The evaluation of kLa values for recombinant Escherichia coli fermentation producing β-Glucuronidase enzyme
Published 2010“…From the four experiments conducted, experimental nul mnnber two with agitation of 300 rpm, airflow rate of 2 vvrn and temperature 41°C generate the highest Optical Density (OD 660 nrn) of 2.313 for cell count and also having an equivalent k,a value of 0.0281 min-lor 1.686 h-1.This condition was fOlllld to be an effective point for upscaling in bigger bioreactor for E. coli fermentation to produce the enzyme.…”
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Single-route synthesis of magnetic biochar from sugarcane bagasse by microwave-assisted pyrolysis
Published 2016“…The optimum conditions for producing high yield 69% magnetic biochar from sugarcane bagasse by microwave heating were 30 min of radiation time and an impregnation ratio (Fe2O3:biomass) of 0.45. …”
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Effects of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTS) on the mechanical and thermal properties of plasticized polylactic acid Nanocomposites
Published 2013“…A multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/plasticized polylactic acid (PLA) composite was prepared using a two-roll mill set at 170C and 50 rev/min. The material was characterized using dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). …”
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Parametric study of carbide precipitation in 16% chromium ferritic stainless steel (FSS) welds
Published 2011“…This results in wider ditched-structure in welds made with flow rates lower than 0.052L/min. Cryogenic cooling produces more ditched weld microstructure revealed by electrolytic etching in oxalic acid; however, the structure is acceptable since no single grain boundary is completely surrounded by ditches. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of machining parameters for the multiple-response optimization of micro electrodischarge milling
Published 2009“…The optimized values of Ra, Ry, TWR, and MRR were 0.04, 0.34 μm, 0.044, and 0.08 mg min−1, respectively for 4.79 μm s−1 feed rate, 0.1 nF capacitance, and 80 V voltage. …”
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The reach, adoption, and effectiveness of online training for healthcare professionals
Published 2017“…This short communication reports on evaluation data from delivery of a 60-min online training session to healthcare professionals, between January and November 2016.…”
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Amalan teknik mengingat di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah Teknik Batu Pahat, Johor
Published 2002“…Data dikumpul melalui kaedah soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan taburan frekuensi, peratusan dan skor min. Analisis ini dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS for Windows 10.0. …”
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Thesis -
مفهوم الخطأ وصوره بين القانون الجنائي والفقه الإسلامي
Published 2016“…This study introduces different kinds of mistakes. In terms of law, they include the lack of caution and care, negligence and lack of attention. lack of skill, and disobeying the rules and regulations. …”
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Construing economic behaviour
Published 1996“…Liberal Democrat Party supporters' preference for different kinds of construing showed similarities with those of supporters of both of the other Parties. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of second phase particle on fatigue crack growth behavior in microstructure controlled steels
Published 2010“…A series of AK-constant fatigue crack growth tests in Paris regime were carried out to investigate the effect of second phase particle on fatigue crack growth behavior of microstructure controlled steels with uniformly distributed hard particles. Three kinds of materials were used in this study, ferrite matrix with pearlite particles (FP), ferrite matrix with bainite particles (FB) and ferrite matrix with martensite particles (FM). …”
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Thesis -
Parametric study of carbide precipitation in 16wt% chromium ferritic stainless steel (FSS) welds
Published 2012“…This results in wider ditched-structure in welds made with flow rates lower than 0.052L/min. Cryogenic cooling produces more ditched weld microstructure revealed by electrolytic etching in oxalic acid; however, the structure is acceptable since no single grain boundary is completely surrounded by ditches.…”
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The accuracy of the gas-kinetic BGK finite difference method for solving 3-D compressible inviscid flows
Published 2011“…To achieve higher order spatial accuracy, the cell interface primitive flow variables were reconstructed via the MUSCL (Monotone Upstream-Centered Schemes for Conservation Laws) interpolation method coupled with a min-mod limiter. As for advancing the solutions to another time level, an explicit-type time integration method known as the modified fourth-order Runge-Kutta was employed in the current flow solver to compute steady-state solutions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electro-discharge machining of SUS 304 stainless steel with TaC powder-mixed dielectric
Published 2012“…Results indicate that the highest MRR of 0.38 g/min was obtained with TaC concentration of 15 g/l at the current of 6.5 A. …”
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Electro-discharge machining of SUS 304 stainless steel with TaC powder-mixed dielectric
Published 2012“…Results indicate that the highest MRR of 0.38 g/min was obtained with TaC concentration of 15 g/l at the current of 6.5 A. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tool life assessment in End Milling Titanium Alloy (Ti-6AI-4V) using PCD inserts
Published 2008“…The range which is used in this study for cutting speed, axial depth of cut, and feed, are 80.5 - 200 m/min, 05 - 2.0 mm, and 0.05 - 0.15 mm/tooth, respectively. …”
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Statistical analysis for removal of cadmium from aqueous solution at high pH
Published 2011“…From the results obtained, the highest percentage removal of Cd using CNT is at pH7, 10 mg of CNTs dosage, contact time of 120 min and agitation speed of 150 rpm which gave 19.14% removal…”
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Effects on the Forward Bias Characteristics of Neutron Irradiated Si and GaAs Diodes
Published 2012“…The diodes were irradiated using the Pneumatic Transfer System (PTS) facility in Malaysian Nuclear Agency with neutron fluences up to 1012 neutron/cm2.s for an exposure time of 1, 3 and 5 min. The Forward Bias (FB) current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and doping profiles of the diodes were recorded before and after irradiation. …”
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