Architecture, sinon repression: a journey through the narrow layer where the State meets the land
Published 2011“…Striation is the result of the intervention of man who, while colonising a territory, drew lines on it like on a wax tablet. This intervention progressively created homogeneity and facilitated movement through the territory. …”
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Book Section -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…This was achieved using stepped impedance lines (SIL). No isolators were necessary using the proposed technique. …”
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Thesis -
A Broadband Out-of-Phase Gysel Power Divider Based on a Dual-Band Circuit With a Single Fixed Isolation Resistor
Published 2016“…Based on the double-sided parallel-strip lines with an inserted conductor as a virtual ground, a high power divider with dual-band/broadband response and frequencyindependent 180 degree phase difference between the output ports is implemented in this paper. …”
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Multiband antenna for portable device applications
Published 2015“…The proposed antenna consists of a combination of E-shaped and C-shaped radiators that are excited via a common microstrip feed-line. Embedded in the ground-plane are included an open- and short-ended slots whose purpose is to enhance the antenna's impedance match and increase the number of bands in which the antenna can operate. …”
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Mutual-coupling isolation using embedded metamaterial EM bandgap decoupling slab for densely packed array antennas
Published 2019“…The proposed MTM-EMBG structure is a cross-shaped microstrip transmission line on which are imprinted two outward facing E-shaped slits. …”
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An innovative and simpleiImpedance matching network using stacks of metasurface sheets to suppress the mismatch between antennas and RF front-end transceivers circuits
Published 2021“…The MTS based impedance matching network is modeled as a transmission-line loaded with shunt and series capacitances and inductances, respectively. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Applicability of industry 4.0 technologies in the adoption of global reporting initiative standards for achieving sustainability
Published 2021“…It epitomizes the global best practice of triple bottom line, i.e., economic, environmental, and social impacts. …”
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Constant domain-regulated antibody catalysis
Published 2012“…The findings indicate a favorable effect of the remote IgM constant domain scaffold on the integrity of the V-domain catalytic site and provide a structural basis for conceiving antibody catalysis as a first line immune function expressed at high levels prior to development of mature IgG class antibodies.…”
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The way forward for the origin of life: prions and prion-like molecules first hypothesis
Published 2021“…This genetics-first hypothesis asserts that an “RNA-world era” came before protein-based chemical evolution and rests on a singular premise that molecules such as RNA, acetyl-CoA, and NAD are relics of a long line of chemical evolutionary processes preceding the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). …”
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Social workers' experience of work under changing administrative forms: an empirical and theoretical critique of Braverman
Published 1985“…Although social workers may wish to reduce the uncertainty surrounding child abuse practice, and despite management's desire to limit practitioner discretion, there remains an inevitable core of uncertainty in the nature of the work which generates the requirement for judgment on the part of the front-line worker. Braverman's approach proved too deterministic to cope with these questions. …”
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Thesis -
Transition rate diagrams - a new approach to the study of selective excitation processes: the spectrum of manganese in a Grimm-type glow discharge
Published 2014“…A list of important Mn I and Mn II lines excited in the glow discharge plasma is given.…”
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Flexible antenna design for wearable telemedicine applications
Published 2023“…In this article, an antenna design is presented based on three horizontally staggered microstrip lines for wearable telemedicine devices. The antenna is excited through a 50-ohm microstrip line. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Community-Based Counterterrorism
Published 2017“…However, despite those advances, the threat of violent extremism remains high with little sign of abatement. Moreover, since 9/11 governments around the globe are increasingly focusing on the threat within. …”
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Improved goals, action plans, planning ahead and reflection : students’ self-assessment of coaching
Published 2005“…Having trained MBA leadership students as coaches, Hunt and Weintraub (2004) found that coaching promoted self-awareness, refection and engagement with the process, and most effective coaches were reflective practitioners (Schõn, 1983), since they reflected and developed knowledge. In a study measuring the relative effects of external, peer or self-coaching, MBA students coached by external coaches developed a higher degree of team-playing behaviour, and those who were coached by the external coach or self-coached showed improved grades (Sue-Chan and Latham, 2004). …”
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The Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration - Structural Shortcomings in an Experimental Form of International Governance
Published 2008“…Depending on the political agenda, the focus of attention in the relationship between the United States (US) and Europe shifts between policy fields. Since the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, differences between the responses of the US and the European Union (EU)2 to the new global security situation and the related ‘Global War on Terrorism’ have been most prominent and have diverted attention from other policy fields. …”
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Channel 4 and Celebrity Big Brother 2007: multiculturalist or segregationist?
Published 2007“…It is proposed that these two areas provide an understanding of the increasing legitimacy given to social segregation of ethnic minority communities since 9/11 and 7/7. The paper suggests that the contemporary understandings of multiculturalism and social segregation have to be foreground, when analysing entertainment programmes such as CBB 2007.…”
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Re-examining the decline in the US saving rate : the impact of mortgage equity withdrawal
Published 2012“…In this paper we examine the role of mortgage equity withdrawal in explaining the decline of the US saving rate, since when house prices rise and mortgage rates are low, homeowners have an incentive to withdraw housing equity and this may affect the saving rate. …”
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