First generation Ghanaian migrants in the UK : dietary intake, anthropometric indices and nutrition intervention through the black churches
Published 2013“…Objectives: To determine the habitual diet and body composition of first generation Ghanaian migrants, to validate a food frequency questionnaire specific for Ghanaians, find the ideal body image of Ghanaians and the body size most attractive to Ghanaian males and to conduct a nutrition intervention programme using the Black Churches as a setting. …”
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Thesis -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…Design methodology and experimental results are presented that show good correlation between the measured and simulation results. This diplexer should find application in multi band wireless communication systems. …”
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The influence of dietary fatty acids and antioxidant micronutrients on plasma, red blood cell and platelet fatty acids in healthy men and women
Published 2012“…In addition, gender comparisons of micronutrient densities demonstrated higher copper, magnesium, iron and vitamin E densities in the women's' diets, indicating more balanced nutritional intakes. Despite these findings no differences were found in plasma micronutrient levels (copper, iron, magnesium, retinol and alpha-tocopherol) between the men and women. …”
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The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…Psychosocial support appears a "soft" area of development due to limited resource allocation. Findings show that partnership between an INGO and CBO is partially possible when power inequalities are honestly acknowledged and recognized as chronically problematic. …”
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“British English is much more prestigious, everybody knows that!”: reproducing and resisting hegemonic language ideologies in Chilean English teacher education
Published 2024“…Using Irvine and Gal’s (2009) framework of linguistic differentiation – iconisation, fractal recursivity and erasure – as an interpretive tool in the analysis of the interview data, I investigated the extent to which and how language ideologies regarding English operate in a group of Chilean ELT programmes. Findings from this study revealed the existence and promotion of opposing language ideologies that coexist within and across the teacher education programmes under scrutiny. …”
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Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques
Published 2008“…It can some times be an intrusion and thus, it is very important to find a balance between involvement and detachment; closeness and distance. …”
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Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques
Published 2011“…It can some times be an intrusion and thus, it is very important to find a balance between involvement and detachment; closeness and distance. …”
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مسالك التحرير اللغوي: نصوص الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا للنشر أنموذجا = The processes of language editing: the examples of texts of International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2015“…In this light, this study looks into the processes of language editing by outlining the characteristics of a language editor who scrutinizes the Arabic text to take on its challenges and find solutions for it with the purpose of producing the best quality for the Arabic readers. …”
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أخطاء القراءة الجهرية باللغة العربية للطلبة الناطقين بالملايوية: دراسة وصفية تحليلية = Errors of reading aloud in Arabic among Malay learners: a descriptive and analytical study =...
Published 2016“…The study indicated that the most common types of reading errors committed were omission, followed by substitution and repetition, and then intonation and insertion. The findings showed that most readers depended extensively on graphophonic cues, and were less efficient in using syntactic cues. …”
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Nutritional intake, body composition, plasma lipids and fat-soluble vitamins, red blood cell fatty acid profile and behaviour of Omani school children
Published 2016“…This study also indicates that ADHD is relatively common among Omani school children; additional studies are needed to assess the generalisability of these findings. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in Omani school children, but can be mitigated with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. …”
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Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce restrictive practices in adult mental health inpatient settings: the COMPARE systematic mapping review
Published 2021“…Limitations Many interventions were poorly described and might have contained additional behaviour change techniques that were not detected. The finding that the evidence was weak restricted the study’s scope for examining behaviour change technique effectiveness. …”
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In-vivo and in-vitro study of mechanism of action of 4 hydroxyisoleucine as an amino acid derived from fenugreek seed with anti-diabetic and properties
Published 2014“…These results demonstrate that 4-hydroxyisoleucine has significant anti-diabetic activities in type 1 diabetes as well as previously studied type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance model that are independent of insulin. The findings suggest the potential of 4HO-Ile as an adjunct to diabetes treatment and for type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes. …”
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أسلوب العتاب والعقاب في السنة النبوية = The modes of admonition and punishment in Prophet’s teachings = Kaedah teguran dan hukuman menerusi ajaran Rasulullah SAW...
Published 2018“…The research ended with findings such as the Prophet used several methods to evaluate the behavior, including the method of admonition and reprimanding and at times he scolded harshly when necessary. …”
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