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The impact of founder personalities on startup success
Published 2023“…Startups are a vital source of innovation, yet the most innovative are also the least likely to survive. The probability of success of startups has been shown to relate to several firm-level factors such as industry, location and the economy of the day. …”
Journal article -
Communication in the workplace: request mitigations in Instant Messaging (IM) among native Malay speakers
Published 2024“…Unfortunately, studies on requests among native Malay speakers have mainly focused on request cores, neglecting the investigation of request supportive moves. …”
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Discovery of COVID-19 protein inhibitors in phenolic acids of azadirachta indica (neem) using docking and pharmacokinetics
Published 2024“…The most attractive antiviral targets of SARS-CoV-2 are the spike protein and main protease (Mpro). In this work, sixteen phenolic acids of Azadirachta indica were docked into the active site of the spike protein and Mpro. …”
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The triple, quadruple, and quintuple helix models: A bibliometric analysis and research agenda
Published 2024“…This literature review integrates thematic groups from different analyses to offer a holistic picture of the current state-of-the-art, designing its main approaches and offering future field trends. …”
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An overview on effectiveness of activation functions in processing medical images
Published 2024“…In additions, the study illustrates overview of which activation functions yield optimal results. The Main results contribute how to select best activation functions that suits most accurate and efficient medical image classification basedon this overview, any researcher can choose best activation function after reading this overview.…”
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Urban Swarms: A new approach for autonomous waste management
Published 2019“…Swarm robotics systems have been attracting an increasing amount of attention in the past years and they are expected to become one of the main driving factors for innovation in the field of robotics. …”
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Partnership Ties Shape Friendship Networks: A Dynamic Social Network Study
Published 2021“…We find that partnership ties strongly shape the dynamic process of friendship formation. They are a main driver of local network clustering and explain a striking amount of homophily.…”
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Dynamic O(Arboricity) Coloring in Polylogarithmic Worst-Case Time
Published 2024Get full text
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Mucins regulate virulence and colonization factors in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Published 2024“…Mucin glycoproteins, the main gel-forming component of mucus, have emerged as multifaceted regulators of microbial physiology and microbial communities. …”
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Thesis -
NBA Sleep Tracking Data Imputation
Published 2024“…Motivated by existing work on time series data imputation, four main techniques are evaluated: K-Nearest Neighbors Regression, Linear Interpolation, Linear Regression, and Quadratic Regression. …”
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Thesis -
Positive traces and analytic Langlands correspondence
Published 2024“…On the other side there is joint spectrum of certain operators on L²(Bun subscript G), called Hecke operators, where Bun subscript G is the variety of stable parabolic G-bundles on X and L²(Bun subscript G) is a Hilbert space of square-integrable half-densities. We prove most of the main conjectures of analytic Langlands correspondence in the case when G=PGL₂(C) and X either a genus one curve with points or X is P¹ with higher structures at points.…”
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Thesis -
Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps
Published 2024“…As a first step towards the asymptotic analysis of random hives, we show that if the eigenvalues are drawn from the GUE ensemble, then the associated augmented hives exhibit concentration as n → ∞ . Our main ingredients include a representation due to Speyer of augmented hives involving a supremum of linear functions applied to a product of Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes; known results by Klartag on the KLS conjecture in order to handle the aforementioned supremum; covariance bounds of Cipolloni–Erdős–Schröder of eigenvalue gaps of GUE; and the use of the theory of determinantal processes to analyze the GUE minor process.…”
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Continuous separation of multiple particles by negative and positive dielectrophoresis in a modified H-filter
Published 2014“…The multiple insulating blocks fabricated along the main channel induce spatially nonuniform electric fields which exert differential repulsive (negative) or attractive (positive) DEP forces on particles, depending on the size and the polarizability of particles relative to their suspending medium. …”
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Journal Article -
发展、改造与转型 :虎豹别墅经营理念的变化 (1937-2020)
Published 2020“…This article will be focusing on Haw Par Villa, gathering and analyzing its historical progress. The main objective of the project is the change of operating concept of Haw Par Villa, based on the methods adopted by the management. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
I remember your name : examining the effects of individuation training on racial bias in preschoolers
Published 2020“…Individuation training involved learning to identify Indian males by their unique names and facial features, while the filler task was an unrelated colouring activity of equivalent duration. We obtained three main findings that were consistent with our hypotheses: 1) preschoolers generally display a significant implicit and explicit biases favouring their own race, 2) training preschoolers to individuate other race resulted in significantly greater reductions in implicit racial bias than compared to a filler task, and 3) training preschoolers to individuate other race did not reduce their explicit racial bias to a greater extent than a filler task. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
medTrack : a medication and appointment adherence system
Published 2020“…All these technological advancements have made the industry to become the fastest growing industry in the data generation. Today, one of the main challenges that the healthcare industry faced is medication and appointment nonadherence which has impacted the industry severely in terms of numbers of deaths and cost. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Stability of continuous-time positive switched linear systems : a weak common copositive Lyapunov functions approach
Published 2020“…However, asymptotically stable positive switched systems may not admit strong common CLFs. The main contribution of this paper is to study the stability problem by requiring only weak common CLFs. …”
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Journal Article -
Flow structures in evolving scour holes caused by a plunging jet downstream of a weir
Published 2020“…The turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) dissipated along the main jet direction. As the scour hole developed, the regions of significant TKE moved successively away from the bed with a reduction in scour rate. …”
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Journal Article -
Life and dyeing : floral escapes
Published 2020“…Life and Dyeing: Floral Escapes is a multi-pronged approach consisting of four main components - (1) visual, through orchid paper curtain, dress garment and dance performance (2) auditory, through soundscape derived from plants (3) olfactory, through orchid paper curtains (4) tactile, through orchid paper curtains. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)