Quantifying dorsal hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells in rats: Rules to Light Microscope based estimation
Published 2011“…Under light microscope with cresyl violet staining, the number of viable HCA1PC cells in 1 mm horizontal distance of dorsal hippocampus, 3 mm caudal to the fornix, was calculated twice and found to be significantly higher in sham control than 2VO group (p<0.01) with standard error of mean of 4.98 and 17.26 respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Execution time prediction of imperative paradigm tasks for grid scheduling optimization
Published 2009“…The experimental results show that the technique is successful in achieving a prediction accuracy of greater than 80%. Future work may involve handling other paradigms such as object-oriented programming and investigating the possibility of integrating the prediction module into a real grid environment.…”
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On nonlinear dynamic systems arising in Lattice models of statistical mechanics on a Cayley tree
Published 2009“…For many problems the solution on a tree is much simpler than on a regular lattice and is equivalent to the standard Bethe-Peierls theory. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy expert system for controlling swamp terrain intelligent air-cushion tracked vehicle
Published 2011“…For all parameters, the relative error in the predicted values was found to be less than the acceptable limit (10%), except for the total power consumption. …”
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Ergodic properties of bogoliubov automorphisms in free probability
Published 2010“…We show that some C∗-dynamical systems obtained by free Fock quantization of classical ones, enjoy ergodic properties much stronger than their boson or fermion analogous. Namely, if the classical dynamical system (X, T, μ) is ergodic but not weakly mixing, then the resulting free quantized system (G, α) is uniquely ergodic (w.r.t. the fixed point algebra) but not uniquely weak mixing. …”
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Medicine for wound healing from the discarded seeds of tamarind
Published 2010“…Conclusions: Extracts from tamarind seed which is otherwise a waste, can be used as a potential natural source of wound healing which at the same time will be safer than synthetic drugs and will be more economical.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The legal status of religion and the administration of Islam in Nigeria and Malaysia
Published 2011“…Both are based on the concept of modern Muslim states rather than Islamic conception of states. However, there are differences in the legal status of Islam and the administration of affairs of Islam in both countries. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of banana flower of Musa x paradisiaca
Published 2010“…The study shows potent antioxidant activity in banana flowers, of which the ethanol extract demonstrated much stronger antioxidant activity than water extract with the IC50 value of 29.75mg/ml and 1.52mg/ml, respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of bacterial cell immobilization in alginate gel beads for the production of Myo-Inositol Phosphates
Published 2011“…Upon immob,lizalion. beads containing cells were sTored in groWlh medium at 4°C and Thc yicld can be reTained for more than 24 hours. The mechanism of reaction beTween phylaTe and PhyFAUIAI using immobilizcd cells was also invcsTigated and thcre were 2 possible paThways: (II PhyFAUlAl was seereted from the cells and went OUI from the beads to react Wilh phylatc. (2) PhyTate diffused Through lhc pores of alginate beads and reacTed WiTh phytasc locatcd inside the beads as well as aT The pcriplasmic OfThc cells. …”
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Book Chapter -
A further editorial guideline for writing manuscript in the field of social science A special perspective for African journal of business management
Published 2011“…This editorial is prepared with the consultation of more than 800 papers submitted from around the globe for the publication in AJBM. …”
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Adsorption of lead from aqueous solution by a novel carbon based adsorbent
Published 2010“…Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were reported by Li et al. (2003) to have metal sorption capacity of 3–4 times higher than those of powder and granular activated carbon. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An eco-plastic made of PLA-Kenaf fibre biocomposite for cleaner environment
Published 2010“…Every year more than 100,000,000 polyethylene terephtalate (PET) bottles are used in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A preliminary attempt to compare the epistemological frameworks of the scientific traditions in the West and in Islam
Published 2010“…Many other philosophers then, especially the Romantics and the Existentialists such as Goethe, Hegel, Heidegger and the depth psychoanalyst Jung with his archetypal psychology tried to give a more integrated epistemology than the simple mathematical and dualistic vision that had been proposed by Descartes. …”
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Sintering behavior of hydroxyapatite prepared from different routes
Published 2012“…It has been revealed that the sinterability and mechanical properties of the synthesized HA(W) was significantly higher than that of the HA(C) and HA(M). The optimum sintering temperature for the HA(W) samples was 1100 °C with the following properties being recorded: 99.8% relative density, Vickers hardness of 7.04 GPa and fracture toughness of 1.22 MPa m1/2. …”
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Treatment of Migrant Workers: the Islamic Perspective
Published 2012“…The Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), had, for more than fourteen centuries ago, brought human rights to workers. …”
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Simple and Rapid Molecular Techniques for Identification of Amylose Levels in Rice Varieties
Published 2012“…All varieties with an apparent amylose content higher than 24% were associated with the shorter repeat alleles; (CT)10 and (CT)11, while varieties with 24% or less amylose were associated with the longer repeat alleles. …”
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A farinograph study on the viscoelastic properties of sago/wheat flour dough systems
Published 2004“…However, breakdown time for controlMPW flour was higher than that for HPW flour mixtures. The same trend was observed at all ratios of mixture over the whole experiment.…”
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Robust methodology for fractal analysis of the retinal vasculature
Published 2011“…The repeatability of this method was found to be better than the earlier box-counting method. Using this method to assess retinal vascular fractals, we have also confirmed a reduction in the retinal vasculature complexity with aging, consistent with observations from other human organ systems.…”
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Particle swarm optimization with partial search to solve traveling salesman problem
Published 2012“…The proposed PSO with Partial Search (PSOPS) algorithm is shown to produce optimal solution within a less number of generation than standard PSO, Genetic Algorithm in solving benchmark TSP.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of maximum percentage glucose conversion for dilute acid hydrolysis of kenaf biomass using statistical analysis
Published 2012“…Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus.L) is a crop- that produces about 70% of biomass larger than any of forest plantations. There is no specific way of using kenaf biomass in industry instead for animal feed and burning in various forms (waste in general). …”
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