Zinc adequacy in the UK population
Published 2008“…The health and nutritional status of the population classified with Inadequate zinc intake’ was considered; biomarkers indicated that they had poorer Zn status and that they had significantly more CHD risk factors than those classified with ‘adequate Zn intakes’. However, these findings must be treated with caution, as higher Zn DRVs would lead to a larger proportion of the UK population being considered Zn inadequate and there is little independent data to suggest that this is a problem. …”
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Thesis -
Ethnobotany of traditional vegetables used by Sama-Bajau community in Kota Belud, Sabah, and phytochemical and anti-aging investigation of crassocephalum crepidioides
Published 2021“…Anti-aging efficacy of CCE was further evaluated in fibroblast dermalcell line (HSF1184), which was induced for photodamage using UVB radiation and hydrogen peroxide. Findings revealed that at lower concentration CCE water extracts exhibited no cytotoxicity at lower concentration (≤ 200 μg/ml) on proliferation of tested dermal cells line (HSF1184). …”
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New composite coagulant from agro-waste (tapioca peel) and polyaluminium chloride for primary landfill leachate treatment
Published 2021“…Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied after using the conventional method of one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) optimisation to find the optimum pH for the leachate sample and dosage of PACTPPg. …”
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Development of bent-up triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST) enhancement in cold-formed steel (CFS)-concrete composite beams
Published 2010“…The system, called Precast Cold-Formed SteelConcrete Composite System, is designed to rely on composite actions between the CFS sections and a reinforced concrete deck where shear forces between them are effectively transmitted via another innovative shear transfer enhancement mechanism called a bentup triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST). The study mainly comprises two major components, i.e. experimental and theoretical work. …”
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Thesis -
نحو حوكمة شرعية في تطبيقات التورق بورصة سوق السلع الماليزية الإسلامية أنموذجًا = Towards a Shariah compliance governance in the application of tawarruq: the case of Malaysian Islam...
Published 2018“…Subsequently, the application of tawarruq in that market will be analysed according to the necessary Shariah standards in order to explain the prevalence of Shariah compliance governance in that market and in order to identify the Shariah related issues regarding the matter as well as finding the proper solutions to address these issues. ******************************************************** Kajian ini membincangkan tentang permasalahan kerajaan patuh syariat dalam perlaksanaan konsep jual beli tawarruqdi institusi-institusi kewangan kontemporari serta jalan penyelesaiannya mengikut lunas syariat. …”
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Background knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception among Pahang women
Published 2013“…To identify the most popular method of contraception in use. 3. To find out the common reasons for the less frequent use of contraception. 4. …”
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Background knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception among Pahang women
Published 2013“…In our survey we aimed to study the awareness and the factors impacting knowledge regarding contraception among Pahang women. To find out regarding women attitude and perception of contraception METHOD : This cross sectional study included 200 women from Pahang state from the first of September to 31st of December 2012. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran aturan kendiri Kemahiran bertutur bahasa arab dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu di Pusat Asasi UIAM (Practise of self regulated learning strategies...
Published 2015“…The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis using median, frequencies, percent and standard deviation. The findings showed that the most practiced strategies was religious strategies (Metaphysics), while the lowest score was strategies that involves actively communication in Arabic. …”
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Re-modelling the quality of urban life (QOUL) index for Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Collected data were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the research indicate that on many socio-economic aspects, the residents of the six zones of KL are different and these differences are responsible to their perceptual evaluation on their QOL. …”
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Monograph -
The relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers' sample at al-Batinah North governorate the Sultanate of Oman = فاعلية الذات وعلاقتها بالصحة النفسية لدى عين...
Published 2020“…The study used the Self-Efficiency Scale (Abu Ghaly, 2012) consisting of (30) statements and the mental health scale (Ismail, 2016) consisting of ( 36) statements. The findings indicated that: the level of self-efficacy among the teachers was an intermediate level (60.63%), the percentage of the level of mental health among the teachers reached (62.02%) which is also an intermediate level. …”
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إطفاء صكوك الاستثمار عن طريق الفسخ: دراسة فقهية مقارنة = Sukūk redemption by way of contract dissolution (Fasakh): a comparative fiqhi study...
Published 2016“…It is concluded by many significant findings. Firstly, occurrence of the increasing or decreasing of Sukūk assets doesn’t prevents the dissolution of Sukūk contract, and the determination of the owner of subsequent increasing, or the responsible for the compensation of subsequent decrease in Sukūk assets varies according to difference conditions. …”
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The identification of helminths and coccidia from goats in two farms in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Coccidia oocyst counts were significantly higher in young goats as compared to adult goats while the Strongyle and Strongyloides egg counts were significantly higher in adult goats compared to young goats (P<0.05). The findings of this study suggested that good management practices and proper hygiene management are important to combat the infection so that there will be no case of parasitic infection among goats in the near future in Terengganu. …”
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Dose and duration of opioid use in patients with cancer andn non-cancer pain at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia: A retrospective cross sectional study
Published 2016“…The median days covered in a year was 37 days in both study groups. Conclusions: The finding from this study showed that 42% of opioid users at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia received opioids for non-cancer pain and 21.8% of these users were prescribed opioid for long term. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cytotoxic activity of Luvunga scandens against human cancer cell lines
Published 2016“…Conclusion: The present findings revealed the potential of L. scandens as a cytotoxic agent against MCF-7 cell line. …”
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إفشاء السر في الفقه الإسلامي: السر الطبي نموذجاً(Secrets in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Case Study of Medical Secret), Penyebaran Rahsia Menurut Perspektif al-Fiqh al-Islami: Kajian...
Published 2010“…In doing so, the researcher combines between inductive approach in finding the relevant religious texts, and the opinions of classical and modern scholars, and analyzing them and comparing among them in order to arrive at the more proper opinion among them, with reference to the provisions found in current civil laws for such cases. …”
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Determination toxic effects of Hystrix Brachyura Bezoar extracts using cancer cell lines and embryo zebrafish (Danio rerio) models and identification of active principles through G...
Published 2020“…. >1.0 revealed teratogenic property for PB extracts. Conclusions: The findings revealed that all three PBs aqueous extracts possessed anticancer activity and exhibited significant toxicological effects on zebrafish embryos with high teratogenicity index. …”
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