Ergonomics evaluation of workplace at car tyre service centre
Published 2009“…From questionnaire survey findings, the twelve (12) of respondents have body discomfort in the neck (8 each), shoulder (10 each), elbow/forearm (9 each), hand/wrist (11 each), knee (7 each), lower leg (7 each) ankle/foot (4 each) and lower back (9 each). …”
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Documentation, anti-aging activities and phytochemical profiling of selected medicinal plants used by Jakun women in Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor
Published 2017“…The presence of catechol and quinic acid in U. micrantha extract might possibly contribute to anti-aging activities of the extract. These findings could become baseline for the exploration of novel anti-aging agents from natural source by using the traditional knowledge of indigenous people.…”
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Sensitivity and specificity of waist circumference as a single screening tool for identification of overweight and obesity among Malaysian adults
Published 2011“…Waist circumference cut-off points to identify obese subjects (BMI≥30 kg/m 2) was 93.2cm (sensitivity=86.5%, specificity=85.7%) for men and 85.2cm (sensitivity=77.9%, specificity=78.0%) for women. Our findings demonstrated that the current recommended waist circumference cut-off points have low sensitivity for identification of overweight and obesity in men. …”
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Primary oral health care: Reason for seeking treatment for oral health problems at three primary care clinics of Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2013“…Association between reason for seeking treatment at primary care clinics and awareness on oral health services was also analysed. Findings: Although, 56% of the reasons for seeking treatment for oral health problems at primary care clinics were non-specific answers same as reason for encounters, significant answers reflecting nature of primary care practices such as easily accessibility to primary care clinics (17%), preferring to and requiring services provided by primary care physicians because of co-morbidity with medical diseases (12%) and getting emergency services (5%) were noticed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Regeneration of human body parts via tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: a brief insight into the technology from Islamic perspective
Published 2015“…Most of T.E.R.M. related studies indicated promising research findings in tissue reconstruction and regeneration. …”
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Endophytic Streptomyces SUK10: its molecular characteristic and bioactivity against malaria parasite
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Proceeding Paper -
موقف الإمام الزمخشري من شفاعة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحاب الكبائر دراسة تحليلية = The position of Imam al-Zamakhshari regarding the intercession of the Prophet (s.a.w.) for tho...
Published 2015“…Among the most important findings of this research is that Imam al-Zamakhshari believed that the intercession mentioned in the Qur’an refers only to the elevation in status and increase in reward for the believers, whereas the transgressors and those who committed major sins will remain forever in the hellfire. …”
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Two isolated crystalline solids from the stem of Entada spiralis Ridl.(akar Sintok) = Pemencilan dua jenis pepejal kristal dari batang pokok Entada spiralis (Akar Sintok)
Published 2016“…The results revealed that these two crystalline solid sugars isolated from the most active fraction were known as penta-2-acetoxy-β-D-digitoxopyranosyl-(1→2)-fructofuranosyl-(6→4)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)- glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D fructofuranosyl-(6→1)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(4→1)-acetylglucosamine (1) and β,D-glucopyranosyl(1→2)-β,D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→3)-β,D-xylopyranosyl(1→4)-α,L-rhamnopyranosyl)-(1→3)-β,D- glucopyranosyl(1→3)- β,D-glucopyranoside (2) Thus, this finding can be utilized as a scientific baseline information for further skin disease studies, since both constituents were isolated from moderate antidermatophytic active fraction. …”
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Molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of pioglitazone therapy in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
Published 2009“…It is unclear at present as to the mechanism by which Pioglitazone therapy increases lipogenic transcription factor levels. These findings may reflect the improved whole body insulin sensitivity observed in the Pioglitazone treated group. …”
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Religious fasting: an alternative approach to improve hyperlipidaemia
Published 2012“…The statistics were performed using MINITAB statistical software (release 8.2). Findings: The serum triglyceride concentration was significantly reduced and the reduction was 17.48 percent from day 1-21. …”
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Antimicrobial combination effects between curcuminoids and ampicillin against standard and clinical strains of staphylococcus aureus
Published 2009“…TLC bioautographic assay has revealed these curcuminoids as the responsible compounds in the fraction that act synergistically with ampicillin. The finding suggests that curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin are promising synergistic agents for antimicrobial combination therapy with ampicillin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The SCIDOTS Project: evidence of benefits of an integrated tobacco cessation intervention in tuberculosis care on treatment outcomes
Published 2011“…Conclusion: This study provides evidence that connecting TB-tobacco treatment strategy is significant among TB patients who are smokers. The findings suggest that the integrated approach may be beneficial and confer advantages on short-term outcomes and possibly on future lung health of TB patients who quit smoking. …”
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