The Qur'an and its role in the transformation of Arabian society
Published 2013“…Since its revelation great transformations have taken place including the transformation of Arabia from jahiliyyah (ignorance) to enlightenment, from polytheism (the worship of multitude of deities besides Allah which is termed as shirk or kufr) to monotheism (tawhid or the worship of one God, Allah), from unjust to a well-organized society (socially, economically and politically), from a fragmented into a unified community and from Godless into God-conscious. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of Lean Six Sigma application in healthcare services: a literature review
Published 2013“…The healthcare organization is the place where defects and mistakes cannot be tolerated. …”
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Controlling shareholders: issues and challenges for shareholders’ empowerment in directors’ remuneration in corporate Malaysian
Published 2013“…Some of the reforms taking place in developed countries are suited for dispersed shareholding structure and thus transplanting them to emerging economies with concentrated share-holders may be ineffective. …”
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Feminist jurisprudence in Islam: an overview
Published 2010“…In the West, women are still struggling for eradication of discriminatory laws and honourable treatments at the place of work and in the society. On the contrary, women’s rights and duties in Islam, which are mostly based on divine wisdom, treat women at par with men. …”
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Cultural landscape: a new paradigm for landscape architecture
Published 2011“…It is crucial to understand the concept of cultural landscape as it offers main contribution in sustaining the heritage value and protecting local identity and original culture of a group of people or place. From Islamic point of view, cultural landscape present the notion of revealing and sustaining the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their environment, to protect living traditional cultures and preserve the traces of those which have disappeared. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A desalination system utilizing solar ambient and waste energy
Published 2011“…Desalination is considered one of the most suitable areas for the utilization of solar energy, as there are many places in the world where abundant supply of solar energy is available and also there is a great demand for fresh water. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge management initiative and solution: a case study in International Islamic University of Malaysia(IIUM)
Published 2011“…Universities are the important place for learning and sharing information internally or externally where the knowledge management (KM) implementation will give sustainable competitive advantage, achieving substantial savings, improve significant performance and establish the long-term existence among the others. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sustainable Masjid architecture and public buildings
Published 2015“… This paper explores the approaches related to sustainable Masjid architecture and public buildings. Example masjid is a place of great importance for Muslims for worship, to seek a feeling of peace and serenity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Federalising Shariah courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama
Published 2015“…Religion has an important place in the state and governance in Malaysia. The basic document of the state, namely the Federal Constitution, provides that Islam is the religion of the Federation and allows for the setting up of Shariah Courts. …”
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I-Learn, futuristic platform of Islamic knowledge based society
Published 2016“…Besides that, it will be also discussed the concept of distance learning and its place in todays’ world. Furthermore, at the peak, it will be the introduction of the Islamic eLearning system called iLearn which is being proposed as an ultimate solution for the Islamic based society as comprehend way to manage knowledge in accordance with Islamic thoughts and values. …”
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Malaysia first heritage district: exploring methodology to evaluate a heritage district from the architectural perspectives in relation to palaces, religious buildings and mausoleu...
Published 2014“…Eventually, these traces that are important for the identity and sense of place of a particular area and also crucial in the educational and cultural development of a nation may be lost. …”
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Monograph -
Debatable issues in Fiqh al-Zakat: a jurisprudential appraisal
Published 2010“…This is asserted to be so due to radical changes that have taken place in the methods of producing new forms of wealth and the way that the Muslims deal even with the traditionally designated zakÉt payable wealth. …”
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Conciliation and mediation in civil and Islamic family laws: issues and challenges
Published 2011“…The same also happen in Malaysia however, there has been no changes have taken place. Mediation has two main objects that are to define the matters on which the parties are in dispute and to encourage them to come to an agreed solution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The post-Holocaust memoir: 20 years after 50 years later
Published 2017“…Hirsch (2012) defined postmemory as those memories of the Holocaust that the 'second generation' had of events that shaped their lives but took place before they were born. Post-postmemory, Karpf suggests, is the process whereby such narratives are themselves modified by subsequent events and re-readings brought about by three kinds of time - personal, historical and discursive. …”
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Resident engagement in the regeneration of social housing: the case of Woodberry down, London
Published 2019“…Nonetheless, the residents’ association has influenced the regeneration in terms of the offers of rehousing to existing residents and in terms of maintaining their sense of place. However, many leaseholders have been displaced and there is an ongoing struggle to ensure that there is not a net loss of social rented housing. …”
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Developing mental health services in the global south
Published 2019“…This paper outlines the diversity of medical and healing systems indigenous to many regions of the world and their under-development and suppression during colonialism; describes briefly social and cultural changes that have taken place in the Global South after de-colonisation, resulting in varying degrees of a plurality (in terms of cultural style) of mental health systems currently available; summarizes important general principles of post-colonial development in the Global South; and, finally, points to ways of mental health and wellbeing development in the Global South by drawing on the example of Sri Lanka where the author was involved in a four-year research and capacity building project between 2007 and 2012. …”
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"This is so cool - radio at my fingertips!" Young people’s responses to Radio Garden
Published 2021“…These include a need to escape from the ‘sameness’ of confinement, and the pleasure of random encounters with music, language and place.…”
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Book Section -
Room temperature DBN initiated phospha‐Brook rearrangement of α‐hydroxyphosphonates to phosphates
Published 2022“…Based on the low temperature 31P‐NMR, the mechanism of the phospha‐Brook rearrangement is proposed to take place via an oxaphosphirane intermediate.…”
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Initiation, marketing and branding of smart city projects: a study of decision processes
Published 2023“…An argumentative narrative discourse methodology was employed to analyse the interview transcripts, which revealed a number of disparities between the suggestions of extant place branding literature and current practice where smart city projects were concerned.…”
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The application of the European Railway policy to the Hellenic Railways: an opportunity for effective operation?
Published 2007“…Finally, a new organizational model of the Hellenic Railways will be offered, indicating the changes that have to take place and the stages that have to be followed. This model has the specific objectives of achieving a successful implementation of the reformed Hellenic Railway Network.…”
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