Schopenhauer and Gotama on life's suffering
Published 2017“…This chapter defends the view that Arthur Schopenhauer and Siddhattha Gotama were unquestionably pessimistic philosophers, insofar as they converged in locating the source of life’s suffering within the person rather than the external world. …”
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Book Section -
The secret to a good life
Published 2020“…The Secret to a Good Life was commissioned by the Royal Academy (RA) to mark its 250th anniversary. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Enterotoxins and emetic toxins production by Bacillus cereus and other species of Bacillus isolated from Soumbala and Bikalga, African alkaline fermented food condiments
Published 2008Subjects: “…570 Life sciences; biology…”
Article -
The legal consideration of development activities under transmission line
Published 2011Get full text
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Book Chapter -
Noise Emissions Mapping from Ampang Line LRT
Published 2023“…The aims of this study are to evaluate Light Rail Transit (LRT) noise level in urban area, at LRT Ampang Line by using grid lines method and to develop LRT noise mapping. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Classification of critical aging segments of power transmission lines
Published 2011“…The thermal ratings of power transmission lines is basically based on the maximum permissible temperature of the conductors. …”
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Thesis -
Printing fine solid lines in flexographic printing process
Published 2011“…Solid lines are essential to enable printing of conducting tracks for various electronic applications. …”
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Thesis -
Extremely long cupulae of embryonic neuromasts in cyprinid fish
Published 1993“…Willow shiner delayed hatching embryo had extremely long cupulae. The length was about 500 μm. Especially delayed hatching embryo had longer cupulae. …”
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Article -
Quality-driven scheduling for long-term evolution system
Published 2011“…This paper proposes a novel packet scheduling algorithm that extends Opportunistic and Delay Sensitive (ODS) algorithm to simultaneously support Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) and Non-GBR (NGBR) services over downlink Long Term Evolution (LTE) system. The proposed algorithm utilises Channel Quality Information (CQI), average throughput, type of services, packet delay and buffer information when allocating and assigning the available Radio Resource Units (RRUs) among the users. …”
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Article -
Long memory In the Ukrainian stock market and financial crises
Published 2014“…This paper examines persistence in the Ukrainian stock market during the recent financial crisis. Using two different long memory approaches (R/S analysis and fractional integration) we show that this market is inefficient and the degree of persistence is not the same in different stages of the financial crisis. …”
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Article -
Long memory in US real output per capita
Published 2009“…This paper analyses the long memory properties of quarterly real output per capita in the US (1948Q1 - 2008Q3) using non-parametric, semi-parametric and parametric techniques. …”
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Article -
How long should things last? Design in the GDR
Published 2017“…The one perspective presented here is offered by the case of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), where during the 1970s a lively debate on lifespan and patina took place among designers, theorists, and readers around the question how long things should last.…”
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Article -
Meaning in life among Muslim students
Published 2011“…Meaning in life as a psychological phenomenon is only understood based on the Western perspective which calls for exploring Muslims’ perception about the concept. …”
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Article -
Kosullandırılmadan... (Not to be conditioned to a routine life)
Published 2008Get full text
Article -
Is the right to life adequately protected in Georgia?
Published 2008“…This article considers whether Georgian domestic legislation complies with the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights as to the right to life.…”
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Article -
Financial literacy education and Skills for Life
Published 2005“…This report presents a review of the provision and accreditation of financial literacy education in England at the levels covered by Skills for Life (i.e. up to and including Level 2), not including financial advice and information. …”
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