Weight changes : the meaning of food and eating behaviours amongst women in recovery from substance addiction
Published 2014“…Studies involving substance misuse have mainly focused on weight changes and eating behaviours during active substance addiction, whilst research on how substance misusers experience weight changes and how they describe the functions and meaning of food and eating behaviours in recovery from substance addiction is scarce. …”
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Thesis -
Organising Polish workers : a comparative case study of British (Unison) and Swiss (Unia) trade union strategies
Published 2019“…Additionally, the thesis describes a successful strike of the mainly Polish care workers in Unia. The research analyses whether there were any gaps between the projects’ aims and their implementation and what factors may have caused those gaps. …”
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Algerian immigrants in London (United Kingdom) and Valencia (Spain): towards a new migration and labour model?
Published 2013“…This led to the comparison of two context-related cases of migration in order to respond mainly four questions, viz, the reasons for Algerian migration to the VK and Spain as relatively different and new host countries, patterns of insertion as well as mobility within the local labour markets, the differences between the UK and Spain in terms of providing opportunities for social mobility versus entrapment, and the role of changing networks in influencing Algerian migration to the UK and Spain. …”
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Variational Bayesian inference for exponentiated Weibull right censored survival data
Published 2023“…The exponential distribution is often applied if the hazard is constant, while the log-logistic and lognormal distributions are mainly used for modelling unimodal hazard functions. …”
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The Mismatch of Present and Required Future Workforce Skills of Manufacturing Industry
Published 2024“…However, technological advancement has affected the manufacturing sector mainly in terms of skills demanded. Furthermore, studies focusing on skills demanded in the future from the manufacturing industry perspective regarding Industry 4.0 remain scarce. …”
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An improved microarray image analysis architecture using mathematical morphology
Published 2015“…This research have revealed the potential of analysing microarray by mainly using mathematical morphology operation, either applied on microarray or its pixel derivative.…”
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The development of entire body risk asssessment (ENBORA) method for work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)
Published 2018“…In addition, some of the existing methods mainly not focused on reliability and validity test during the development process. …”
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Modified anfis architecture with less computational complexities for classification problems
Published 2018“…Furthermore, researchers have mainly used metaheuristic algorithms to avoid the problem of local minima in standard learning method. …”
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The framework for effective collaboration between public training institutions and private industries in the context of National Dual Training System (NOTS) environment in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The purpose of this study is mainly to identify the key factors that have the strong potential to fonn the effective framework for the desired collaboration between public training institutions and private industries. …”
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Shear resistance improvement of oil-contaminated ballast layer with rubber shred inclusions
Published 2016“…This paper describes the inclusion of rubber shreds (≤10 mm in length, 1.5 mm thick) derived from the inner tubes of motorcycle tyres in oil-contaminated ballast layer for shear resistance improvement. The tests are mainly carried out in a standard direct shear test setup, i.e. shear box measuring 60 mm x 60 mm. …”
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Preliminary qualitative findings: challenges in large infrastructure projects towards development of innovative performance measurement
Published 2015“…This study may also encourage key stakeholders mainly involved in infrastructure projects to increase their attention on possible challenges to achieve project objectives and requirements in the development of a large project, and helps to the achievement of government transformation programme (GTP).…”
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Experimental study on strength performance of soil reinforced with coconut fibre for PANCHOR–MUAR road
Published 2021“…This research focuses mainly on investigating the compaction parameters and bearing capacity of CF–laterite soil. …”
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Formulating layered adjustable autonomy for unmanned aerial vehicles
Published 2017“…Purpose - In this paper, we propose a Layered Adjustable Autonomy (LAA) as a dynamically adjustable autonomy model for a multi-agent system. It is mainly used to efficiently manage humans and agents share control of autonomous systems and maintain humans’ global control over the agents. …”
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Investigating the application of frequency response analysis for diagnosing tap changer on power transformer
Published 2018“…A lumped transformer model has been developed to identify the underline causes of FRA response curve changes between faulty and normal conditions for better interpretation. This model mainly focusses on low and mid frequency regions due to fact, that major changes occurs at the above-mentioned regions. …”
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Statistical process control in stamping process using pattern recognition approach
Published 2018“…The existing CCPR framework was mainly developed by using raw data-based artificial neural network (ANN) recognisers, whereby the recognisers were trained by using artificially generated statistical process control (SPC) chart patterns. …”
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Employability of local trained skill labour in construction industry
Published 2017“…Most of the strategies that have been selected are mainly related to money namely salary increment, bonus, allowance and overtime payment, apart from upgrading labours welfare and providing a better accommodation. …”
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Specialization of biochemical oxygen demand for surface water and wastewater
Published 2011“…Pollution of rivers is attributed to point and non-point sources and marine pollution originates mainly from land-based sources. Therefore in order to control the quality of the water a few parameters have been chosen as the index for determining the water pollution. …”
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Isolation of bacteria from the acidic peat swamp forest soil and their lignin degradation potential
Published 2015“…In comparison to M1, the use of PW has resulted with higher number of isolates with different morphologies. The PW mainly contains the acidic peat water that was collected from the sampling location. …”
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Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical profile of suicide attempters attending the Emergency Department at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Oman: a retrospective study
Published 2023“…The most common method used in the suicide attempt was drug overdose (48.1%) and mainly paracetamol (40%). Significant gender differences emerged to precipitating factors, a history of substance misuse, and methods of suicide. …”
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A Coxsackievirus B1-mediated nonlytic extracellular vesicle-to-cell mechanism of virus transmission and its possible control through modulation of EV release
Published 2023“…Like most non-enveloped viruses, CVB1 mainly uses cell lysis to spread. Details of a nonlytic virus transmission remain unclear. …”
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