Where Russians go for news
Published 2022“…Some Russians are swallowing the official party line, believing that Putin is embroiled in a battle that began against Nazis and nationalists and now incorporates “terrorists” too, after the Kerch bridge attack. …”
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Article -
Nevertheless, she resisted: the body as a site of resistance in "The Autopsy of Jane Doe"
Published 2018“…Yet portraying misogyny and violence - especially sexual violence - on screen without replicating the messages that perpetuate these complex issues (such as that women’s bodies are objects for male pleasure, or that female sexual agency is deviant), is a tricky line for filmmakers to tread. Women’s bodies are often used as a site for horror, with bloody wounds interspersed with bare skin and sexualised scenarios and the complications of combining terror and titillation are still debated today. …”
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Bandwidth enhancement of dielectric resonator reflectarray antenna
Published 2014“…These results were validated using the transmission-line method.…”
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Opinion on the compatibility of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) with the European Convention on Human Rights & the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Published 2011“…It follows a request to find out “if the final Version of ACTA and its foreseen legislative procedure is in line with the Treaties of the European Union and which legal possibilities there are for the European Parliament to challenge this in front of the European Court of Justice.” …”
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Monograph -
Book review: The urban enigma: time, autonomy and postcolonial transformation in Latin America by Simone Vegliò
Published 2023“…The book discusses the projects’ ambitions in line with the vision of modernity at their time while contrasting their aims with the demands of social inclusion, justice, and the continuation of colonial ideas.…”
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Article -
A review on shoreline detection framework using remote sensing satellite image
Published 2017“…Shoreline is usually defined as the intersection of the land with the water surface of the mean high water line with the beach profile. In relation, most research in recent years has set the focus on remote sensing which makes it possible to collect data on this shoreline areas. …”
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Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy experimentation and applications
Published 2020“…Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is one of the highly potential techniques to compete in this competitive arena for rapid elemental analysis which can be further used for real-time composition monitoring in the production line, post-production inspection, scrap sorting and even for classification of biological samples. …”
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Book Section -
The mediating effect of positive and negative religious coping, compassion and resilience on the relationship between negative life events and wellbeing among women in Kenya, the P...
Published 2025“…Positive religious coping was linked to higher resilience and then higher wellbeing, whereas negative religious coping was linked to lower resilience and then lower wellbeing. …”
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Article -
The construction of political identities: young Europeans' deliberation on 'the public good'
Published 2021Get full text
Book Section -
Situating the citole, c.1200-1400
Published 2010“…This work verifies and refines the definition of citole by examining three texts which link the terms citole, sitola and citola to illustrations of necked chordophones with a holly-leaf shaped body outline. …”
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Thesis -
Proactive chatbot framework based on the PS2CLH model: an AI-Deep Learning chatbot assistant for students
Published 2022Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Identification of probe request attacks in WLANs using neural networks
Published 2014Get full text
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Parents’ narratives toward smoking in the home following a second-hand smoke story-telling education intervention
Published 2023“…There is a strong link between cigarette smoking and socio-economic status, with threequarters of children living in disadvantaged communities being exposed to second-hand smoke. …”
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The perceived effects of spirituality, work-life integration and mediating role of work passion to millennial or gen Y employees’ mental health
Published 2022“…Purpose – This paper aims to examine the link between spirituality, work-life integration, work passion and mental health among millennial employees. …”
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