Effect of differential spoiler settings (DSS) on the wake vortices of a wing at high-lift-configuration (HLC)
Published 2011“…The model was investigated at a high lift configuration (called base-line configuration) and at two different DSSs believed to modify the base-line wingspan loading. …”
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Car style recognition 1990-2010
Published 2015“…The aim of this research is to identify the user recognition towards the car style in the market line up. To study the car style line up, a certain duration of the period that can show the car style changes need to be observed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
I woke and said in my joy...
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Ephemera -
Hijab wearing among Malay women in Malaysia: media or social influence?
Published 2013“…This study was conducted to find out the perception of Muslim women on the extent to which media and people surrounding them influence their hijab (head cover) wearing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Banks total factor productivity change in a developing economy: does ownership and origins matter?
Published 2011“…On the other hand, the empirical findings seem to reject the ‘liability of unfamiliarness’ hypothesis.…”
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Financial disruptions and bank productivity growth: evidence from the Malaysian experience
Published 2009“…The non-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) is used to compute individual banks’ productivity levels. We find that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress due to the decline in efficiency. …”
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Synthesis, characterisation and biological activities of 2-Methylbenzyl 2-(dipyridin-2-yl methylene)hydrazinecarbodithioate
Published 2011“…The Schiff base was found to be inactive against selected microbes and two breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 = Human breast cancer cell line with positive estrogen receptor and MDA-MB-231 = Human breast cancer cell line with negative estrogen receptor). …”
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Multiband planar antennas for broadband wireless systems
Published 2017“…Pure LH transmission lines cannot be implemented due to the existence of RH parasitic effects that occur naturally in practical LH transmission lines. …”
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Book Section -
Wideband sub-6 GHz self-grounded bow-tie antenna with new feeding mechanism for 5G communication systems
Published 2019“…The antenna consists of two petal shaped metal structures that are interconnected to each other with a microstrip line. The petals are anchored on a common ground-plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The adequacy of remedies in consumer transactions: special study in the motor vehicle repair and service industry in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Only 26.8% wants money as compensation. This finding provides evidence that the demand ofconsumers are not in line with the remedies provided under the contract laws where do not provide for the remedy of specific performance or remedy of repairing the defect unless in limited circumstances. …”
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The Poisson Regression and Quasi-Poisson Regression Analysis on FIFA World Cup Games
Published 2023“…Utilizing a dataset from Kaggle, originally sourced from the official FIFA website, the findings consistently associate variables such as goal inside the penalty area, goal outside the penalty area, left inside channel, right channel, attempted defensive line breaks, completed defensive line breaks, yellow cards, passes, and own goals with a raised probability of number of goals. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Impact of cable bleeding towards cable characteristics and performance in VDSL2 ang g.fast technologies
Published 2020“…The application of copper cable in broadband services using very high-speed digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (VDSL2) (30a) has been proven to offer up to 50 Mbps upstream (US) and 100 Mbps downstream (DS) bandwidths at lower than 1 km distance. …”
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Thesis -
Informational content of short interest (EBES 2011)
Published 2011“…We also find the larger the increase in short interest, the more negative is the abnormal returns. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Predicting Financial Distress based on Corporate Actions
Published 2016“…Furthermore, we also find that Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio and Asset Turnover Ratio are reliable predictors of financial distress among the accounting ratios.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Opening the Black Box on bank efficiency in China: does economic freedom matter?
Published 2011“…By examining different dimensions of economic freedom, we find that not all are equally regressive on bank efficiency. …”
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Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Activities of Garcinia Eugenifolia and Calophyllum Enervosum
Published 2007“…The cytotoxicity assay on MCF7 cell line showed that enervosanone was found to be active in inhibiting cell proliferation of MCF7 with IC50 of 1.07 mM.…”
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Article -
A constructivist grounded theory analysis of how counselling psychologists experience anti Muslim prejudice
Published 2020“…Furthermore, the findings outline recommendations from participants and research which has shown that AMP practices cannot continue to be ignored and the need to move towards preventative and proactive measures in line with social justice work to help reduce such negative experiences from repeating for current and future generations of Muslims.…”
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Thesis -
Blackpool Tower's Irish fun weekend
Published 1998“…Notice advertising a weekend including an Irish party night, a line dancing afternoon and a concert by Daniel O'Donnell to be held in Blackpool on 27-28 February. …”
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Ephemera -
Novel narrowband microstrip filters for wireless communications systems
Published 2010“…The analysis and modelling methods for these resonators includes a transmission-line theory, ABCD matrix, and EM simulation based on method of moments. …”
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Thesis -
Handwritten Arabic word/character recognition : common approaches
Published 2011“…Letters are joined together along the writing line to form words or sub-words. The Arabic Alphabet has 28 letters, each with two to four shapes. …”
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Book Chapter