Missing values estimation for skylines in incomplete database
Published 2018“…Some of these techniques retrieve the query results based on the existing values rather than estimating the missing values. Such techniques are undesirable in many cases as the dimensions with missing values might be the important dimensions of the user’s query. …”
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Factors associated with prescription opioid overdose deaths in patients with non-cancer pain: a literature review
Published 2015“…Codeine and oxycodone were more commonly reported to cause opioid ODs and opioid doses of more than 100 mg per day in morphine equivalents have higher risk to cause ODs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The health MDGs in Zanfara state with emphasis on maternal mortality 2010-2015: perspectives and challenges
Published 2015“…Maternal mortality is still unacceptably high with Nigeria contributing to about more than 10% of the global burden of maternal deaths at 576/100.000 live births. …”
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Rapid detection of porcine and bovine gelatins in dental prophylaxis pastes using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Published 2015“…The extracts were then placed in the FTIR Perkin Elmer spectrometer for less than 5 minutes. All spectra were recorded within 4000 - 400 cm-I wavenumber with 4 cm-I resolution under 40 scans. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Shariah risk management process for Islamic financial institutions in the context of Shariah Governance Framework 2010
Published 2015“…The hypotheses that the paper seeks to establish are that there are differences between the concept of Shariah risk and shariah non-compliant risk; and that the shariah risk management process adopted by the IFIs are different than the conventional risk management process due to the unique features and requirements of the IFIs.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Edward Snowden disclosures turn the fears of surveillance into reality: the impact and transformation in information security
Published 2016“…More than two years passed since the biggest event on information security and privacy which is the disclosure of very sensitive documents on the National Security Agency in United States. …”
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Control of suddenly expanded flow for area ratio 3.61
Published 2013“…Airflow from convergent axisymmetric nozzle expanded suddenly into circular duct of larger cross-sectional area than that of nozzle exit area were studied experimentally, focusing attention on the base pressure and the flow development in the duct. …”
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Experimental investigation of flow through convergent nozzle and the influence of micro jets on the enlarged duct flow field
Published 2014“…Airflow from convergent axi-symmetric nozzle expanded suddenly into circular duct of larger cross-sectional area than that of nozzle exit area were studied experimentally, focusing attention on the wall pressure and the flow development in the enlarged duct. …”
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Thermal comfort investigation in traditional and modern urban canyons in Bandar Abbas, Iran
Published 2013“…In addition, the results also indicated that the traditional urban fabric is more thermally comfortable than the new residential urban fabric. According to field measurements, thermal comfort calculation and wind simulations, the canyons with the north-south direction present a better orientation for air circulation benefiting from the sea breezes as compared to the other canyon orientations. …”
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Utilising key climate element variability for the prediction of future climate change using a support vector machine model
Published 2016“…The SVM was found to perform significantly better than the MLPNN in terms of mean square error and root mean square error, although computational times for the two models are statistically equal. …”
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Solid state bioconversion (SSB): an effective process for safe disposal and recycling of domestic wastewater sludge as compost
Published 2006“…However, the adopted biological process might be considered as the most useful and convenient way of sludge management and disposal than any other conventional techniques. The SSB process, a noble natural biological and effective technique might address a sound direction for bioremediation, safe disposal and recycling of contaminated wastes.…”
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A study to investigate state of ethical Development in E-learning
Published 2016“…Different researchers evidenced that e-learning has provided more opportunities to behave unethically than in traditional learning. A descriptive quantitative enquiry-based study is performed to explore same issue in e-learning environment. …”
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A study on illegal occupation and operation of landuse categories in Perak: a case of state land
Published 2016“…This study concerns on illegal occupation and operation of state land in Perak. In 2014, more than 17,000 hectares of land in Perak have been illegally cleared, resulting in the state government losing hundreds of millions of ringgit in revenue. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of workload and its impact on satisfaction among pharmacy academicians in Southern India
Published 2015“…Private sector academicians had more load of teaching (p=0.046) and they appeared to be less involved in research activities (p=0.046) as compared to public sector academicians. More than half of the respondents (57.9%) were satisfied with their workload with Assistant Professors were least satisfied as compared to Professors (p=0.01). …”
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E-consumer protection in delivery of goods: a Malaysian perspective
Published 2016“…E-consumers nowadays are increasingly being involved in online transactions of sale of goods where mostly the transaction is cross border in nature rather than domestic. In fact, e-consumers are allure with the concept of bringing stores to the shoppers, not shoppers to the stores. …”
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A preliminary study on internal filtration mechanism by using nonwoven filter medium
Published 2016“…These results imply the existence of a filtration mechanism, where filtration efficiency decreases with time, earlier than what could be predicted by conventional blocking filtration and cake filtration models. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Students perceptions on infusion of Islamic perspectives in the teaching of engineering subjects: IIUM case study
Published 2016“…Open response questions were given to them to allow for further analysis of their chosen answer. More than half of the respondents expressed a positive perception infusing Islamic perspective into the Engineering subjects and also claimed that at the end of the semester their Islamic knowledge had increased due to this integration of knowledge. …”
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Drying of fruits and vegetables: The impact of different drying methods on product quality
Published 2016“…The moisture content, in some cases, may be more than 90%. Water content is considered the main reason for microorganisms’growth, which leads to putrefaction. …”
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Book Chapter -
A novel analytical approximation technique for highly nonlinear oscillators based on the energy balance method
Published 2016“…For an initial oscillation amplitude Ao = 100 , the maximal relative errors of natural frequency found in three oscillators are 2.1637%, 0.0001% and 1.201%, respectively, which are much lower than the errors found using the existing methods. …”
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Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) for Critical Reading of Media: Collaboration between IIUM and Kansai University
Published 2016“…COIL is a “new paradigm” of online learning that involves classes from more than two countries in order to promote intercultural competence. …”
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Proceeding Paper