Unfinished architecture: urban continuity in the age of the complete
Published 2015“…'How can anything ever present itself truly to us since its synthesis is never completed? How could I gain the experience of the world, as I would of an individual actuating his own existence, since none of the views or perceptions I have of it can exhaust it and the horizons remain forever open?' …”
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Book Section -
A scoping review of qualitative research on perceptions of one’s own alcohol use
Published 2020“…Most studies were conducted since 2010, with the rate of publications increasing since 2014. …”
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Article -
The Radio Garden: private pleasures and public benefits
Published 2021“…The launch in December 2016 of the Radio Garden, an output of the EU-funded Transnational Radio Encounters project, attracted a social media storm and hundreds of millions of page views. Since then, the number of visits has not significantly decreased. …”
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Becoming 'NEET': an exploration of marginalised young people’s trajectories and experiences
Published 2019“…Significantly, all of the participants had been continuously NEET since the age of 18, with 12 of them NEET since the age of 16, and with none of them having been in employment since the age of 16. …”
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Thesis -
Low magnetic field exposure alters prostate cancer cell properties
Published 2024“…This study investigated the effects of LMF exposure (20 nT) by magnetic shielding on the prostate cancer cell line PC3 compared to the prostate epithelial cell line PNT2 under short-term (4 h) conditions. …”
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Article -
Using Passive Strategies to prevent overheating and promote resilient buildings
Published 2016“…This paper assesses the likelihood of a model dwelling in London overheating in line with climatic predictions for the year 2030, 2050 and 2080. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multi-Way and Poly-Phase Wideband Differential Phase Shifter Based on Metamaterial Technology
Published 2019“…This paper presents multi-way and poly-phase differential phase shifter (DPS) based on metamaterial technology to realize delay lines of equal length. The proposed phase shifter provides the required phase shift relative to the reference line over a wide bandwidth. …”
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Article -
Visual inference of arm movement is constrained by motor representations
Published 2015“…Our study highlighted a direction effect: endpoint prediction accuracy was better to infer the final position of horizontal motion directed toward the median line of human body. This finding suggests that the spatial prediction of endpoint is mapped onto implicit biomechanical knowledge such as joint limitation. …”
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Article -
How do counselling psychologists talk about doing therapy with working class clients in an IAPT setting?: a Foucauldian discourse analysis
Published 2020“…These discourses were explored in their historical and political contexts in line with FDA principles. Each discourse has implications for counselling psychologists, their working class clients, and wider society.…”
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Thesis -
A study on the sustainable financial inclusion in selected SAARC countries: a gender-based perspective
Published 2021“…The policy implications are further suggested in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).…”
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Article -
Fraudulent mediums and miracle-mongers: illusion, concealment and revelation in the works of Crivelli, Greenberg and Houdini
Published 2024“…This article aims to raise questions and comparisons between illusions found in pictorial language, magical apparatus and parafictions, illustrating the fine line between illusion and material, and concealment and revelation.…”
Article -
Values in education policy-making with special reference to the FE Teachers' salaries structure and to the MacFarlane review of 16-19 provision
Published 1988“…The methodology is described at the outset, since it explains why the two major studies were selected as providing the best sources for the work. …”
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Thesis -
Council of Europe withdraws from Chechnya
Published 2004“…Commentary on the Report by the Secretary General on the Presence of Council of Europe Experts in the Chechen Republic and overview of the situation since June 2000. SG/Inf(2004)3, 16 January 2004.…”
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Article -
On being in the wrong place: the role of children’s conceptual understanding and ballgame experience when judging a football player’s offside position
Published 2016“…In the offside position, a player takes advantage of being behind the defence line of the opposing team and just waits for the ball to arrive in order to score a goal. …”
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Article -
General methods for analyzing bounded proportion data
Published 2017“…The generalized Tobit GAMLSS model relaxes the underlying normal distribution assumption of the latent variable in the Tobit model to a very general class of distribution on the real line. The thesis also provides likelihood inference and diagnostic and model selection tools for these classes of models. …”
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Thesis -
Fuzzy logic application to searchable cryptography
Published 2020“…Besides, some PEKS schemes are not secure mainly because they are vulnerable to Off-line Keyword Guessing Attack (OKGA). This research paper incorporates with Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System to PEKS for supporting Fuzzy Keyword Search. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Breaking the cycle: media representations of victim-survivors and child abuse
Published 2019“…Many people look to the media for information on complex social issues - particularly more ‘private’ events such as sexual violence - and too often, onscreen representations fall in line with negative societal stereotypes around abusers and victims. …”
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