Rapid and sensitive LC method for the analysis of Gemifloxacin in Human plasma
Published 2009“…Stability study showed that after three freeze-thaw cycles the loss of three quality control samples were less than 10%. Samples were stable at room temperature for 12 h and at −20 °C for 3 months. …”
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Fast and slow carbonaceous BOD speciation of sewage effluent
Published 2010“…Recent developments however have shown that there may significant variation for certain types of wastewater samples where the organic fraction may consists of more slowly biodegradable organics (such as particulate organic carbon) than readily biodegradable organics (dissolved organics). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Gratitude, gratitude intervention and well-being in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Study 1 compared the gratitude scores Malaysian Malays against the US, UK, China and Japan, along an individualist-collective continuum, and results showed Malays had lower gratitude scores than the others, except for the Japanese. To increase their gratitude scores, Study 2 carried out an intervention using ‘the three good things’ exercise on 59 students over a period of 14 days. …”
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Some thoughts about accounting conceptual framework and standards for Awqaf Institutions
Published 2007“…It is perhaps, why the development of these institutions seemed to be left far behind than other Islamic institutions. It is undeniable that the hidden strengths of awqaf institutions in solving the problems of the ummah, such as education, health and poverty eradication are so promising. …”
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Effects of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) stocking and artificial feeding on water quality and production in rohu–common carp bi-culture ponds
Published 2008“…Supplemental feeding increased the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, phytoplankton availability and the growth and production of rohu and common carp (Po0.01).The combination of supplemental feeding and tilapia stocking resulted in a higher net yield than the other treatments (Po0.05). Stocking 1.5 rohu, 0.5 common carp and 0.2 tilapia m-2 in fed-ponds is a good culture combination for polyculture farmers in South Asia.…”
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Effects of common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) and feed addition in rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton) ponds on nutrient partitioning among fish, plankton and benthos
Published 2008“…Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in pondswithout CC compared with ponds with CC. …”
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War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2013“…It has resulted in much more loss of lives than 9/11 attack. Moreover, law and order situation in the country has constantly deteriorated since 2001.One obvious and tragic price of this open war is the toll of death and destruction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On becoming good women: a study on 'the fragmented self' in Malaysian Muslim women's writing in English
Published 2007“…Muslims are expected to be virtuous by their religion, and where the women are concerned, the expectations are often higher than for men as interpretations of “good” behavior are often focused on women. …”
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Tool life modeling in high speed turning of AISI 4340 hardened steel with mixed ceramic tools by using face central cubic design
Published 2013“…It was found that the second order model provide higher accuracy prediction than the first order model. It was observed that the cutting speed is the most significant factor that influences the tool life for the two models, followed by the feed rate then the negative rake angle. …”
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Antioxidant activity of different extracts from leaves of Pereskia bleo (Cactaceae)
Published 2012“…Results of the present study showed that Ethyl acetate extract of P. bleo leaf exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) higher antioxidant activity as measured using DPPH free radical (IC50), FRAP and β-carotene-linoleic assays than that of hexane extract, methanol extract and ethanol extract. …”
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Best interest of children in the division of family business as matrimonial property: the civil and shariah courts’ perspectives in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This issue might be resolved if the courts take into consideration the element of participation in business rather than the quantum of interest in the business in determining and dividing the matrimonial property. …”
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Influence of growth stage and season on the antioxidant constituents of Cosmos caudatus
Published 2012“…Samples planted from June to August (during the dry season) exhibited a remarkably higher bioactivity and height than those planted from October to December (during the wet season). …”
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Use of alternative dispute resolution technique of mediation for speedy and fair resolution of land use dispute in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Moreover, resolutions found through alternatives to litigation might prove more durable and effective than if resolved in a court by a judge with little or no attachment to the dispute at hand, and limited expertise on the complex technical and scientific issues characteristic of environmental disputes. …”
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Monograph -
Statistical analysis of cyclic performance of fire resistant door set in shopping Centre in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The result shows that out of four door set measured two showed that the actual number of door cyclic movement is higher than stipulated in the Malaysian Standard…”
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Monograph -
Circadian rhythm of juveniles of brown-marbled grouper and orange-spotted grouper
Published 2013“…Both of grouper species show higher activities in the daytime than the night time. These grouper species seems to be typical diurnal species. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Al-Shāfiʿī’s position on analogical reasoning in Islamic criminal law: human rights implications
Published 2013“…The paper will tentatively concludes that, while the use of qiyās in Islamic criminal law, especially in law of retaliation (qiṣāṣ) and predetermined punishments (ḥudūd) in accordance with al-Shāfiʿī’s approach is tantamount to incriminating a person based on less than certainty (yaqīn), it also represents the most promising way of protecting human rights from the objectives of Islamic law (maqasid al-shariah). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prophet Muhammad’s observations and guidance on the construction of buildings
Published 2011“…Thus, the permanent and most consequential side of Islamic architecture is as old as the Islamic message and the Islamic community but which at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) could take no more than an austere and unsophisticated physical form. …”
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Analysis of chief complaint, toothbrushing, plaque score, dental care program and decay in children
Published 2013“…Children had irregular or didn’t know the tooth brushing frequency, one time, twice, and more than twice a day were 13.3%, 17.7%, 46.9% and 22.1% respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rights of Muslim women in business assets as inheritance; a case law analysis
Published 2013“…However, the recognition does not confer on them an equal share with men in the intestate’s estates because of the general principle of the religious law, which gives preference to men, allowing the latter to receive a larger share than women. In other words, there is preference of men over women in the size of shares though in certain specific areas, the preference is reversed in accordance with customs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sociodemographic factors, social support and risk of postpartum depression (PPD) among postpartum women at Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Temerloh
Published 2013“…Postpartum depression (PPD) occurs in more than 15% of all women who given birth worldwide but is believed to be extensively under diagnosed. …”
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Proceeding Paper