyalty on healthcare insurance products: Service quality; perceived value embedded model
Published 2016“…Apart from assessing the reliability and validity of the constructs through confirmatory factor analysis, this research also used structural equation modelling (SEM) approach to test the proposed hypothesis. Findings: The results from the inferential statistics revealed that the healthcare insurance customers are highly influenced by service quality followed by the perceived value in reaching their loyalty towards a particular health insurance service provider. …”
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Indoor microbial contamination and its relation to physical indoor air quality characteristics at selected libraries in pahang
Published 2015“…The bacterial identification findings indicated that Gram positive bacteria were abundant compared to Gram negative bacteria. …”
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Strengthening the maqasid al-shariah contents in undergraduate quantity surveying programme at KAED,IIUM
Published 2015“…The study focusses to propose contents of the BQS (Honours) programme courses in order to increase the “faith” and “lineage” components therein and employed a combination of literature review, content analysis of the programme structure and course outlines of the BQS (Honours) programme at KAED, IIUM and a series of detail discussions among BQS lecturers. Key findings from the study suggest that the BQS (Honours) programme at KAED IIUM has potentials towards achieving a more balanced maqasid al-shariah among the five key components and the types of courses and topics to be incorporated into the programme have been identified. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Postnatal depression: An understanding of Malaysian perspectives
Published 2014“…It will also encourage further high quality work to provide effective, relevant and culturally sensitive intervention for PND. The findings of this study will be the foundation of developing preventative intervention for PND in Malaysia.…”
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Knowledge sharing behaviors among non academic staff of higher learning institutions: attitude, subjective norms and behavioral intention embedded model
Published 2016“…This research also applied confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to examine the proposed hypothesis of this inquiry. Findings – The results indicate that attitude and subjective norms both influence the staff knowledge sharing behavior significantly and positively. …”
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3-Arylsydone and 4-Acetyl-3-Arylsydone: In vitro cytotoxicity against prostate cancer cell line (PC3), structure-activity relationship and in silico evaluation of their caspase 3 i...
Published 2016“…The docking result demonstrated that 9 molecules had hydrogen bonds with the active site of caspase 3 which consists Arg207 and Arg64. The findings of this study indicated that sydnones are promising cytotoxic compounds for the treatment of prostate cancer and merit more studies to investigate their activity against other cancer cell lines along with in vivo evaluation.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A retrospective review of 25 cases of lethal fetal anomalies
Published 2016“…Twenty (80%) women delivered or aborted vaginally, three (12%) women with assisted breech delivery and two (8%) women with abdominal delivery which were performed due to transverse foetal lie in labour and a failed induction, leading to emergency hysterotomy complicated by hysterectomy due to intraoperative finding of ruptured uterus. Overall, the associated post-partum adverse events included post-partum haemorrhage (12%), retained placenta (12%), blood transfusion (8%), uterine rupture (4%) and endometritis (4%). …”
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Cellulase aided extraction and characteristics of sulfated polysaccharides from Brown seaweed (Turinaria turbinata)
Published 2016“…The biological and physicochemical properties of the Sulfated polysaccahrides were related. The findings confirmed the potential of brown seaweed as a viable source of anti-inflammatory compounds.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Erosion corrosion and tribological behavior of TIG torch composite layers
Published 2016“…The results generally indicated that TIG-embedded surface coating showed surface characteristics (topography, hardness and wear behaviors) that are controlled by the powder composition and content, TIG process parameters and microstrural evolution. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that TIG torch melting technique is a versatile and economic process for the formation of composite coating layer on the steel and Ti-alloy in order to widen their applications for aggressive tribological environment involving dry sliding and high temperature.…”
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Monograph -
An analysis of maṣlaḥah based resolutions issued by Bank Negara Malaysia
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the secondary data is obtained from sources such as uṣūl al-fiqh (theory of Islamic jurisprudence) books, papers and relevant internet sources. Findings: The study found that SAC-BNM’s resolutions are in line with some of the major maṣlaḥah parameters mentioned in the uṣūl al-fiqh sources i.e. must not contradict with the Qurʾān and the Sunnah. …”
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Exploring staff perception of InfoSec policy compliance: Palestine Universities empirical study
Published 2019“…The study has 600 datasets collected from six universities by the developed research quantitative instrument. The findings show that Staff value the importance of the model factors in promoting Staff compliance intention. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in urban development plans for resilient cities
Published 2020“…Malaysian's federal policy documents (Eleventh Malaysia Plan, National Physical Plan III and National Urbanisation Policy II), state structure plans (Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 and Pahang State Structure Plan 2035) and local development plans (Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2030 and Cameron Highlands Draft Local Plan 2030) were referred to for this purpose. Overall, findings of the study indicated that at the national level, aspects of CCA and DRR are limited to the environment and infrastructure sector. …”
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