Application of restaurant waste lipids (RWL) as a binder component in metal injection moulding
Published 2017“…Good thermal debinding process under air atmosphere condition with temperature of 400ºC and heating rate of 30ºC/min was obtained. Sintering of the thermal debound parts also shows good mechanical properties and microstructure of 316L stainless steel parts.…”
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Thesis -
Satu kajian kes mengenai permasalahan pembelajaran pelajar tingkatan 5 kursus katering di sekolah menengah teknik tanah merah : ke arah pembinaan modul air rebusan, sup, sos dan ku...
Published 2003“…Keseluruhan data kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statiscal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 10.0 dengan membuat pengiraan Korelasi, bilangan dan peratus serta skor min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perkaitan di antara latar belakang akademik PMR, minat, gaya pembelajaran dan motivasi dengan pemahaman pelajar dalam memahami topik Air Rebusan, Sup, Sos dan Kuah. …”
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Thesis -
Persepsi penggunaan komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kalangan guru sekolah menengah teknik
Published 2002“…Data-data yang diperolehi daripada borang kaji selidik dianalisa menggunakan kekerapan, peratusan dan pengiraan min. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa aplikasi komputer di kalangan guru-guru di sekolah menengah teknik sememangnya wujud. …”
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Thesis -
Biomimetic bone-like apatite coating on anodised titanium in simulated body fluid under UV irradiation
Published 2017“…High purity titanium foils were anodised with an applied voltage of 350 V, current density of 70 mA.cm-2 in mixture of 0.04 M β-glycerophosphate disodium salt pentahydrate (β-GP) and 0.4 M calcium acetate (CA) for 10 min. After anodic oxidation, UV light treatment was conducted in pH-adjusted distilled water for 12 h with ultraviolet light A (UVA) irradiation. …”
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Reduction of bacteria in storage system of sewage effluents
Published 2017“…In order to investigate the response of bacteria to the storage system at thermal conditions, the sewage samples were stored at the tempera-tures of 55 and 65 °C in a water bath shaker for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 min, respectively. The results indicated that the storage system at room tem-perature significantly (p < 0.01) effected the reduction of TC (33%), FC (36.6%) and ENT (47.8%). …”
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Hubungan di antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian
Published 2018“…Kaedah statistik yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah statistik deskriptif iaitu min dan statistik inferensi melalui kolerasi Pearson untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian. …”
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Pembangunan model dalam menentukan profesionalisme dalam profesion perguruan teknikal dan vokasional
Published 2019“…Perisian `Statistical Package for the Social Sciences` (SPSS) versi 20.0 bagi tujuan analisis data di peringkat kajian sebenar. Dapatan nilai min skor dilaksanakan menentukan kesesuaian sub elemen dan keputusan menunjukkan skor yang tinggi bagi setiap sub elemen. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin film using dip coating technique for oxygen gas sensor
Published 2017“…The optimum parameters are obtained from the 1 layer deposition film, 10 mm/ min withdrawal speed of dip coating, and annealed the film at 400 °C in electrical furnace. …”
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Harvesting of microalgae botryococcus sp. Through phycoremediation of bathroom greywater
Published 2016“…The optimal conditions obtained from the compromise of one desirable responses, turbidity was at coagulant dosage of 10 mg /L, settling time of 120 min, and pH 9 respectively. The biomass recovery percentage for Botryococcus sp. by using Moringa oleifera and Strychnos potatorum were 97 % and 81 % accordingly. …”
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Effect of storage temperature and duration on physico-chemical properties, microbial growth and nutritional composition of papaya and banana fruits
Published 2017“…Dapatan keseluruhan kajian ini boleh menyediakan alat pengurusan berasaskan sains untuk prestasi penyimpanan buah pisang dan betik.…”
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The human intellect, divine revelation and knowledge based on Al-Qaradowi's work: al-'Aql wa al-'Ilm fi al-Qur'an al-Karim
Published 2011“…Al-anbiyÉ’ 21: 10); for not understanding the powers of AllÉh (S.W.T) in giving life and causing death (Q. Al-Mu’minËn 23: 80); for not realizing that the false gods worshipped by human beings could not bring benefit nor harm them (Q. …”
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Optimization of operating conditions for the application of Moringa oleifera (Zogale) seeds extract in water disinfection using response surface methodology
Published 2012“…The Quadratic model was used in predicting the responses and the optimal conditions were determined as 31 min mixing time, 85 rpm mixing speed and 3.25 mg/mL Moringa dosage. …”
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µ-Patterning of Carbon Nanotube patterning of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) forest for MEMS applications
Published 2013“…In XY plane the tool moves continuously at 1mm/min speed. The movement of the tool on the CNT forest causes the CNTs to be bent and flattened in the direction of the tool motion hence the patterns are formed on bare CNT forest. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characterization and multi-step transketolase-ω- transaminase bioconversions in an immobilized enzyme microreactor (IEMR) with packed tube
Published 2013“…With initial 60 mM (HPA and GA each) and 6 mM (MBA) substrate concentration mixture, the coupled reaction reached approximately 83% conversion in 20 min at the lowest flow rate. The ability to synthesize a chiral pharmaceutical intermediate, ABT in relatively short time proves this IEMR system as a powerful tool for construction and evaluation of de novo pathways as well as for determination of enzyme kinetics.…”
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Seeing patient longer at each consultation will improve their knowledge on diabetes but may not necessarily improve their diabetic control and metabolic parameters
Published 2014“…Twenty percent had longer consultationtime (15 -30 min). Only 2% spent more than 30 minutes with the doctor during a consultation.Those who had longer consultation had higher knowledge and overall KAP score.However, there was no significant difference between both groups in terms of attitude and practice score. …”
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Effect of chilled air on tool wear and workpiece quality during milling of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic
Published 2013“…Cutting speed of 160–200 m/min and a feed rate of 0.025–0.05 mm/rev on solid uncoated carbide during the milling process were discussed. …”
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Effective sludge dewatering using Moringa Oleiferaseed extract combined with aluminium sulfate
Published 2016“…Results showed that the optimum SRF value obtained from the first optimization was 1.1E+11 m/kg at dosageof 235.58 mg/L, pH of 6.5, and mixing time of 21.2 min at R 2 = 95.8%. For the second optimization, the optimum SRF value was 0.8E+11 m/kg for the ratio of 50:50 for alum and M. oleiferaseed extract. …”
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Biodiesel production from crude jatropha oil using a highly active heterogeneous nanocatalyst by optimizing transesterification reaction parameters
Published 2016“…The adequacy of the predicted model was verified, and a 98.54% JB yield was reported at optimal parametric conditions, i.e., 0.02:1 (w/w) catalyst ratio, 133.1 min reaction time, and 5.15:1 mol/mol of methanol to the pretreated oil. …”
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