Effects of process parameters on selected properties of liquid compression-molded vinyl ester sheets
Published 2011“…Molded VE-unsaturated polyester (UP) blend is a significantly different material which is 1.49 times stronger, 2.38 times more flexible, but it is 0.69 less stiff than neat VE and with significantly higher water absorption. …”
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Prediction of aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft model with and without winglet using fuzzy logic technique
Published 2011“…For all parameters, the relative error of predicted values was found to be less than the acceptable limits (10%). The goodness of fit of prediction (from FES model) values were found as 0.94 for lift coefficient and 0.98 for drag coefficient which were close to 1.0 as expected.…”
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Intellectual property system with a heart? Patents and public health in Malaysia and some Asean countries
Published 2011“…Patented drugs are mostly more expensive than generic drugs and thus have been alleged to be not widely accessible to the public. …”
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TTN: a high performance hierarchical interconnection network for massively parallel computers
Published 2009“…It is shown that the TTN possesses several attractive features, including constant node degree, small diameter, low cost, small average distance, moderate (neither too low, nor too high) bisection width, and high throughput and very low zero load latency, which provide better dynamic communication performance than that of other conventional and hierarchical networks. …”
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Tool wear and surface finish investigation in high speed turning using cermet insert by applying negative rake angles
Published 2009“…High speed turning gives shorter tool life, high wear rate but finer surface finish than conventional one. …”
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Improving plant growth and yield of jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) through apical bud pinching
Published 2010“…Among the treatments, unpinched plants produced flowers earlier than the pinched one. The highest number of fruits and seeds per plant along with higher seed yield was recorded in plants pinching at 30 days after transplanting. …”
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Propagation potentials of genotypes and different physiological ages of stem cuttings in Jatropha curcas L.
Published 2010“…Semi hard wood cuttings proved to be more suitable for the vegetative propagation of Jatropha curcas through stem cutting, which gave more than 98% success. Genotypic differences were observed in shooting and rooting of Jatropha. …”
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Carrier aggregation in long term evolution advanced
Published 2012“…Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) provides considerably higher data rates than even early releases of LTE. One key enhancement feature is bandwidth extension by the use of multicarrier technology to support deployment bandwidth up to 100 MHz. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pterygium recurrence and corneal stabilization point after pterygium excision using the controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique
Published 2020“…Conclusion: The controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique may improve surgical outcomes with long-term recurrence rates equal to or lower than those previously reported. Corneal surface recovery is completed after the third month of the excision procedure.…”
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The prevalence of mesioangular impacted lower third molar among patients attending the polyclinic, Faculty of Dentistry, IIUM
Published 2019“…IA is significantly higher among students with poor social interaction and in those who are using internet for more than 40 hours per week. IA was significantly associated and positively correlated with psychological distress. …”
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Integrated study between Islamic law in crimes (Al-Jinaie Al Islami) and modern secular under the Malaysian Penal Code
Published 2019“…Islamic law was revealed gradually more than one thousand and four hundred years ago and consists of a complete system of life that is compatible for human being of all ages. …”
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Perception of old shop houses owners and community attachment towards the conservation of old shop houses in Muar town, Johor.
Published 2020“…The concept of conservation is more than the architectural elements. People and community within the heritage area plays role in the conservation of heritage buildings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mechanical and structural properties of the butt welded joint in high strength structural steel (ST52-3) using gas metal arc welding and oxyfuel gas welding
Published 2020“…GMAW is a better option than OFW in welding ST52-3 steel plates since the former has shown overall improved properties.…”
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Enhancing physical wellbeing of children: awareness on common disease and relevant health care activities
Published 2020“…A most common wish of parents is having healthy and happy children in their lives. it is not easy to own such children as “actions speak louder than words”. Parents must attain philosophies generating happy and healthy children that is developing good akhlaq in them and awareness on common disease imperiling their physical growth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Thermal, dynamic mechanical analysis and mechanical properties of polybutylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate blends
Published 2020“…PET has higher tensile strength, flexural strength, Young’s and flexural modulus than PBT but lower in elongation at break and impact strength. …”
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Microencapsulation of black seed oil in alginate beads for stability and taste masking
Published 2020“…Furthermore, TQ in BSO-alginate beads was more stable than TQ in an aqueous solution and the original BSO. …”
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Is the 28-day rule safe for use in abdominal radiography?
Published 2020“…Additionally, the mean organ dose of 0.468 mGy is lower than the threshold value of 100 mSv for the “all-or-none” phenomenon to happen. …”
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The origin, development and modern application of the law relating to marital rape: a comparative legal appraisal
Published 2005“…Under the definition of rape that is generally used by the courts, it is "an act of sexual intercourse by the male with a woman other than his wife". Under this commonly accepted definition, it is not legally possible for the husband to rape his own wife. …”
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Prediction of moment of inertia of rotating nuclei
Published 2020“…The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data, with a ratio of approximately 0.7, and are better than those of the unmodified ones.…”
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Performance of fourier-based and wavelet-based OFDM for DVB-T systems
Published 2007“…However, the wavelet-based OFDM showed significant improvement of performance at higher than 10 dB of Eb/No.…”
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