Assessment on the average participation versus bialek’s methods for transmission pricing methodologies
Published 2019“…Meanwhile, by using Bialek’s method the power contribution of each user to each line is not uniform since there are transmission lines that indicate no power injection from generators and loads. …”
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Thesis -
Microwave milk pasteurization system using coaxial slot radiator
Published 2024Get full text
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Treatment of natural rubber wastewater using oil palm empty fruit bunch, kaolin and zeolite as composite adsorbent
Published 2018“…The fixed-bed adsorption performances were evaluated by varying the influent flow rate (2, 2.5 and 3 mL/min) while the adsorption kinetics was analysed using Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Adam-Bohart kinetic models. …”
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Keberkesanan penggunaan CD-atlas elektronik dalam meningkatkan prestasi dan minat pelajar dalam mata pelajaran geografi
Published 2011“…Ujian pra, ujian pasca dan soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian.Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan ujian-t dan statistik deskriptif.Kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan CD-Atlas Elektronik dapat menarik minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Geografi.Statistik skor min menunjukkan minat pelajar berada pada tahap tinggi. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Simultaneous extraction and fractionation of pufa from tropical tuna (thunnus tongol) head using pressure swing technique of supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2)
Published 2012“…The dry and grinded sample was pressurised with pure CO2 and then soaked in the vessel for 1 hrs, and extracted continuously for 20 min at optimal conditions of 35 MPa, 65 oC, 3 ml min-1. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of CNTs production using full factorial design and its advanced application in protein purification
Published 2010“…The statistical analysis reveals that the optimized conditions for the best CNTs yield production at 850°C reaction temperature, 60 min reaction time, with gas flow rates at 40 and 150 ml/min for C2H2 and H2, respectively. …”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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Equilibrium and Mechanism of Removal of Total Dissolved Solids and Hardness by Adsorption onto Neem Seed Powder Adsorbent
Published 2023“…The samples subsequently are left without disturbance for 30 min. The level of total dissolved solids has been measured with a TDS meter, hardness, and calcium using the titration method and magnesium with a different method. …”
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Performance properties optimization of triaxial ceramic-palm oil fuel ash by employing Taguchi design and flower pollination algorithm
Published 2018“….% of unground POFA, pressed at 2 t, and sintered at 1200 °C for 300 min of soaking time. In the meantime, both linear and interaction approach of FPA developed following optimal parameters: 5 wt.% of ground POFA, pressed at 4 t, and sintered at 1200 °C for 300 min of soaking time. …”
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Thesis -
Pembinaan dan penilaian program rekabentuk rasuk keluli (PRRK) sebagai alat kognitif dalam pembelajaran rekabentuk struktur di kalangan pelajar diploma kejuruteraan awam KUiTTHO
Published 2002“…Keputusan skor min menunjukkan isi PRKK adalah baik, bersifat mesra pengguna dan mempunyai sifat kebolehlaksanaan. …”
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Thesis -
Empirical analysis of rough set categorical clustering techniques based on rough purity and value set
Published 2017“…The recent techniques such as Information-Theoretic Dependency Roughness (ITDR), Maximum Dependency Attribute (MDA) and Maximum Significance Attribute (MSA) outperformed their predecessor approaches like Bi-Clustering (BC), Total Roughness (TR), Min-Min Roughness (MMR), and standard-deviation roughness (SDR). …”
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Thesis -
Keberkesanan penggunaan edubase dalam kalangan pelajar teknikal yang berbeza gaya kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor di Politeknik Malaysia
Published 2017“…Namun, skor min menunjukkan kumpulan rawatan memberikan skor yang lebih cemerlang dan minat mereka juga turut meningkat dalam topik pembelajaran tersebut berbanding pelajar yang mengaplikasikan pembelajaran secara konvensional. …”
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Thesis -
Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction (UAE) for enhanced recovery of bioactive phenolic compounds from cosmos caudatus leaves
Published 2021“…The effect of the extraction conditions was studied and optimised such as the solid-liquid ratio (10 to 30 g/ml), particle size (180 to 850 μm) and extraction time (20 to 30 min). Quercitrin and total phenolic content (TPC) were the selected response variables in this study. …”
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