A foresight study on nanotechnology in cosmetics industries in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Need an efficient waste management system and usage of biocompatible and biodegradable compounds in nanocosmetics was voted as the most influential drivers for the nanocosmetics industries in Malaysia. In line with this regard, a scenario development was done and a number of solution were suggested in order to move towards sustainable development of nanocosmetics industry. …”
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Dynamic modeling of a stand - alone pem fuel cell connected to adjustable speed drive
Published 2009“…Results also show that ASD generates harmonics to the line voltage and current. A method to reduce harmonics distortion in a network of ASD is proposed in this project. …”
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Thesis -
Rapid determinations of moisture content in crude palm oil by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Published 2000“…The study showed that midband FTIR spectroscopy combined with the PLS regression calibration technique is rapid and accurate for determination of moisture content of CPO samples with a total analysis time of less than 2 min and less than 2 mL of sample.…”
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Article -
Surface finish prediction models for precision grinding of silicon
Published 2011“…Also, the results show large amounts of ductile streaks at depth of cut of 20 μm, feed rate of 6.25 mm/min, and spindle speed of 70,000 rpm with a 43-nm Ra. …”
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Article -
Adsorption behavior of PB(II) onto xanthated rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) leaf powder
Published 2011“…Adsorption equilibrium was achieved in less than 60 min and followed the pseudo-second order model. …”
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Production of gelatin replacers from Malaysian tuberous plants
Published 2011“…Conditions thai produced a high starch yield. low prOTein and high viscosily were 0.1% alkali concentration. 25°C temperature and 30min steep Time for bolh yam and sweet potaTO starch. …”
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Book Chapter -
Solubilization of Vitamin E in culture medium and its antioxidant activity
Published 2011“…Cellular uptake. antioxidative as well as possible prooxidam activilies of l'iTamin E in DMEM medium was determined under a wide range oflheir concemration, The aspeci thai concerol'd in Ibis project is the optimum process condition 10 yield Ihe highcst concentrations of vil3min E. The process conditions in tbis proje<:t are the concemration ofTetrahydrofuran (THf) and concentration of "ilamin E where the function ofTIif is to enhance the solubilization. …”
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Book Chapter -
In vitro elution and dissolution of tobramycin and gentamicin from calcium phosphate
Published 2011“…This study showed that incorporating tobramycin and gentamicin with calcium phosphate provided slow residual release of antibiotic from 30 min to 1344 h (8 weeks) and dissolution of calcium phosphate. …”
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Article -
Enzymatic hydrolysis of granular native and mildly heat-treated tapioca and sweet potato starches at sub-gelatinization temperature
Published 2009“…Starches were hydrolyzed in native (granular) state and after heat treatment below gelatinization temperature (60 1C for 30min). The dextrose equivalent (DE) value of heat-treated starch increased significantly compared to native starch, i.e., 36–50% and 27–34% for tapioca and sweet potato starch, respectively. …”
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Article -
Investigation of the effects of machining parameters and air blowing on surface topography in high speed end milling of silicon
Published 2012“…Spindle speed, depth of cut, and feed rate, ranges: 60,000 to 80,000 rpm, 10 to 20 μm, and 5 to 15 mm/min respectively, were considered as the independent machining parameters. …”
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Article -
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Feed Rate and Negative Tool Rake Angle in High Speed Hard Turning
Published 2013“…The experiment was obtained with constant cutting depth (0.15 mm), constant cutting speed (325 m/min), four different feed rates (0.075 – 0.15 mm/rev) and three different tool rake angles (0o, - 6, -12o). …”
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Article -
Efficient performance of locally processed serum in vero cell culture
Published 2011“…Serum collected was treated with ultraviolet radiation and heat inactivated for 30 min at 56 °C. Vero cells were cultured in 25 cm2 Tflasks with an initial cell seeding of 4.2 × 105 cells/mL. …”
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Effects of day and night on swimming, grazing and social behaviours of rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) in simulated ponds
Published 2008“…Fish behaviour was monitored during a full 24-h period, starting at 08:00 hourswith a15-min recording, which was repeated every 3 h. Rohu spent more time grazing during the day than at night. …”
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Article -
Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes
Published 2010“…The optimum conditions for pretreatment process by esterification were 0.75% (w/w) dosage of PTSA to SPO, 10:1 M ratio, 60 �C temperature, 60 min reaction time and 400 rpm stirrer speed. The highest yield of biodiesel after transesterification and purification processes was 76.62% with 0.07% FFA and 96% ester content. …”
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Extraction and evaluation of anti inflammatory activity of spathiphyllum cannifolium
Published 2015“…The results showed that the plant was positive for the anti inflammatory activity with IC50 6.3 µg/ml. Sonication for 60 min at 40°C using medium frequency was the optimum condition to carry out the extraction for bioactive compounds. …”
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Article -
Tool wear and surface roughness on milling carbon fibre reinforced plastic using chilled air
Published 2012“…In this study the performance of solid carbide end tool and surface quality of CFRP composite during milling process was investigated at cutting speed of 160-200 m/min and feed rate of 0.025-0.05 mm/rev. It was found that the tool wear is high at higher feed rate and lower cutting speed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Removal of reduction of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyzed reaction for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…Esterification process of SPO was carried out to evaluate suphric acid as acid catalyst in dosage range (0.25-2.75% wt/wt), molar ratio of methanol to SPO (6:1-14:1), temperature (40-80o C), reaction time (30-120 min) and stirrer speed (200-800 rpm). The results showed that the FFA of SPO reduced from 23% to less than 2% FFA using 0.25% wt/wt of sulphuric acid, the molar ratio of methanol to oil was 8:1 at 60 minutes reaction time and 60 oC.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of serum preparation in Vero cell culture using a statistical approach
Published 2009“…Serum collected was treated with ultraviolet radiation and heat inactivated for 30min at 56oC. Vero cells were cultured in 25cm2 T flasks with an initial cell seeding of 4.2 x 105 cells/ml. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of parameters relationship to backcutting phenomena during high speed end milling of AISI H13
Published 2010“…Machining performed on the Vertical Milling Centre (VMC) high cutting speed from 150-250 m/min, feed rate 0.005-0.15 mm/tooth and depth of cut 0.1-0.5mm. …”
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Surface roughness of Carbides produced by abrasive water jet machining
Published 2005“…Minimum rate of abrasive flow that made it possible to cut carbide efficiently was 135 g min-I . It was found from the investigations that with increase in jet pressure the surface becomes smoother due to higher kinetic energy of the abrasives. …”
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