Quantifying CA1 Dorsal Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells in rats : rules to light microscope based estimation
Published 2011“…Under light microscope with cresyl violet staining, the number of viable HCA1PC cells in 1 mm horizontal distance of dorsal hippocampus, 3 mm caudal to the fornix, was calculated twice and found to be significantly higher in sham control than 2VO group (p<0.01) with standard error of mean of 4.98 and 17.26 respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Construction of Streptococcus pyogenes mutants by allele replacement mutagenesis
Published 2010“…Hoe and colleagues then showed that GAS Δsic mutant was easily internalised and killed more effectively by human epithelial cells than the wild-type strain (Hoe et al., 2002). Previous studies used SIC-defective mutants which were constructed by insertion of transposon. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ramsar convention and convention on biological diversity as mechanism for promoting biodiversity conservation of Malaysia wetlands
Published 2011“…This convention reflected new international legal efforts aimed at conservation by protecting a habitat type rather than a species, which was the consequence of activities of the non-governmental International Waterfowl Research Bureau. …”
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Synthesis of Ni3Al/ZrO2 nanocomposite and study on its high temperature oxidation in mixed gas environment
Published 2010“…Reduced elastic modulus (Er) for ICZ5 was lower than ICZ2. Isothermal oxidation/sulfidation test in 1%SO2/air gas mixture at 800 and 1000°C were performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) for up to 24 hours duration. …”
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Spirulina - a potential feed additive for the development of proteolytic enzymes and growth of the tropical sport fish Malaysian Mahseer (KELAH, Tor tambroides) FRY
Published 2010“…Control diet without any additive showed lower activity than those of diets with additives. The study indicates that the incorporation of 0.10% Spirulina to a diet could be a vital factor to activate the proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin of Tor tambroides fry. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bioassay-direct fractionation and contact bioautography technique for antimicrobial activities of marine sponge
Published 2010“…The results showed that methanol extract had stronger antimicrobial activity against B. anthracis (400μg/disc) than water extract. Since the methanol extract was found to be active, it was used for further bioassay-directed fraction in order to isolate the active compounds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Production of high quality halal gelatins through enzymatic process
Published 2009“…In terms of Bloom strength, the gelatin produced from “kerapu” was found to be the strongest one compared to others, with the Bloom value of more than 2000 g. The gelatins extracted in this study contained almost all essential amino acids, with glycine being the most predominant one. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Xanthine Oxidase inhibitory activity from potential Malaysian medicinal plants as remedies for gout
Published 2010“…Ninety-nine percent of the crude extracts were found to have XO inhibitory activity at 100 μg/ml, and 57% showed greater than 50% inhibition. On the basis of availability and sustainability, distilled water extract of Carica papaya leaves was selected for optimization of process conditions, namely, extraction temperature (⁰C), extraction time (hour), agitation speed (rpm), and ratio of sample to the solvent (1 g/ml) using Central Composite Design (CCD) of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) from Design Expert© v.6.0.8 software. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Qur’anic perspective on the role of education in the context of globalization: the alliance of civilization
Published 2011“…How education can play a significant role in the globalized world in unifying and focusing on the common values rather than dissecting and separating. How globalization can be made the proper channel and medium of the positive education, which can help realizing a global alliance of civilizations and its requirements.…”
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Book Chapter -
Malnutrition in pre-school children (2-5 years of age) in district Swabi(NWFP)-Pakistan
Published 2007“…The weight and height were lower than the third percentile in all cases and indicate that t he children are stunted and under-weight. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Secondary metabolites and bioactivity studies of Garcinia griffithii plant
Published 2010“…It was found that the polar extracts, i.e. methanol and ethyl acetate, showed higher antimicrobial activities than the non polar (hexane) extract. The results of screening test for phytochmicals showed that the leave extract of the plant possessed the active principles e.g. terpenoids, tannins,alkaloids saponins and glycosides. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of cultivars and starch preparation methods on Japanese potato starch properties
Published 2012“…We found that starches of Hokkaikogane and Eniwa, both with a measurably higher phosphorus content, displayed significantly higher peak viscosity and breakdown than those of Benimaru and Norin No. 1. Even within the same cultivar, the starch preparation method has a significant impact on peak viscosity and breakdown. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy knowledge-based model for prediction of traction force of an electric golf car
Published 2012“…Results show that the mean relative error of actual and predicted values from the FLS model on TF is found as 7%, which is less than the acceptable limit of 10%. The goodness of fit of the prediction value from FLS is found close to 1.0 as expected and hence shows the good performance of the developed system. …”
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Design and implementation of an optimal fuzzy logic controller using egentic algorithm
Published 2011“…The results justify the effectiveness of the approach implemented in this study and they lUnher prove toot the optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller is functioning better than the conventional PID Controller…”
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Book Chapter -
Fine-granulated FEC code for IPTV I-frames over wireless DVB-T channels
Published 2011“…This phenomena motivates the development of frame-selective fine - granulated FEC schemes in the application layer at the frame level (e.g., GOP) rather than the PHY layer packet level. The objective ofthis letter is to confirm this hypothesis by investigating the GOP peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and the bit energy to the noise energy (Et/No) performance for different bit error rate (BER) levels using such fine-granuled Reed-Solomon (RS) FEC coding and Interleaving at the video source before being passed down to the PHY layer. …”
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Book Chapter -
5.5-10.5 GHz IR-UWB Pulse Generator for Narrowband Interference Mitigation
Published 2012“…The generated pulse width is less than 1 ns, providing a speed of about 1 Gb/s for IR-UWB system with minimum modulation complexity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity from potential Malaysian medicinal plant as remedies for gout
Published 2012“…Statistical experimental design were employed to optimize the selected sample (dried Carica papaya leaves: distilled water) on extraction of XOI and the maximum XOI percentage of 86.93 ± 1.9% was obtained, which exhibited only 6.76% less than the activity exhibited by allopurinol (93.69 ± 0.2%), a commercial XOI. …”
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Elimination of burr formation during end milling of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) through high speed machining
Published 2011“…For this reason the surface roughness will generally be higher than that predicted by Eq. (1). Statistical models that include such factors as depth of cut and spindle speed in addition to feed rate have been developed [6].…”
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Book Chapter -
PCD inserts in end milling of Aluminum Silicon Carbide (AlSiC)
Published 2011“…Li et al [3] found that aluminum alloys reinforced with silicon carbide particles are almost three times more efficient than the un-reinforced aluminum alloys in destroying tungsten projectiles at 1.2 km/sec. …”
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Book Chapter -
Antibiotic resistance microbes in tropical mangrove sediments, East Coast Peninsular, Malaysia
Published 2010“…All bacterial isolates showed Multi Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) index higher than 0.2 and proved high-risk sources of contamination of the environment. …”
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